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"Don't fucking move! You hear me! Don't fucking move! Turn around! Face the wall!" I faintly heard. What the fuck is that? Where's Kian? Fuck, my head hurts. "Where's the money! Where the fuck is the money!" An unfamiliar voice yelled again. "The desk. By Jc." Another unknown voice said. Where's Kian? "I have boys with guns outside! Don't fucking move! Give me the fucking money!"
Warm tears fell down my face and I pulled my knees up to my chest. Where is Kian.
Footsteps pounded the floors and I'm shaking. What if he comes in here? What if he has a gun? Where's Kian? "Jc!" I faintly heard. It's Kian. More screaming went on and I continued to cry in my bed. I need Kian. Or Jc. Or even Connor. He gives such good hugs. Someone's close.
"Hey guys, why's there a girl, who kinda looks like Sam, crying in here?" A tall boy with quiffed hair asked when he came in. I stayed frozen on my bed. "Emma," I heard Kian say before running into my room. "Hey, it's okay. It was just a prank. We're fine." He said after hugging me. I squeezed him tightly and sobbed into his shoulder. "Seriously Emma, we're okay." He whispered. "Hey, you're awake. Did you take your pill yet? How long have you been awake for? Did you.. Oh. You um, you heard the whole robbery thing." Jc said, also joining us. "Would someone like to explain to me why you have a girl who looks like sam living in your house?" The tall boy said again. "Ricky, this is Emma. Sam's twin sister." Kian said, pulling me towards him so I'm laying against his chest. "Sam has a twin? A twin sister? An extremely attractive twin sister?" Ricky asked. "Hey, back off, she's mine." Kian said, pecking my forehead. "Wait. Why is she here? And why didn't I know she existed?" Ricky asked, sitting down on my bed. "Can we tell him?" Jc asked me, I stayed silent for a few seconds. "My dad would always abuse me so I had to be homeschooled. I never left the house before this. Then Kian and Jc offered to keep me here while Sam's on a tr- tour." I said, surprising Kian. "Oh my god.. I had no idea. I-I'm sorry for scaring you." He said with sorrow. "No, it's fine. It's um.. It's fine."

I like Ricky. He's fun and sweet. We hung out for a few hours and he even helped me make dinner until Kian and I realized we have school tomorrow. So, Ricky left after eating with us and Kian helped Jc and I put together the furniture we bought yesterday.
It's 12:30 and I still can't sleep. I don't know what to expect tomorrow. What if everyone hates me? What if people recognize that I'm Sam's sister? What if my sleeve slips up and someone sees my bruises?
"Ki, I can't sleep." I whispered after walking into his room. He's still asleep. I quietly laid down beside him and his arms immediately wrapped around me, pulling my body close to his. "What's wrong?" He mumbled. "I'm scared." I also mumbled against his chest. "Emma," he sighed, shifting. "There's nothing to be scared of. It's just a few months of seeing assholes everyday then you're done. Forever. Trust me, love, you have nothing to worry about."

"Come on, babe, it's time to get up." Kian mumbled against my neck as he nibbled at it. "Ew no it's too early." I groaned. "Emma, you can't be late on your first day." He chucked, moving the hair out of my face. "Ugh fine." I said pulling away from his grip and slugging to my room.
I need to look good today, but not bring expectations up too much. So, I put on a pair of leggings, a flannel, and cute boots. Also I put on a little bit of makeup and smiled at myself in the mirror while looking at my outcome.
"I don't know about this, babe. I mean what if one of those assholes come up to you and do this?" Kian asked, squeezing my ass. "Kian!" I swat his hand away. "What? I'm giving you an example." He smirked. "Why do guys always think it's okay to squeeze our asses? What if someone just walked up to you and did this?" I asked him, sliding my palm down his crouch. "Woah woah woah. You can't do that." He trembled, grabbing my hand and pulling me close. "Why not?" I asked innocently. "Because I could fuck you on our kitchen counter right now. So please, don't do that." His face close enough to mine that I could feel his warm breath. "Why don't you then?" I asked him, wrapping my arms around his torso. His mouth stayed open, lost at words.
I chucked, pressing my lips against his. Suddenly Kian picked me up by the waist and set me down on the counter, deepening the kiss. "Emma, we need to go to school right now or I will fuck you." He panted. I nodded and grabbed his hand after getting off of the counter.

"Here we are," Kian said, pulling up to a large building. "Crescent High School." Students walked in, chatting with friends or sucking face. I looked over at Kian and he smiled at me before getting out of the car. When we met, side by side, I tried to grab his hand but he pulled away. Great.
"You must be Emma Pottorff," a lady at a desk in the front office said. "Nice to meet you!" I smiled at her as she gathered papers. Mrs. Mann. Lovely. "Do you know anyone here honey? I mean they could help you find classes and answer any questions you have." I scoffed because he left and she looked up at me. "Uh yeah I know Kian Lawley but-"
"Oh no honey, we'll get you someone else." She cut me off. "What? Why?" I asked, confused at her words. "Kian isnt necessarily our.. best student." She nervously gathered my papers. "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, slightly offended. "A lot of girls have reported him for.. assaulting them." Yep, that's my Kian. "How about I get you our greatest student, Anthony Slater?" She asked. "Uh yeah that's fine I guess."
Five minutes later there's a tall, muscular boy with a quiff and soft face standing beside me. "Hey, I'm Anthony." His voice wasn't as deep as I expected it to be but I like it. He's cute. Very cute. "It seems like Emma has almost all of the same classes with you, would you mind showing her around?" Mrs. Mann asked Anthony with her hand on his shoulder. "It would be an honor." He said motioning in front of him.

The day passed by pretty fast and I like most of my teachers so far, but there's one problem. Kian's in three of my classes and he looked pissed during every one of them.
"What the fuck was that about?" He yelled after I got in his car. "What was what about, Kian?" I asked innocently. "Why the fuck are you hanging out with Anthony Slater? I see the way he looks at you!" He yelled. "What Kian? What way? The way that actually means something? The one that shows he wants to actually know me instead of fuck me? Sorry for hanging out with someone who's actually nice to me!" I slightly raised my voice. "He doesn't give a shit about you! He just wants to get in your pants!" I scoffed at his words. "Then let him. At least he cared enough to stay with me all day when I was hopelessly lost." I said quietly while looking out the window.

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