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"Emma, it's been almost a week since you've been to school. You have to go back, love." Connor spoke after waking me up. I've been sleeping with him every night and have never felt so safe yet so scared at the same time. Every time there's a sound outside I think it's Kian. Or when Connor walks up from behind me, I think it's Kian. Basically I think anyone is Kian. "He's gonna hurt me." I groaned. "You'll be at school Em. He can't do too much. Now get ready, we're leaving in thirty." I sighed at Connors words then got out of bed.
I kept my head down as I walked into school, scared for my life. People stared at me and I heard whispers but I couldn't give less of a shit right now. I need to find Jonah.
"Emma.." he breathed out, hugging me. He held me tightly and I squeezed his shirt, sniffing in his familiar scent. "Are you okay, babe? What did he do to you? Where've you been?" Jonah asked after pulling away. I shook my head and held back tears. "Emma, what happened?" he asked again. "He raped me." I spoke quietly as my voice shook. Jonah squeezed my hand tightly in rage and I winced. "Oh god I'm so sorry.. I just.. I need to find him. I'm gonna kill him." he spoke, letting go of my hands and making fists at his side. "No, Jonah, he doesn't know i'm here. I haven't seen him for the last week. I've been staying with Connor. Please. I just.. I don't want to get hurt again." I spoke quietly, placing my hands on his chest. He didn't move or say anything so I kissed him lightly before quickly pulling away. Jonah half smiled at me and cupped my face. "You're so damn beautiful." His words made me smile before the bell rang.

"Where the fuck have you been? I swear to fucking god if you've been fucking Jonah.." Kian spat, pushing me up against the lockers. I stayed quiet, frozen in place. "You're coming home Emma. And you're gonna fucking pay for all of this." My heart nearly beat out of my chest. "You know what? No, come on, we're gonna fuck right now." Tears started falling down my face as Kian roughly pulled me through the hallways and out to the parking lot.
Suddenly Jonah came out of nowhere and started beating the shit out of Kian. I stood back, watching in fear as I hyperventilated. While I was backing up, I ran into someone. I turned around and saw grace then I hugged her tightly. "Emma it's okay. He's not gonna hurt you anymore." She whispered as I cried onto her.
"Stop fucking my girlfriend!" Kian yelled behind us. I turned around and watched as Jonah beat the shit out of him. "She's not your fucking girlfriend! She fucking hates you!" he yelled. I held on to grace as I watched the two boys fight.
"Hey! Hey! Hey! Stop this!" a teacher yelled after coming up to us. Kian's nose is bleeding and Jonah's knuckles are dark red. The teacher pulled Jonah off of Kian and my heart stopped again. He can grab me at any moment and I wouldn't be able to do anything.
After calming Jonah down, the teacher helped Kian up and walked both of them to the office. No one asked me if I was okay. No one asked me about what happened. No one said a word. I was just the overreactive crying girl.
Grace hugged me as I cried on her until the bell rang. She promised to take me to all of my classes until Jonah came back.

"I'm going out." I said angrily to Connor as I grabbed my coat. "Wait Emma, where?" he asked, grabbing my arm. "A concert. I need to talk to someone. Can I borrow your car?" Connor sighed then nodded. "I love you!" he called out before I slammed the door behind me.
I calmed down on my way to the venue as I listened to Robbers. "Woah, where do you think you're going?" a tall man in black asked me. "I need to talk to Matty." I spat, greatly annoyed. "I need to see a badge then." I sighed before regaining my thoughts. "Listen, just tell him Emma Pottorff's here. I guarantee he'll say he wants me to come in." The security guard rolled his eyes then disappeared.
"Go ahead." he spoke in defeat. I smiled at him before going into the small room. "Matt.." I breathed out in relief. Soon I hugged him tightly and he didn't hesitate to hug back. "How is my beautiful girl?" he asked in his thick British accent. "I have a lot to tell you." I sighed. "Sounds like someone will be needing some of this then." Matty said, pouring vodka into a glass.
We didn't get to talk much before they had to go on. Gus, Matty's favorite security guard took me into the crowd as soon as they were about to start. I'm already drunk so the concert feels twice as good as it did last time. Their music is my everything and seeing Matty up there gives me a hundred different emotions. He's attractive as fuck, no questions asked. And I love him a lot. I mean being his friend is great. But in all honesty, I want to fuck him.
"How was that? Do you think I did good?" Matty asked, grabbing the drink out of my hands and chugging it down. "When aren't you good?" I laughed at him, pouring myself more vodka. "Stay with us tonight. Come to my party." he spoke with smoke emerging from his mouth.

this is gonna get crazy

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