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After I told Kian I like him, we ended our hug and I continued doing the dishes. He left me there with a smile on his face and I'd have to admit I had a small smile too.
The night ended uneventfully and I went up to my room and Kian went up to his room. But, no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't sleep. I needed someone to hold me.
"Ki, I can't sleep," I whispered after walking in his room. "You didn't knock," his voice is deep. "I'm sorry I forgot, I'll-" he grabbed my hand and pulled me on his bed. "It's fine, love" he whispered before wrapping his arms around me and kissing my forehead.

"Last day of taking your pills, babe." Kian said after waking me up by quickly pecking my lips. I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him closer to me to finished the kiss. "Ah fuck what time is it?" I asked him, rubbing my face. "It is 5:30am." A smile appeared on his face. "What the fuck Kian?" I whisper yelled, rolling back over. "Get up. We're leaving in ten minutes." He said with excitement. "Where the hell are we going?" I asked, acting pissed. "Somewhere I've never taken anyone before. Now hurry, we don't have much time!" He picked me up and spun me around. "Kian! Put me down!" I yelled while laughing.
After he finally put me down, he left me alone so I could get dressed. I still have no clue on where we're going, but apparently I need to hurry. "Let's go, let's go, let's goooo!!" Kian yelled, grabbing my hand and running out of the door, pulling me behind.
It's still dark outside. And cold. Extremely cold. "Emma," Kian sighed with a smile. "Why the fuck would you wear a t shirt and joggers when we're going out at 5am?" He laughed. "Because I'm a flop and I didn't know, okay! I've never been woken up at 5am to go do random shit with someone!" I yelled with a smile.
We mostly sat in silence on the way to wherever we're going. It was comfortable though. Also he kept his warm hand on my thigh. I liked it. And now we're here. A trail. At 5am. "Wear this and get on my back." Kian said, handing me a backpack and waiting in a piggyback ride position. I did as he said, and he started walking. And walking. And walking. I kept my face buried into his shoulder then soon enough he came to a stop. I got off of his back and handed him the bag. When I turned around I finally realized why he brought me here. The sky is slightly pink and the sun is slowly rising over the city of la. The Hollywood sign is right blow us and the view is perfect. "Holy shit Kian." I breathed out. "Like it?" He asked while laying down a blanket. I nodded and he pulled me down beside him. "Here, these are for you." Kian handed me his sweatshirt, my phone, and a beer. "What's with the beer?" I asked him as I pulled on his sweatshirt and cuddled up against him. "It's to drink." He chuckled. "It's also illegal." I said handing it back to him. "Emma, you're 17 and you've never been to a party. You haven't even been out of the house that many times. You need to try alcohol before our party this weekend!" He handed it back to me. "What party?" I asked him, beer still in his hand. "Jc and I are throwing a party at our house on Friday. There will be beer there. A lot of it." And with that he opened the can and took a few sips while admiring the sunrise. "Kian, it's 6am. I'm not going to drink 30 minutes after I woke up." I said, also staring out at our city. "Think of it as a late night drink. I mean you go to get Oreos at 2am and that's considered a late night snack even though it's still 2 in the morning. So, think of it as a late night drink. At 6am." He grabbed another one from his bag and handed it to me. "Just try it." He whispered. I sighed and opened it then took a small sip. It's not as bad as I imagined it to be, but it definitely isn't the most pleasurable feeling. I leaned back into Kian and wrapped my arms around his torso as I shivered.


Four beers, Emma had three, and a pack of cigarettes later, she was too scared to try one, I said we should probably go home before she fell off the cliff. So I drove us back to the house and carried Emma into the house because one, she can barely walk (even though it was only three beers), and two, if she wakes Jc up and he finds out I gave her beer, he'd probably kill me.
When I laid Emma down on her bed, she grabbed my shirt and made me stay. "Let's have sex." She said after sloppily kissing me. "You're drunk, love." I whispered. "I know. I can barely even think. I like it. Now fuck me." She pulled my sweatshirt off over her head. "Emma, stop." I said grabbing her arms. "Can I give you a blowjob? They seem fun." She chuckled. "No, Emma. You'll regret this in a few hours." I said, still holding her arms. She moved my hand so it was on top of her boob then made me squeeze. "Emma," I sighed, pulling my hand back. "Ki," she said looking up at me. "We're not doing this. I'm not that guy." She stopped resisting me.
"Do you like hurting me?" Her words cutting like knives. "No, God Emma, no. I hate it." I whispered, sitting down in front of her. "Then why do you do it?" She seems upset, her tone is similar to a five year old. "Because I get mad and I don't know how to handle it. Okay? I'm trying not to anymore. You know that." I refrained from looking at her. My eyes are burning. And then I heard a small snore escape from her lips.

I stayed with her for awhile until I realized Ricky's coming over soon so I should probably go get ready. When I stood up, she barely moved, but she made an upset facial expression, so I handed her a pillow that she wrapped her arms around, and smiled.

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