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Trevor and I pulled up to the mall and sat in the parking lot. "Alright, all you need to do is follow them around and go unnoticed. Emma doesn't know you, but we all know Andrea does." I said. "This seems very stalkerish, but got it." Trevor got out of the car and headed into the mall wearing causal clothing with a baseball cap.
"Okay I found them. Andrea has quite a few bags, Emma only has one. What a hoe." I laughed at Trevs words and anxiously listened to his reports. "Dammit! Fuck! Shit! Emma keeps on looking at me! Code red! Fuck!"


This familiar looking guy seems to be in every store we go in and it's kind of scaring me. I don't know what to do. It's been almost an hour and he won't leave us. My anxiety grows every time I see him and I can't stand still.


"Hey Kian, you might want to come in. She's having quiet an anxiety attack." Trevor said calmly into the phone. "What? Why?" I yelled. "I think I'm scaring her. She's high key crying in the middle of the mall near the Santa line and the kids seem terrified." Fuck. "What the fuck is Andrea doing?" I yelled again. "Nothing! She's just sitting beside her!" I hate her so fucking much. "Well get away from her you idiot! Stop scaring her!" The sound is muffled. "Fuck she's leaving!" He whispered. "Get back in the damn car I need to go home!" I yelled, starting the car. "Just go! I'll get an uber! Hurry before she sees you!" Trevor yelled into the phone.
The second I pulled into the drive way, I ran up to my room and took my pants off before laying down on my bed. I plugged my phone in, tried to control my breathing, and opened Twitter. Day alone with no one in the house. Sad Kian wants his pretty girl :( I tweeted quickly after hearing a car door slam.
Loud sobbing came from the living room and I ran down quickly, making my heavy and nervous breath seem reasonable. "Em, what's wrong?" I asked after hugging her. She sobbed against my chest and I am just filled with emotions right now. "S-some guy was following us a-around and a-Andy said she noticed h-him from a news a-article saying h-he raped p-people he f-found at the m-mall." Andreas such a fucking idiot. I hate her so much. "Em, you're okay. Nothing happened, right?" I asked her, leading us over to the couch. She shook her head while sitting down. "Good. You're okay. No ones gonna hurt you, Em." Except Andrea, the fucking bitch.
After she calmed down, she laid down with her body curled up against me in between my legs. "Hey Em, about Andy.." I started but realized how sad she looks compared to earlier. "W-what's her last name?" I asked, avoiding what I actually need to tell her. "Russell" Emma spoke quietly. "Figures," I mumbled. "What?" she looked up at me. "Em," I sighed. "Andy is actually Andrea. The Andrea I used to um.. Fuck." I spoke calmly, still playing with her hair. She sat up then looked at me with a sad and confused look. "Andy's short for Andrea. Of course." She smiled that ironic sad smile and I feel bad. "Look Em, when you went upstairs, she tried to kiss me a-"
"You pushed her away, right? Kian, I swear.." she cut me off. "Yes Emma! And she also said she's only becoming your friend so she can hurt you. I don't know what she's doing, but I suggest you just stay away from her." Emma looked around the room, confused. "Kian, she's my only friend." I can't tell if I'm pissed or upset. "Emma, she's not your friend." I said, causing her to stand up. "Kian, you don't understand.. I haven't had a friend at school in years a-"
"Wait. I thought you never left your house and you've been homeschooled your whole life.." I cut her off. What is she taking about?'


I told Kian about the night Sam stood up for me. I also told him about my old friends and the reason why Sam was over here last night. He's having a lot of mixed emotions so I'm trying to back off. "Why'd you lie to me? What was the fucking point of that?" He yelled. "I don't know. You never really asked about my past so I didn't think it was important." I spoke softly, keeping my distance. "What else are you keeping from me Emma?" Kian walked closer and closer to me causing my heart to beat faster and faster at every step. "Did you also get knocked up before and have a secret daughter or something?" He cornered me. "What about now? Have you cheated on me recently? Did you think that just because it didn't happen the moment you're with me, it's the past, so it shouldn't matter," Kian grabbed my wrists tightly for the first time in weeks "right?" He spat, squeezing them even tighter. "I-I-I'm sorry Kian. I-I didn't think it was that important." I choked up. "So you did cheat on me! Sam was right! You fucking whore!" His voice boomed through the house. "N-no Kian, I-I swear I wouldn't do that. I-I'm too.." I trailed off. "What Emma? You're what?" His jaw clenched and I can't help but cry more. "I-I'm too scared of you." I choked out, barely able to breathe. "Goddamn right you should be scared of me!" Flashbacks of the night I went to the hospital came rushing through my head so I cried more and continued to hyperventilate. "Stop it Kian! She's gonna end up in the hospital again!" Jc yelled, pushing him away. I slowly slid to the ground and curled up into a small ball. "She's my fucking girlfriend! I can do whatever I want with her!" Kian yelled back at Jc. Not anymore. I can't take this. I can barely breathe.
Kian and Jc continued to fight but all I hear is their muffled screams. God, I just want to be alone. I want to get out of this house.
Without thinking it took everything I have to pick myself up and go to the kitchen. I grabbed Kian's keys and quickly left through the door. Kian yelled at me, but I kept on going. I got in his car and started driving. I can barely see and I'm trembling, but I have to get away from all of this. Fuck. My wrists hurt so much.
Not knowing where to go, I got on the highway leading to la. I've realized this was a bad idea, because I can barely see where I'm going, I haven't driven in months, and car horns are going off everywhere. My phone won't stop ringing, and on the fifth call I decided to answer it.


"What?" Emma cried into the phone. "Where the fuck are you?" I yelled. "I'm going to the city." Fuck. "Get your ass back home right now!" Jc grabbed his keys and we headed towards his car. "I'm not coming back. You're the biggest asshole I've ever met and I never want to see you again." She sobbed. "Emma, come home." I spat. "No Kian! I don't wa-" she started screaming and saying fuck at least eighty times. "Emma," I yelled. No answer. "Emma!" The call ended. Fucking hell what just happened?
"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!" I yelled, pounding the dash. "What?" Jc asked, annoyed. "She said she never wanted to see me again, then when I said to come home, she was about to argue, but she started screaming, then said fuck a bunch of times, then the call ended." Jc keep a straight face as we drove towards la. "W-we'll find her. Don't worry." He spoke softly.

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