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We didn't speak the whole way home. Kian seems a bit frustrated and his knuckles are almost white from his grip on the wheel. My head is pounding and I just want it to stop.
After Kian parked the car, neither of us moved for a few minutes until Kian sighed and walked towards the house. I stayed in the car until it got too cold to bare and went inside.
Before going up to my room, I decided to grab a water from the kitchen. Glass is still scattered all over the floor and a few drops of blood is beside it. I closed my eyes and inhaled then exhaled heavily before grabbing a water and staring at it again. I need to clean it up. Kian will be mad if he sees this tomorrow.
"Emma?" Jc asked with a deep and raspy voice. "It's four in the morning, what are you doing?" I nearly had a heart attack when I heard his voice, but I calmed myself down and continued to carefully pick up the glass. "Kian's gonna be mad if he sees this tomorrow." I whispered. "Stop worrying about Kian. You need to worry about yourself," he said bending down beside me. "Do you feel okay? Does you head hurt? When was the last time you took an aspirin? Have you been drinking a lot of water?" He asked with his hand on my back. "I'm fine," I lied. "I was just about to go to sleep, I just needed some water." Jc grabbed my hands lightly and pulled me up. "You can't sleep, okay? I need you to stay awake for a few more hours. Come on, let's go up to the roof. Do you like coffee?" He asked, slightly looking down at me. "I've never had it." I whispered. "Then what are you waiting for?" He let go of my hands and starting to make coffee.

Jc took me up to the roof with a few blankets and two cups of coffee and we talked for a few hours about almost everything until about 6:30am when the sun began to rise.
"I have a friend I want you to meet today. I'll ask him if he wants to come shopping with us later." Jc said with his arm around me for warmth. "Who is he?" I asked, finally trusting him. "His names Connor Franta. He used to be on the same channel as Kian and I. Trust me, he's a good guy." Jc smiled down at me. "So he's famous, like you two?" I asked. "Well yeah, I guess. Don't worry, he's nothing like Kian." That's good. I nodded as we watched the sun slowly creep up on the horizon.
I ended up in Jc's bed. I don't think anything happened but it's dark and smells like him in here. "Good morning, love." He said in a quiet voice after entering his room with pills in one hand and water in the other. "Here," he handed them to me with a smile.
After finishing the water I refrained from looking at him because he's in the middle of changing. "What happened last night?" I questioned, wide eyed after spotting his boxers on the floor beside us. "Don't worry, those are from two nights ago. And nothing. You ended up falling asleep on me while we were on the roof so I carried you down here and the doc said to wake you every two hours to make sure you're okay. So, are you okay?" He asked with a smile, still shirtless. "Uh, yeah. Thanks." I said in a low morning voice. "Good. Now get ready. We're going shopping in twenty with Connor." Connor. Who's Connor?
I slowly got up and the moment I stood, Jc engulfed me in a hug. "Everything's going to be okay." He whispered before letting me go. I nodded with a weak smile and quietly went up to my room, hoping I don't wake Kian up.
Smiling at my new clothes, I picked out a black shirt, black leggings, black shoes, a jean jacket, and a triangle necklace with a few bracelets.
"You look beautiful." Jc said twirling me around when I walked downstairs. "Yeah well I wish I didn't have to have this stupid wrap on my hand." I said, walking into the kitchen. The glass is gone. "Only a few more days with it on." Jc said, sipping his orange juice. I scoffed and grabbed an apple.
After we ate in silence, Jc and I got in the car and drove to Connor's house. I still don't know who he is, but I guess I'll find out soon. "I really hope you like him, he's one of my closest friends." Jc smiled at me through the mirror. I decided I'd sit in the back so he can sit by his friend.
We pulled up to a small house and Jc got out so I followed. "Welcome to my home!" Connor screamed with excitement when he opened the door. "You. Must. Be. Emma.. Welcome." He said pulling me in for a hug. "How are you? Can I get you a water? God, you are beautiful." He said after pulling away and holding me by the shoulders. "I'm fine, thank you." I can't help but smile at his attitude. "Good. That's just great. Shall we?" He asked motioning towards the door.

We went to the mall first and they took me to an Apple Store. "What do you guys need here?" I asked them. "We're getting you a phone, babe." Jc said walking over to the different phones being displayed. "No. Oh god no. I'm not letting you guys get me a phone." I said grabbing Jc's arm and pulling him out of the store. "Emma it's fine." He said, pulling me back into the store. "Yeah, it's the least I can do for you. You're dads an asshole and shouldn't have done that do you." Connor said. "What? You told him!" I almost yelled at Jc. "Emma calm down. He won't tell anyone." He leaned in to tell me to stop yelling. "God Jc! What if he does! What if my dad finds out other people know! He'll fucking kill me!" I whisper yelled. "I won't tell anyone. I promise." Connor said, putting a hand on my shoulder.
They ended up buying me a silver 6s plus. We fought for almost two hours about it, but I finally gave in. "Off to ikea!" Connor yelled after walking out of the store. We all heard faint screaming and when Con looked down to the floor below us, he motioned Jc and I to come over and see for ourselves. Girls. Everywhere. At least a hundred of them. Their screaming got louder when they spotted us. All of them have their phones pointed at us. I wrapped my arms around Jc's arm and buried my face into his chest when my head started pounding. "Is she okay?" I barely heard Connor ask. "I don't think so. We need to get her out of here." I felt Jc say. All of a sudden I'm being carried towards the escalator with my face buried into Jc's chest. A bunch of security guards are trying to hold the girls back as we get closer to them. Connor started yelling and it took them a few minutes to get quiet, but they did. "Listen, Emma has a concussion. You guys need to be quiet. If you don't get too loud, we'd love to meet all of you. Now please, stay quiet and form a line. We'll work this out. Give us a few minutes." Connor yelled.
A security guard came up to us and Jc greeted him. "Hey Ryan, listen, I need to get her somewhere to lay down. Can we use the break room?" He asked, his chest moving at every word. "Sure, follow me." Ryan said, leading us through the crowd. He took us to a small room with two couches. Jc laid me down on one of them and sat on the floor beside me. "Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded, slowly opening my eyes, causing a single tear to fall down my cheek. "I can't just leave all of them here. I'll get so much hate. Do you mind?" His hand is holding the side of my face. "I want to come with you." My voice cracked. "I don't want to be alone." He looks surprised. "Let's wait for your head to stop hurting, okay?"

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