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"Kian! Isn't that your car?" Jc yelled, pointing at a car flipped over and demolished. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!" I screamed, opening the door and running towards the scene. "Where is she?" I yelled at the officers and gathered people. "Where the fuck is my girlfriend!" A young police officer came towards me. "Son I need you to stay back. This is serious." He pushed me back. "You don't understand! That's my car! That was my girlfriend in that car! Please, just please tell me where she is. I-I need to see her." I calmed down. "Are you Kian Lawley?" He asked, loosening his face. I nodded. "Get in my car right now. Okay?" He said, putting his hand on my back. I did as he said, and he got in too. Before I knew it, we were speeding down 101. "I'm sorry son. I-I didn't know." The officer spoke with great sympathy. "Well how is she? Where is she? Fuck, is she even alive?" I asked him nervously. "She's not doing too good. Critical condition. Should have just gotten to LAC now. I'm going as fast as I can, son." Tears formed in my eyes and I stayed quiet. I told Jc we're going to LAC and he's following us at a much slower pace.
"If you don't mind me asking a few questions while we wait, that would be great." Officer Phillip, the one who brought me here said. "Uh yeah sure," I spoke, unfocused on his words. Emma's in surgery right now. I don't know much, but I know it's not good. "Why was Emma in your car without you?" Phillip asked me. "We had a fight, and while I was fighting with Jc, my other roommate, she grabbed my keys and ran off." I said, becoming emotional again. "And did you know where she was going? Did you talk to her after she left? How did you find her?" Phillip asked me as he wrote down shit. "I called her when Jc and I got in his car. She said she was going to the city and that she never wanted to see me again. I kept on telling her to come home and when she tried to argue again, she stopped mid-sentence, started yelling fuck, then the call ended." I choked up. Officer Phillip wrote more shit down and continued to ask me questions.
"You boys might want to sit down for this." A doctor said to Jc and I. "Emma's in critical condition. Honestly, we're surprised she's alive. Multiple bones are broken, internal bleeding, a concussion, and she could be in a coma from days, weeks, possibly months. I'm sorry boys." Jc's crying. I haven't seen him like this in so long. "Jc.. She'll be fine." I spoke, patting him on the back. "Once again Kian. Once again you put the one girl I care about in the hospital. This time, she's probably gonna die. Thanks Kian. Ya did good." Jc stood up and left me there alone. Almost everyone in the room is staring at me and I want to punch them all in the face.

"Sam," I breathed out, standing up after he walked into the waiting room. "You did this to her! You fucking killed my sister!" He screamed, pushing me back aggressively. "I didn't kill her! She'll be fine!" I yelled back. "Fine? You think a comma is fine? Fuck Kian, you don't know anything about being a boyfriend, a good one at that!" We tackled each other till some workers pulled us apart. Sam has to sit on the one side of the room while I have to sit on the other. Great.
"Emma's ready to be seen. Only one person at a time." A nurse said, standing in the middle of the room so both of us could hear. "I'm going!" Sam and I both yelled after standing up. "No she fucking hates you!" He yelled at me. "Really? She hates me? You're the one that was a fucking douche to her for four years!" I yelled back. "At least I didn't kill her!" With that I stayed quiet and the nurse looked at both of us. "Why don't I have Sam come in first, then you can go in right after." She spoke softly, almost scared of my reaction. I nodded and he went in.
"Mr. Lawley, you can go in now" the nurse spoke softly as Sam came out with a red face covered in tears. For the last twenty minutes I've been anxious as hell, waiting to see her. I nodded at the nurse and she lead me in.
Connected to a bunch of wires and tubes, lies Emma, unconscious on her bed. A warm tear fell down my face and I covered my mouth and nose with my hands. "Emma," I sobbed out. She's so lifeless. I did kill her.
I grabbed a chair and sat close to her bed. "I'm so sorry Emma. I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean to." I said after lightly grabbing her hand. My handprint is printed on her wrist and I let out another sob. "God, Emma. I'm so sorry. I'm such a dick. I didn't think this would happen. I don't even remember what I was mad about. I-I love you, and I know that.. I know that you're gonna break up with me after you wake up.. And.. Emma, please.. Please don't die. I-I love you, and I-I don't know what I'd do with myself if you l-left me" I let out a heavy sob "I-I should just leave you alone n-now because y-you hate me s-so much and y-you never wanted to s-see me again. Fuck Emma.. I love you so much. I can't.. I can't let go." My face and shirt is soaked and I'm completely trembling.

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