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I felt sick to my stomach seeing her grab his hand and not mine. "Emma.." I said cautiously and she opened her eyes to find her dad stroking her body and holding her hand. She pulled away quickly and scooted back on her bed in terror. "Hello love. Long time no see. I heard Kian here raped you senseless so I just had to come down here and congratulate him on his good work." Her father said, pointing towards me from across the room.
She looked at me in confusion and disappointment then said "Kian, y-you raped me?" My stomach dropped. She's so fragile. "N-no. No. I would never. I-I swear." I said walking towards her.
"Don't move, son. You take one more step towards her and I will make sure every single bone in her wrist is broken." He said grabbing it, instantly making her wince. "Stop! You're hurting her!" I yelled with general concern. "That's the point, isn't it?" He smirked as he played with her fragile wrist. "Kian." She winced. "Jc!" I yelled and ran up her excuse of a father. The second I moved he twisted the already injured hand.
I pulled him away from her and punched him repeatedly. Over and over again.
She's crying. Sobbing hysterically. Just like last night. The first time I heard her cry. And it was because of her father. I punched harder thinking about the way she flinched every time I touched her. And how she screamed terrifying things in her sleep. And how scared she was when I first grabbed her.
Security came in along with Jc and he told them to take her father.
I was pulled off of him then I quickly went to Emma's side. "Come here." I said after sitting beside her on the bed and pulling her close to me. "It hurts so much." She cried into my chest. "I know, babe.. It's gonna be okay." I whispered into her ear as I rubbed small circles on her back. No one's ever hugged me so tightly before. I like it. It's comforting.
I kissed her forehead then whispered "You need X-rays, love. Something has to be broken," with my lips still lingering against her forehead. She slightly nodded and breathed heavily against my chest.

A nurse took her away in a wheelchair then brought her back the same way 20 minutes later. The second she got pushed in, I stood up then carried her from the chair and into the bed.
"Listen, we'll go home as soon as they figure out what's wrong, okay?" I said rubbing her back. She slightly nodded with her eyes closed. "Stay awake for me love, you can't to to sleep." I whispered into her ear. She weakly smiled at me then hummed. "Emma," I said shaking her. "Just for a few minutes, Ki." Ki, I like that. "You can't sleep, Emma." I whispered closer to her face. No answer.
Without thinking, I cupped her face and smashed my lips against hers. It took her a second to realize what was happening, but she complied and kissed back. I hovered over her, not daring to break the kiss. She's so good at this, I love it.
I made my way down her jaw, then to her neck and she winced because of our actions earlier. I already feel bad about putting her in the hospital, so I stopped and buried my face in the crook of her neck. "No, don't stop." She breathed. "I have to stop hurting you." I whispered with my lips pressed against her ear. "Then teach me." She said so innocently that my dick almost ripped through my pants. "Maybe later." I said pulling away and laying back down beside her.
We laid in silence for awhile until the nurse came in and showed us her X-rays. Nothing's broken. Surprisingly. I feel still feel so damn bad. I never meant to hurt her. I was just so mad about my plates that I couldn't control myself. But why isn't she scared of me? I mean I didn't even do anything last night and she flipped. And now I almost killed her yet she's begging me to kiss her neck.

I was told she wasn't allowed to sleep until tomorrow because of her concussion, we need to change the gauze on her hand twice a day, and that she can't be around loud sounds.
"I'll pay you back for everything as soon as I get enough, I promise." She said in a soft voice.
Jc went to his room and I told her I'd stay tonight to make sure she doesn't sleep. "No, i'm the one who got you in there, and I'll pay for everything, don't worry about it." I said stroking the back of her hand with my thumb. She looks upset, like she can't find the words she looking for. "What?" I asked slightly smiling. "How do you and Jc have so much money? I mean you're so young and you have this beautiful house and everything. I kid you not, I've been working my ass off for over two years and I haven't even gotten enough for half a years rent in New York." She said looking up at me. "New York.." I questioned, slightly unhappy with her choice. "Yeah I've been planning on running away ever since my dad started um.. hitting me." My stomach dropped. I fucking hate him. "Have you ever been there?" Her eyes light up slightly when I nodded. "A few times actually. It's beautiful, but the people there are assholes." I scoffed. "My kind of people." She smiled.

I feel like she forgot about her question so we've been silent for awhile. "Jc and I are Youtubers." I said, breaking the silence. She looked at me in confusion. "Your brother used to be on a collab channel with us called O2L. That's why he left you for a few months last year. We ended it but Jc and I stayed together. That's how we make money. YouTube pays us for doing what we do and people pay a shit ton of money to meet us. Trust me, I have enough money to buy you clothes and pay for the hospital. It's fine." She seems confused and in pain at the same time. "So you're like famous?" I smiled at her words and nodded.
I've noticed that she likes it when I hold her hand or wrap my arm around her. It's like she craves my touch. I like it. No ones ever been like that with me. I mean before I thought she didn't like it so much, so I tried to back off, but if I pull away, she'll look at me and grab my hand again. It's cute.

"Why'd you rape me?" She asked in an unsure and low voice. "I didn't, I swear. I would never do that." I said, looking down at her as she rested her head on my chest. "You didn't have to hurt me. I would have done whatever you asked." She said, ignoring my words. "Emma, I swear I didn't rape you. I'm not like that." I felt her shake under me and my stomach is in knots. She sat up and looked at me. "Then what are you like, Kian? Why do I have a concussion? Why is my arm all cut up? Why am I so damn terrified of you?" Her eyes started to gloss over and her shaking is more rapid. "God Emma, don't you remember? I didn't even touch you!" I lied as my temper grew. "Bullshit Kian! Give me your fucking hand," she grabbed my right hand and compared it to the marks around her left wrist. "It's a fucking perfect match! And no, I don't remember anything, but I have to rely on my own damn father to tell me because you don't know how to tell the fucking truth!" She yelled back at me. "You dropped the fucking plates and I got mad okay? I got so fucking mad that I almost killed you! I get it! You don't have to keep on reminding me! I can barely live with myself!" I finally told the truth.
Her angry face loosened into a slight frown when she pulled up her sleeve and studied a bruise on her upper arm. "But, I thought this was from dropping the plate?" She said with her voice cracking and my heart ached as it pounded against my chest. I scooted closer to her so our foreheads are almost touching. "This one," I moved my fingers up her arm until I got to the bruise. "It's from your dad." She blinked and a tear fell on my hand. "And these, they're.. they're from me." I said slowly rubbing my thumb on her wrist. "And that pain in the back of your head, that's from me too." She nodded and tears silently fell down he cheeks. "But look," I lightly traced the hickeys on her neck. "These are also from me and it's taking everything I've got to not kiss you right now." She weakly smiled and let out a small sob. Then after a few minutes of starting at my eyes and lips, she kissed me.


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Anyways I kid you not I cried so hard while writing this chapter so I hope y'all enjoyed it :)

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