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Fucking hell I have the worst headache. "Kian, I was so wasted last night. Today's gonna be shit." I moaned in a morning voice while rolling over. "Jonah? What the hell are you doing in my bed?" I yelled, pulling away from his grip. His eyes fluttered open and he smiled at me before quickly frowning. "Em, we're at my place." He groaned. "Please tell me we didn't fuck.." I breathed out. He shook his head. "I didn't want you going home with Kian. You passed out on some random kids bed with me, and my pal Jeff drove us here." His voice is deep and raspy. I like it.


"Emma?" I asked, walking into her room. Last night was a fucking mess. I'm sure she's already seen it, but Andrea did all of this fake shit where she had a "fan" tweet a picture of us kissing behind her. Then she obviously retweeted it and now everyone thinks we're a couple again.
"Em?" I questioned into an empty room. Great. On my way to Jc's room I found black converse on the floor, and that's what Emma was wearing last night. Good. "Hey, Em can we talk I- oh hey um.. wow I'm sorry. I thought Emma was in here. Alright." Laying there in Jc's bed was him and a random blonde. Go Jc.


Waking up with a beautiful girl in my room without it being my best friend's girlfriend is pretty great. Her name's Angelina and wow I'm so glad she came home with me. After I stopped Kian from killing Andrea, I decided why not grab a drink, then I found this cutie, and well, we ended up naked in Jc's bed.


"I don't want to go home." I said in a morning voice after sipping my coffee. "I'm scared he's gonna yell at me for sleeping with you and staying here." Jonah stared at me, lost at words. "You can stay here for as long as you'd like, love. My door's always open. But I think you should talk to Kian about this," he spoke, grabbing my hand. "Can you stay? While we talk?" I asked in a quiet voice.
The ride to the house went without words, but Jonah kept his hand on my thigh and it helped me calm down.
"Where were you babe?" Kian slurred in a cold voice after barging in my room. He just got home and Jonah's pissing. Great. "I missed you so much. You know that?" Kian spoke before pushing me down on my bed and kissing me roughly. "Stop it Kian." I said, pushing him away. That didn't stop him. He's obviously been drinking and I hate when he does this.
"I love your body babe. It makes me feel so good." he moaned against me, raking his hands up and down my body aggressively. "Kian!" I yelled, trying to swat his hands away. "Hey! Hey! Hey! Get off of her!" Jonah yelled, pulling Kian off of me. "What the hell are you doing in my house?" Kian yelled back. "Calm down bro. Emma needs to talk to you and she asked me to come with her so I could prevent this." Jonah spoke, grabbing my hand. I kept a tight grip, and stayed quiet. "Well what the fuck do you want?" Kian spat, looking at me with fire in his eyes. I held Jonah's arm and stood still. "Emma! What do you want?" Kian yelled. I flinched at his yelling, but didn't let go of Jonah. "I saw you kissing Andrea." I spoke quietly, shaking uncontrollably. "I thought she was you!" Kian spat. Tears started falling down my cheeks and I kept my mouth open, lost at words.
"So what? You saw me kissing Andrea, and you thought you could go fuck Jonah? You think it's okay to fucking cheat on me? You know that tight little pussy is all mine." Kian said coldly, coming closer to me. I cringed at his words and more tears fell down my cheeks. "You gonna fucking pay for this Emma. No one cheats on me." Kian spat, grabbing my arm tightly. I winced and squeezed Jonah's hand in pain. "Kian, stop. I don't wanna fight you." Jonah spoke. "She's all mine, Jonah. You don't need to fight me. I own her." Kian said, squeezing tighter. "You don't own me." I whispered in a shaky voice. "Yes I fucking do. And you're never allowed to see Jonah again." Kian jerked me away from Jonah and he's pissed. "Just go home Jonah. I'm sorry." I spoke quietly. "Emma I'm not leaving you with him. He's obviously drunk. I don't want you to get hurt." Kian keeps squeezing tighter and I can't help but wince. "It's okay." I sobbed. And with that Jonah left, closing the door behind us.
Kian immediately pushed me down on my bed, pinning me down as he hovered over me. I didn't try to fight him because I know I'll just get hurt even more. I bit my lip to stop myself from screaming as I silently cried.
He didn't stop. He kept yelling at me to kiss back. He ripped the expensive sweater Jc bought me, and hurt my arms while ripping it off. He didn't even give me time to adjust to him inside of me, and he gripped my hips tightly while occasionally squeezing my breasts. I stayed quiet the whole time he yelled at me.
After Kian got what he wanted, he left. I've been crying for the last three hours and my whole body hurts. I haven't even tried walking, and I'm sure it won't be easy. I texted Connor awhile ago and he should be here any second.
"Emma? What's wrong I heard y-"
"Sh Connor please be quiet," I begged as he came in my room. "Why? What's wrong?" he asked, sitting beside me with a concerned face. "I don't want Kian to know you're here. He'll hurt me again, and I don't think I can take anymore." I sobbed. "Em, what happened?" Connor asked, pulling me in for a tight hug. "H-he r-raped me." I sobbed against him. Connor stayed quiet as he rubbed my back.
"Why don't you come stay with me for a few days?" Connor asked me after I calmed down a little. "Kian wouldn't let me. He said he owns me. It's like i'm his fucking sex slave." I spoke with a shaky voice. "Em, he wouldn't even know where your at, and I'll be with you all of the time. You'll be fine." I nodded at Connor's words and began to pack a bag. I winced as I tried to walk, for everything passed my stomach hurt and Connor watched in concern.
I grabbed my essentials along with a few clothes. Connor carried my bag as I wobbled down the stairs quietly, praying to god Kian didn't wake up. When we pulled out of the driveway I felt like I could finally breathe again. I grabbed Connors hand and placed it on my thigh while keeping my hand on his.

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