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I heard the voices getting louder as more people came, and I'm genuinely nervous. My body's shaking in excitement and fear, and I don't know what to do. I've been procrastinating religiously just to avoid everyone. I know that's wrong and Jc would be disappointed, but I can't help it.
"Em, love, almost everyone's here, are you ready?" Kian asked me, resting his hands on my shoulders. "Uh yeah, I was just finishing up," I lied, putting away my makeup. Kian smiled at me before biting his lip. "You look hot." I scrunched up my face and lightly hit him. "Ew stop you know I hate that word." Kian chuckled then grabbed my hands. "You look beautiful, and sexy, and I can't wait to fuck you later." Kian smiled. "Better." I smiled back.
Kian lead me downstairs, and almost everyone stopped talking then directed their attention towards us. 75% of the people here are guys, but there are a few girls. My anxiety got worse as we went father down the stairs. Soon enough everyone continued with their conversations, but I didn't calm down.  "Don't be scared, babe." Kian whispered with his lips pressed against my ear.
"This, my love, is the one and only Jonah Green." I smiled nervously at the tall boy hovering over me. "Emma! I'm so glad you're okay! This probably sounds really weird, but I visited you everyday when you were in the hospital. Kian and Jc told me so much about you, and I was heart broken when I found out what happened. It's weird seeing you conscious but I'm glad you're okay!" Jonah said, hugging me. You'd think I'd freak out and push him away, but his hug is warming. I like it.
After pulling away, he grabbed my hands and smiled down at me. "Wow you're just so beautiful," he said to me. "Well thank you!" I smiled up at him, not scared anymore.
"Emma! Oh my god, I'm so happy you're okay!" An unfamiliar girl said, also grabbing my hands. She seemed kind, so I didn't freak out. "Emma, this is Grace Auten. She also visited you in the hospital." Grace hugged me tightly, and I didn't refuse to hug back. "Gosh, you're so beautiful." She said to me. "No oh my god look at you," I said to her. She smiled at me and studied my face.
This happened with Jack Baran, Jenn, Will, Arden, Jon, and two other guys, both also named Jack. I didn't know so many people cared that much to see a dying girl they've never even met. It's weird. I don't know how to feel about it. I really like Jonah, Grace, and Jack B though. They were so kind and happy to see me, I couldn't believe it.
There's still a bunch of people I haven't met, and I'm still slightly intimidated. I won't leave Kian's side, and I haven't even seen Jc since this morning. Kian suggested to take a break to talk to our  friends in the living room so we're all sitting on the couches together, surrounded by people I already know. Suddenly my heart stopped and I dug my nails into Kian's arm. "What Em?" he asked slightly annoyed. I buried my face into his side, and started breathing heavily. "Em, calm down. It's okay." He said, pulling his arm away so he could wrap it around me. I clung onto his chest and continued to panic. "Em, what is it?" Everyone's getting quieter and I can feel eyes on me. "I-it's him." I sobbed. "Who? What?" Kian asked, rubbing his hand up and down my back. "The guy from the mall that was following me around." My voice cracked, and I curled up closer to Kian. He sighed heavily then made me sit up. "Em," he moved one hand to the side of my face, then grabbed my hand with the other, "that's Trevor. He used to be in that collab channel with us." My minds racing and I'm just now realizing how big of a scene I'm making. I loosed my grip on Kian and tried to calm down. "Trev, come talk to Emma for me." I didn't let go of Kian, and I stayed tense. "Hey, I'm Trevor, nice to meet you Emma! I'm glad you're okay!" The boy said kindly. I weakly smiled at him and Kian rubbed my back. "Are you okay? You seem a bit tense." Trevor asked me. I nodded and loosened up.

"Alright guys, I just want to say how damn happy I am that all of us could be here today. Some of you could because you've already seen your family, you're going to soon, or you moved here cause you hate your family and want to be as far away from them as possible, but hey, we don't judge." Everyone laughed and Jc continued. "Right now there's 33 people in my house. All of us are sitting at one big ass table, and are about to eat some good ass food made by yours truly. Now, I just want to say that I'm thankful as hell for every single on of you. Especially my girl Emma. Now don't get confused friends, technically she's Kian's, I mean I'm aware of that. I can hear them fucking every night, but that's not the point. Emma's changed my life completely over the past few months. At first she was just a terrified, fragile, broken girl. And I mean she thought I was actually going to hurt her which was crazy for me. All of my life I've been Jc, the fun, cool guy that loves life and everything to it, but when Emma was that scared of me, it changed my whole outlook. She didn't trust anyone. She would flinch every time I tried to hug her, or hold her hand. Honestly, Emma was like an abused shelter puppy. And I've never been so happy to have an experience like this. I'm glad I could earn her trust and learn about a whole 'nother lifestyle. Here's to Emma, my favorite girl." Everyone smiled and raised their gasses and said "to Emma" then clanged them together. I smiled at Jc's words and Kian held my hand. All of the people I love are around me. Kian, Jc, Sam, Ricky, Connor, and even the new people I've met. I've never been so happy to be with so many people, and I'm enjoying every second of this.

woah hey look I'm back! sorry I didn't post yesterday, I've been getting ready to drive six hours to the 1975 concert !

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