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"Wake up, love. We have to go down to the station," I said to Emma after lightly pecking her soft lips. God I missed her taste. "I don't wanna go," she groaned, scrunching her face. So beautiful. "Come on, Em. I promised the officers I'd bring you down."
"I don't wanna talk about it."
"You have to so the dick will finally be put in jail." She groaned again before rolling over to face me. "Are you gonna stay with me?" she asked, running her hand up and down my arm. "Of course," I smiled.
Last night was amazing. We didn't even fuck. We just talked and she cried a lot and I cried a little but it was nice. Emma said she wants to be with me. We're finally back together. We finally slept together again. We're finally Kian and Emma again.
She told me about her last few weeks at her house and how shitty of a father her dad was and how much of an ass Sam was being. Then when she told me about last night I felt like I was gonna explode after crying my eyes out. Just the thought of Emma being held at gunpoint is so terrifying and awful that it physically hurt. I'm in love with her. I love her endlessly, and it just hurts to even think about her being hurt.

"I need you to tell me everything that happened," a lady said to Emma. We're in a creepy ass room that's basically all metal. As Emma explained what happened, she cried a little more, and I squeezed her hand a little tighter.
"Now Ms. Pottorff, were you aware that Sam wasn't in on all of this? He was actually working for us. We've been investigating your father for awhile now, and Sam was helping us get him where he needs to be. The second he heard your father yell at you, he called us to be alert of what's happening. Only a few seconds into the call he said your father pulled out a gun. We came as fast as we could, and thank god Sam got the gun away from your father or we could have been too late. I just want you to know that none of this is your brothers fault. That was all an act to keep you safe. He did what he had to do."


"Well where is he then? Why'd you handcuff him? Is he okay?" I asked. "He's fine. For his protection we made it seem like Sam was going to get arrested too so your father wouldn't go after him if charges were dropped. And I don't know where he is. He left a few hours ago." Kian rubbed his thumb against the back of my hand as I tried to put everything together.
"Do you want to go see Sam?" Kian asked me as we walked hand in hand towards his car. "I'm not going back to that house Ki, I can't." I whispered, pulling away from his grip to get in the car. "Then where to?" he asked. "Connor's. He's probably still worried about me." I spoke.

I've never seen Connor so happy and sad at the same time. I'd never seen him cry until now. And it's weird seeing other people cry over you. You really start to question why they care so much.
After Connors, Kian and I went back home. When we got inside, there was a package sitting on the counter written to my name. Kian and I looked at each other, confused on what it could be. I opened it carefully then pulled out a letter.
Emma Pottorff,
We're glad to inform you that we did indeed find your grandfathers will. And we are even more glad to tell you that he left everything to Emma Pottorff. We would love to have you come down to our office so we can sort everything out, and hopefully this can be done as quickly as possible. Glad we could help, La attorneys.
"Kian.." I breathed out, putting the letter down. "What wrong, Em?" he asked, placing his hand on the small of my back. "My grandpa left me everything." My words lingered through the air feeling odd as they left my mouth. "Kian my grandpa had a shit ton of money." I said, turning around, facing him.
I hugged Kian tightly with a faint smile on my face. "I can finally get an apartment Ki. I can go to college in New York and get a job at Tumblr. Kian I can buy my own fucking house for fucks sake!" I said after pulling away. "Em, let's think about this. I mean you have a lot of money coming in and you dropped out of school. How do you expect yourself to get into college?" His words made reality smack me in the face. Kian's right. I'm not even a student anymore. "Then I have to fucking finish school!" I said. Kian read the letter and I smiled up at him as he studied it carefully. "Why don't we go down to the office and talk to them, figure out how much you'll actually be getting."


I don't think Emma realizes this but her words are killing me by the second. Moving to New York? Going to college? Getting a job 28,000 miles away? I can't fucking imagine her not being here. She'd have to break up with me. I couldn't deal with that again. We've already been through enough.

"Well Emma, I'm happy to tell you you'll be getting over one million dollars," the lady stated. "No fucking way.. Kian that's a shit ton of money." Emma said, squeezing my hand tightly. Her smile is so precious. "Oh, wow. Not only that, apparently he left his house to you also..?" Wait that's good cause she could stay in California. "Oh yeah.. He refused to sell it because he.. Because he thought he'd come back home." I rubbed the back of Emma's hand with my thumb, comforting her. "Well then congratulations Ms. Pottorff, you're a millionaire with a beach house in Malibu." That's an hour away. Fuck. "Thank you so much. I appreciate it." Emma said, shaking the attorney's hand.
"So.. Malibu huh?" I said as we drove back to the house. "Wanna go see it? I mean you'll be living there sometimes too." Emma said, smiling at me. "Oh is that so?" I asked, trying my best to hide my sadness. "Yeah, don't you think that's a little better for us? I mean I could go to school there so I won't have to see Jake or Marcus. I'd be on the fucking beach. And if we ever fight we could actually be in separate places. But most importantly, no one else would be in the whole house," she said, trailing her fingers up my thigh. "Not while I'm driving, Em." I said, my voice shaking. "Then why don't we go to a private place. Preferably somewhere near say.. Malibu?"

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