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When she put her lips against mine, it was gentle and sweet, unlike me. So I deepened the kiss and laid her down on the bed while hovering over her. "Wait, I wanna be in control this time." She breathed into my shoulder. "Babe, you've never even kissed anyone until today." I laughed. "Teach me." Fuck.
"Okay, um.. straddle my hips." She did as I said, smiling down at me with her hair slightly covering her face. "Now, where do you want your hands?" I asked her. "I don't know, where do you like them at?" She smiled so innocently. "Well babe, I want them on my dick, but for now how about you try my face." I smirked. She cupped my face and slightly blushed at my choice of words. "Kiss me." I said after staring at her lips.
Emma kissed me roughly and I kept up with her sexy ways. "Can I do this?" She asked, moving down my jaw then to my neck. "Do you know what to do?" I chuckled. She pulled her head up from the crook of my neck and shook her head. "You want to go where the skin is thin and sensitive.. Neck, collar bone.. inner.. um.. inner thighs." I choked up. "One thing at a time, love." Emma smiled. "Right, um.. Okay, so I want you to start by kissing me lightly. Tease me. Get me ready. Then, start nibbling, lightly. Next suck. Hard. Make it hurt baby. Finally, finish me off. Lick my neck. Kiss it. Blow on it. I don't fucking care. Just do what you want."
She did as I said and soon enough pain was shooting in my neck. After she pulled my shirt off, it all went downhill from there. I couldn't help but moan loudly when her hips moved swiftly against mine and sweet sounds escaped from her lips. "Fuck.. You're so good at this." I said, flipping her over. I can't take it anymore. I want her. I need her.
After her lips danced on top of mine for what felt like hours, I moved down. Chin, jaw, neck, collar bone, then.. "May I?" I asked, tugging on the hem of her shirt. She nodded while biting her lip so I pulled it over her head to expose her bare skin. "Fucking hell," I whispered under my breath as I continued to kiss her chest and down to her breasts. She arched her back and moaned my name the further I went. My little friend, well, big friend, is getting a bit too excited down there but I can't help it. She's so fucking hot.
Her fingers went from lightly tugging to almost pulling my hair out. "Kian," she breathed heavily. "It hurts. It hurts so bad." A small sob escaped her mouth and my heart barely shattered. "What hurts, love?" I whispered into her ear after wrapping my arms around her and squeezing tightly. "M-my head. It hurts so much, Kian." She whined. "Shh, it's okay. It'll go away soon."

It didn't. Two hours later and she's still slightly crying. I mean I know she's trying not to, but I can tell it's really hurting her. "What can I do to make you feel better?" I whispered, burying my face into her shoulder. "Take me out for a drive." She sobbed. "What? Where do you want to go?" I asked. "Wherever you want to go. Just please take me somewhere." She squeezed her eyes together tightly and I couldn't help it but hug her tighter. "Alright. Come on." I picked her up bridal style and carried her down the stairs.
After a few minutes of driving down the highway, she seemed to feel a little better. "What's school like?" She asked quietly, like she was afraid of my response. "Um.. It's.. Interesting." I slightly chuckled. "What do you mean?" She's genuinely interested. "I find it pretty useless. The people there are shit and the teachers don't give a shit about you. Everyone looks up to me because of my 'fame' and girls won't leave me alone." I quickly spat. "Kian, I'm so sorry. You're away from your parents for eight hours? You socialize with other people? You get a real education? People actually like you? Girls are all over you? Damn Kian, must be hard." Emma responded sounding a little pissed. I looked over at her and she's focused on the road. "Sorry, I forgot." I responded quietly. "It's fine." She scoffed. "What? Why are you so upset?" I asked. "I have to go to my first day of public school looking like this! My skin is more blue and purple than the pale color it's supposed to be! I have a fucking concussion and a huge cut on my wrist! Also, I literally have no friends at all! Everyone's gonna think I'm a fucking freak!" She flipped then squeezed her eyes tightly. "Hey, calm down. You're hurting yourself." I said, placing my hand on her thigh. "I don't care, Kian. I'd rather die anyways." She spat.
I swerved the car over to the side of the road quickly. "Don't say that! Do not fucking say that!" I yelled. She flinched at my yelling and squeezed tighter. "I will not let you hurt yourself just because you're life isn't necessarily perfect right now! Things are going to change Emma! Why do you think you're here?" I continued screaming. "So you can beat on me too." She nearly whispered. "God Emma, I'm sorry okay? I didn't mean to! You just make me so angry sometimes!" I yelled. "You haven't even known me for two full days yet I've already been to the hospital because of you. What's gonna happened after a few weeks? How many times will I be in the hospital this month? Just kill me now, Kian. It's not worth the waiting. I've cried for the first time in years because of you. I'm so fucking scared to even breathe around you. I thought my dad was bad but you criticize every single thing I do. I'm sorry for not being talented. And I'm sorry for being ugly. I'm sorry for not fitting into that skimpy clothing you love. And I'm sorry for aggravating you. I'm sorry for fucking everything up, Kian. Just go back to the house. You can do what ever you want to me, then I'll cry myself to sleep, then we can wake up tomorrow and once again you can do whatever you please. Just, go back to your house." She said calmly without opening her eyes. "I'm not going to kill you, Emma. I promise you I will never get anywhere near killing you." I finally calmed down after listening to her small rant. "Go home, Kian." She said. "No. Not until we talk about this."
"What else is there to talk about?" She snapped. "I-I I don't know." I sighed. "Sorry." I whispered before pulling back on to the road and driving home.

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