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The weeks gone pretty fast and Anthony and I have gotten closer. Kian's been pretty pissed so he's been really mean to me recently, but I've been trying to ignor it. He hasn't hurt me too bad yet, but he's been really close. I've gotten a few bruises since Monday and I can't stand him for it. He said he was going to stop, but I guess some people just don't change. Also, Jc's been really pissed at him for everything and he's been helping me out around the house. Thank god he's here or I would probably be dead by now.
"Emma, get your ass down here!" Kian yelled from the living room. "What do you want Kian?" I asked in a somewhat pissed mood. "What did you just say to me?" He spat, grabbing my wrists and pinning me up against the wall. "Nothing, chill." I said, annoyed. He deeply sighed then continued to speak. "We're having a party tonight. That means this house needs to be ready for a party. Get your shit together and clean the house. Now." His jaw is clenched tightly and I tried to not look him in the face. "Got it?" He let go of me and I almost fell to the ground. "Stop being such a dick Kian." Jc spat when he walked in, helping me up. "Go get ready. I'll take care of everything." Jc whispered in my ear. I smiled at him then quickly went up to my room before Kian could stop me. I locked the door just in case and began to prepare myself for tonight.
Anthony and I are having our first "date" tonight and I want to look good for it. I mean he's still my only friend, but I'm pretty sure this is going somewhere. He's actually sweet and it's nice for a change. It's like someone actually cares about me other than Jc for once.

"Hey Emma?" Jc knocked on my door lightly and when I opened it he grabbed my hand and led me to my bed. "You've never been to a party right?" he asked me, not letting go of my hand. I shook my head and he continued. "I just want you to know it's probably gonna be pretty scary for you so I want you to know that if you need me to kick anyone's ass, I will." He said seriously. "Then why haven't you kicked Kian's ass yet." I mumbled. "Hey, you know I would in a second if he didn't live with us." Jc said, squeezing my hand. "So it's okay if he rapes me or whatever just because he lives in the same house as you," I scoffed. "Figures." Jc pulled me closer to him and sighed. "You know that's not what a mean, Emma. And you sure as hell know I hate what he's doing to you." He said with his face so close to mine that I could feel his breath. "Anthony's gonna be here soon. I have to finish getting ready." I said, walking out of my room, leaving Jc behind.

People are crowded all over the place downstairs and the smell of alcohol and whatever else is overwhelming. I've been in a bar once in my life when I had to pick up food for us and it didn't even smell half this bad.
"Hello love, you are looking beautiful as always." Anthony said, kissing my cheek. I smiled at him and he led me over to our couch. "Wow, this party doesn't seem very.. Emma." He said, throwing his arm around me. "Yeah well it's Kian and Jc's. Not mine." I smiled at him. "Man, I remember Jc was the coolest guy in school when I was a freshman. He could've hit every single girl in the school but he stuck with one. It's crazy to think Kian ended up the same way." Anthony said looking around. "Kiss me." I said quickly. "What?" He asked, generally confused. "Kiss me. I want you, Anthony Slater, to kiss me." And before I could say another word he pulled me closer and pressed his lips against mine. He's being sweet and gentle. Nothing like Kian.
I grabbed his neck and pulled him closer to me, causing him to literally lay on me. "You're a good kisser." I said, playing with his hair as our foreheads pressed against each other. "Same to you." He said, lightly pressing his lips against mine. "Yes. Very much yes." I smiled at his words and he got off of me. "I'm gonna go pee then get us drinks." I nodded at him with a smile then sat up and remembered last week when Kian gave me my first beer and I ended up getting drunk.

"Hey pretty girl, how could he have left you all alone?" A random guy yelled over the music after sitting down beside me. "He went to go get us drinks." I said, slightly intimated. "Ah yes, and that is why he asked me to give you this. He went to the bathroom and said he didn't want you to get to thirsty so I was told to give you this." The boy said, handing me a red solo cup. I thanked him and took a few sips. "Who are you anyways?" I asked after quickly swallowing the poison. "I'm Jake, I go to your school. I guess you've just never noticed me." He smiled and wrapped his arm around me like Anthony had done.


Holy heck Emma's like the hottest girl ever and she told me to kiss her. I still haven't processed this like I need to go out there and kiss her again. What the hell? The door won't budge. "Hey? Is anyone out there? I can't get out!"


This is new. I'm not even done with my first drink and I feel twice as drunk as last time. "Fuck you're so hot." Kian said as he kissed me roughly. "I missed you, Kian." I moaned as I tugged at his hair. "Who the fuck is Kian?" The boy asked as he kissed down my neck.
I opened my eyes and realize this really isn't Kian. Who is this guy? "Wait, no stop." I said pushing him away. "No, come on babe, relax." The boy said moving down my chest. "I don't even know who you are. Please stop." I said pushing on his head again. "Fucking chill, slut. This will go a lot smoother." And then my shirt ripped. Right down the middle. "I want Kian." I cried. "Shut up!" The boy yelled harshly, pinning my arms on my side.
"What the fuck are you doing to her?" I heard someone yell. It's Jc. And now the boy is off of me. And now Jc's killing him.
I curled up into a ball against the couch watching Jc kill the guy. He's so angry. I didn't think he could be that violent. "You fucking asshole! Don't ever fucking touch her again!" Jc yelled over and over again as the boy fell to the ground.

Guys this is so intense I'm upset

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