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"You're sleeping with this guy? What a skank you are!" My father laughed at me as he pushed me back further and further until I ran into Kian. "I told you, no guys in the house, and look at you. It's your first night and you already have someone in your bed. Don't. Break. My. Fucking. Rules." He spat, pushing be back at every word. I fell to the ground, but that didn't stop him. He's so mad at me. It's like he wants me dead.

I pushed Kian away from his grip and ended up falling on to the floor. "Emma?" He asked in sincere confusion. "I-I'm sorry.. I'm sorry.. I shouldn't push you away.. I'm sorry.. Please.. Don't.. I'm sorry.. I'll sleep down here.. I'm sorry." I said in pure terror. "What are you talking about?" He asked, still in a calm voice. I started to scoot away from him. "Emma, it's me. You're fine." His voice is deep. Almost terrifying. I backed away from him until I hit my wall and he slowly approached me.
"Hey.." He said reaching out his hand and lightly cupping my face. I flinched at first and stayed tense. "It's okay, Emma. I'm not mad at you." My heart dropped. It feels good hearing him say that. His warm hand pressed against my cheek also feels good and I try to calm myself down as my breathing gets slower and slower.
After he notices I approve of his hand being on my cheek, he scoots closer and removes his hand from me, causing a sudden coldness.
I looked up at him before wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling my body towards his. Now he's shirtless. I guess he took off his shirt after I fell asleep. This time his hug is even warmer when my face stays buried in his bare chest.
"I'm gonna go back to my room.. I'm sorry I scared you." He said pulling away and leaving me alone on the floor. "Kian," I barely whispered, but he didn't hear me. My body's numb. I can't move. I want him back here. I want him to hug me again.
I lightly sobbed as I pulled myself towards his room directly beside mine. "Kian," I whispered agin. Wait, I can't bother him.. he'll get mad.
Deciding not to bother him, and realizing how tired I am, I fell asleep on the hallway floor in front of his room.

I woke up in my bed again at 7:30. I don't know how I got here, but it doesn't matter because I decided I'm gonna make the boys breakfast, so I can please Kian.
An hour after cooking, the boys ended up downstairs and waiting at the table. Kian hasn't said anything to me yet. Nothing.
I shook it off and brought out three plates of bacon, toast, and eggs. Jc's face lit up as soon as his plate was placed in front of him. But when I gave Kian his plate with a slight smile, he grabbed my wrist and looked me in the eyes. "You burnt my fucking toast." He spat causing my heart to basically shatter into pieces. "I-I'm sorry.. I'll go make you more." I said physically shaking. Kian nodded in agreement and I quickly went back into the kitchen. "God Kian, why do you have to be so mean to her?" I faintly heard Jc ask. "You can tell she's already scared of you. Just ask her nicely instead of giving her a heart attack every time you speak." He sounds upset and I slightly smile at his words.
When I peeked out of the door, Kian remanded quiet. His facial expression didn't change. I knew last night didn't actually happen. It was just a dream. I mean, he can't just change. And how did I end up in my bed again if I fell asleep in the hallway?
The toast popped back up and my hands shook as I took the plate out to Kian. He didn't say anything and I let out a sigh of relief.
"I'm gonna take Emma shopping today, will you be joining?" Jc asked slightly smiling at me. "Why the hell are you taking the bitch shopping? She can buy her own clothes!" Kian spat and I stood frozen in between both of them. "Kian, she doesn't have any clothes. Do you want her to look homeless?" Jc questioned. "She can wear whatever she wants, I don't care about her." His words choked me up even though I should have expected it. Last night didn't happen the way my mind wanted it to and I'm sure he'll hurt me the minute he gets a chance.
"Y-you don't have to get me anything, Jc." I added as I quietly stood there. "Well I want to, and I'm going to. It's the least I could do for this amazing food." I weakly smiled at him then he said "So, are you coming or not? We're leaving in 10." I quickly glanced at Kian then he said "Well, I guess I could help pick out some panties and bras.. I mean, I am gonna see her in them so why not like them." I shifted uncomfortably then I looked at Kian with his lip between his teeth and eyes starring me down.

When we got to the mall, Jc handed me a small card. "Here, it's for you. There's only $500 on if for now, but I'm not necessarily flushed with cash." I looked at it in my hand and sighed. "Jc, I can't take this. Kian will kill me."
"Is it Kian's money, or mine?"
"Right. So, we'll be around the store and get me when you're ready to go. Okay?" He asked with his hand lightly resting on my shoulder. I nodded and entered forever21, scanning the large store filled with good clothes.
I've only been in here a few times and I have a sweater from here, in fact it's the one I'm wearing now.

The stores pretty much empty considering it's a Thursday morning, so I found my clothes easily, and refrained from any anxiety attacks.
After I checked out, I found Jc on the other side of the store with a small bag. "Are you ready, babe?" He asked with a warm smile. I nodded and he gathered Kian.
"Where to next?" Jc asked. "Victoria Secret." Kian said with a smirk. "Gotta help my baby girl pick out some nice panties." My heart pounded fast and I stayed close to Jc as we walked to the store I dread.

"I can take her from here." Kian said snaking his arm around my waist and pulling me away from Jc. I stared at him with wide eyes, but Kian tugged me further and further away.
Eventually I gave in and he went straight for the lingerie. "Now, we need to find you something slutty, but cute." I wanted to throw up at his words and run away as far as possible.
He picked out multiple things I never would have picked out myself and whispered in my ear multiple times before heading towards the bras.
"I can't wait to see you in this." He whispered coldly while holding up a small piece of fabric. My breathing quickened at his choice of words and he smirked. "Your innocence is so damn sexy." I ignored his comment and waited for him to continue with his shopping when he suddenly pulled me towards the dressing room.

God no. What did I even do wrong? I haven't said anything other than my bra and underwear size.
Before heading in, he checked to make sure no one was looking, then as soon as he pulled me in, I was pinned up against the wall. A hard bulge pushed against my inner thigh and I finally realized why we're in here.
Even though I'm pinned against the wall from underneath him, he's being a little more gentle than last night. He held me at my waist then picked me up, to which I wrapped my arms around his neck and legs around his long torso.
"I want you so badly right now." His whispered with his lips almost touching mine.
Both of our breathing is heavy and even though I'm scared for my life, I somewhat want him too.

He removed his forehead from mine and I frowned before realizing his face is buried in my neck. Kian started sucking, biting, licking, and kissing me. I pulled him closer as I moaned in pleasure. "Shh babe, you gotta be quiet." He whispered into my neck. My heart beat got faster with every word he spoke. I'm trying so hard to be quiet, but I can't. It feels so damn good.
Soon enough, Kian brought his hand up to my face and stuck his thumb in my mouth. I started to lightly suck on it to keep my mouth shut and I can feel his excitement grow under me. I lightly moved my hips and he too let out a loud moan. "No, stop. Don't do that." He breathed against my neck causing me to realize the stinging sensation.
I kept my grinding at a minimum and he continued for a few more minutes until every spot on my neck and chest was covered by Kian's mouth.

I want more and I need more.

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