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"What if he's waiting for me? What if he tries to hit me again?" Emma asked in a shaky voice as we sat in my car. "I'm gonna be with you all day, Em. Don't worry. I won't let anything happen to you." I kissed her forehead and opened the door.
She nearly trembled as we walked in through the doors and to her locker. Anyone here can tell she's scared. Her eyes are wide but she won't look up and she shaking and she's colder than normal. It's scaring me, but I can't do anything to stop it.
"Please don't leave me," she whispered after hugging me tightly. "I'll be right here the second you get out of class. I promise. Text me if something happens. I'll be here." She pulled away and looked up at me, tears pooling in her eyes. I wiped a single tear off her cheek and she walked into her class slowly, looking nearly dead.
People stared at me as I walked down the hallway and I may or may not have kept my middle finger up the whole way to class. Damn, these people really don't have a life of their own. "You are late, Mr. Lawley," my teacher said after walking into class. "Sorry, I was just making out with my girlfriend." I smirked. He sighed and continued on with his boring ass lesson.
I kept my promise with Emma and took her to her next class that I am also in. Anthony stared at her 98% of the class and I can't wait to punch his face in. Luckily enough I sit right next to Emma in this class so I held her hand the whole time, reassuring her that everything is okay.

Meet me in five at the spot
Appeared on my phone. What the fuck does she want? I grabbed the hall pass and noticed that this period is almost over and I need to go get Emma soon.
"What the fuck do you want? I have t-" she pressed me against the wall and smashed her lips against mine. I kissed back at first, then stopped her. "I have a girlfriend," I spat. "So?" she asked, kissing down my neck. "Stop. I can't do this to her." I pushed Andrea back. "Come on Kian, we can't stop now. There's too much sex to be had," she grabbed my dick and I gulped. "Stop." I spat once again. "Who is it? Have y'all fucked yet? Is she even half as good as me?" she questioned, palming my crouch. "No comment." I spat one last time before pushing her off and going back to my class.
As I walked down the hallway, I checked my phone and saw multiple texts from Emma.
Jakes here.
He's talking to Mrs. Steffan.
Please hurry.
He's asking for me.
They're all from seven minutes ago. "Emma," I breathed out before running down the hallway to her class. "Did you really think I would leave you alone just because Jc Caylen tried to beat me up? You were wrong sweet, innocent Emma. We're gonna fuck. And we're gonna do it right here." I heard before turning the corner. "Kian," she sobbed. "Let go of her." I spat, walking closer to them. "Kian Lawley, what's up my man? Wanna help me hold her down? I'll let ya fuck her," he smirked. Emma sobbed and winced and shook. "You have three seconds to put her down," I spat. "Or what?" he asked, tightening his grip, causing Emma to wince. "I'll fucking kill you," I said before walking closer. "One.. Two.." he didn't move "Three."
I grabbed his shirt and punch him in the jaw. He loosened his grip on Emma and I pushed her away, causing her body to nearly fly across the room. "Don't. Fucking. Touch. Her." I punched him at every word. He grabbed a hold of me and had a fucking party on my face. I'm sure my face will look like shit tomorrow.
"Come on Kian, you know what it's like to have fun. Remember Julia? Damn, that feels like it was just yesterday," he has me pinned against the wall and his hot breath is pissing me off. "That was a long time ago." I spat. "You still remember how fun it was though. Come on, for good times sake. Just one fuck?" Anger raged through my body and I saw Emma on the floor. She's curled up in a ball, crying. "You touch her one more fucking time... I will kill you." I said before nearly smashing his jaw.
He stumbled back and fell to the ground. "Are you okay, Em? Did he hurt you?" I asked her after picking her up bridal style. She ignored my question as I felt my shirt get wet. I walked out of the school and into the parking lot when she finally looked up. "What are you doing?" she barely spoke with a shaky voice. "We're going home. You can't just continue on like nothing happened." I spoke with a little annoyance for Jake in my voice.
She stayed curled up on the seat beside me silently the whole way home until I parked. "Who's Julia?" She spoke softly, but with confidence. "Emma, it doesn't matter, that was a long time ago." She stared out the window. "Kian, if you don't tell me, I'll never be your 'fuck buddy' again." She's pissed. Great. I heavily sighed before speaking. "Sophomore year I was at a party and there was a smoking hot girl there, Julie. Everyone was drinking and of course I was sexually frustrated like come on, I'm Kian Lawley." I laughed at my joke, but she's still pissed. "Anyway, she wouldn't budge so I gave her a few drinks and took her up to one of the rooms. Now, nothing actually happened, but we were close. Yeah, I pinned her down and ripped her shirt, but nothing actually happened. She still told everyone I raped her anyway I mean if you have the chance, then why not do it. And that's it. There's nothing to it." I said, observing her body. "I can't fucking believe you," she scoffed. "What? Nothing happened!" I defended myself. "You did the same fucking thing Jake did to me! You fucking asshole! The fact that you were going to rape her.. I can't believe you." She got out of the car and slammed the door. "Emma, it was almost three years ago! I was drunk! I've changed, okay!" I yelled after also slamming the door. "What if you haven't though? What if one night you come home drunk and you wanna fuck? Are you going to force me too? God, Kian, what the hell is wrong with you?" She yelled with a few tears falling down her cheeks. "Everything! I'm fucked up, Emma! I know I am! Do you think I'm oblivious of the fact that I scarred a girl for life? Do you think I like being the biggest asshole in the school? Do you think I like you being scared of me? Do you think I like keeping everything inside? I'm the rapist of Crescent High School! No one gives a shit about me! No one asks me how I feel! I know I'm fucked up, Emma! More fucked up than you'll ever know." My eyes began to sting and Emma's face loosened. "W-what are you talking about?" she trembled.

Ahh this is so intense I love it. But hey side note on the whole Andrea thing, I love her a lot and have nothing against her. She's one of my favs :)

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