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"What the fuck Kian!" Jc yelled as he kneeled down beside Emma. "I-I didn't do anything.. I swear." I said, frozen still. "Then why the fuck is there marks all around her wrists?" Jc yelled again.
My mind is racing. I didn't mean to hurt her I just.. She broke my favorite plates.. And.. And I don't know why I got so mad. They're just plates. Now she's lying unconscious on the floor and what.. what if she dies?
"Fuck Jc we need to take her to the hospital." I said kneeling down beside her and picking up the lifeless body. Her arm is covered in blood and Jc was right about her wrists.. they're almost purple. "Get the fucking keys and unlock the car!" I yelled at Jc and he complied.
I set her across the back seat then got in on the other side and cradled her in my arms. Jc quickly started the car and drove at least thirty over the speed limit.
"I-I'm sorry, Emma. I didn't mean to. I'm so sorry." I whispered while stroking her hair, hoping Jc wouldn't hear or see me. But, when I looked up in the mirror, we made eye contact and he weakly smiled.

The second Jc pulled up to the hospital, I jumped out with her in my arms, and he drove away trying to find a place to park. "Help! God fucking help her! She's gonna die!" I yelled running towards the first desk I saw. "Sir please, there are kids here." The lady said ignoring the fact that Emma's dying. "I don't fucking care about the damn kids! My girlfriend is dying! Now get me a fucking doctor!" I yelled. Girlfriend. I said girlfriend. No. I don't like her. She's not my girlfriend.
"Okay, calm down. She'll be fine. Come with me." She spoke softly, taking her good old time walking down a long hallway. "Here, let me get you a wheelchair and we wi-"
"I'm not letting go of her! Just get her help!" I yelled again, finally hearing my voice booming throughout the almost quiet hospital.
"Okay, right this way." She said pointing to a sign that says emergency. I ran towards the door and looked down at Emma. She's so lifeless. Pale. Almost white as snow.

"Please! Please just get me a fucking room and someone help her!" I yelled after barging through the glass doors. "Hello? sir? Can you please tell me what happened?" Another calm ass lady asked. "It's doesn't fucking matter! Now please, for god fucking sake, get her a doctor, or I will sue this hospital for everything it has." I said clenching my jaw so tightly that I feel as if my teeth could break. "Oh.. Okay.. Um first door on the left." The young lady said, obviously scared of me and my appearance. Sometimes all of the tattoos and piercings actually come in handy.

I laid her down on the bed and pulled a chair up next to her after the lady said a doctor would be in soon. "It's gonna be okay Emma. You'll be okay. I-I promise." I whispered into her hand as I held it tightly. This is the first time I've ever held a girls hand and of course she's not even conscious.
"Son are you under influence or have any weapons on you as we speak?" A deep voiced doctor asked when he walked in. "N-no. Why would you ask that? I do-"
"Son, did you rape this girl?" The man asked with a stern facial expression. My sympathy and sorrow turned into utter anger and I gently put Emma's hand down before standing up. "I would never rape anyone." I paused before walking closer to him. "Look, I may have a lot of tattoos. And I may have a few piercings. And I also may have brought a girl, unconscious and covered in blood, into your shitty hospital, but I sure as hell did not rape her." I firmly placed a finger on his chest when I said but. "Now, go do your thing, and keep my girlfriend alive." I said calmly, but firmly in his face.
I need to stop saying girlfriend.

He complied to my commands and wrapped her arm then told me she'll need to take X-rays after she wakes up. Also I learned that I gave her a concussion.
After I heard the doctor speak to Jc in the hallway, he asked me to step out also. I did as he asked and the second I closed the door behind me, he grabbed my shirt in his fist, then punched me right in the jaw. "Stitches!" Punch. "Concussion!" Punch. "Shattered wrist!" Punch. "You could have fucking killed her!" Punch. Punch. Punch. "God, Jc stop! I didn't mean to okay!" I yelled back after grabbing his fist. "But it happened, Kian! You almost killed her! Sam's sister! The one who moved in with us because of how shitty her life was with her parents!" As soon as he spoke of her parents, a nurse said "Right this was Mr. Pottorff." And sure enough Emma's father entered her room. "Get security the second I scream your name." I told Jc before following her father.

"Get out." I spat the second I walked in. "Excuse me?" He said turning around but not letting go of her hand. "Get the fuck out of here and don't come back." My jaw is clenched and I'm ready to kill him. "Isn't she beautiful?" He asked as he stroked her face and hair. "And those bruises.. They compliment her pale skin." What a fucking bastard. "Don't talk about her like that." My teeth are grinding. "So you raped her so hard that she literally went unconscious? Congratulations, son." He said with a smile.

"K-Kian?" Emma's voice cracked as she held her fathers hand tightly.

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