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"God I missed you so much," Jc breathed out, hugging me tightly. I smiled as I breathed in his familiar scent. "I wasn't gone for that long." I said after pulling away. "Well it was too long for me." We both stared at each other, smiling, till Matty cleared his throat. "Oh Jc, this is my uh.. my friend Matty." I awkwardly said after grabbing Matty's hand, and bringing him towards us. "Mhm yeah. Nice to meet ya Matt. Stop fucking Emma." Jc said, shaking his hand. "Jc!" I yelled, hitting his arm. "I'm kidding. I'm just kidding," he said, holding his hands up in defense. "Where's Kian?" I asked, trying to change the subject. Matt snaked his arm around me and rubbed my back. "He's in his room, but are you sure you wanna go up there? I mean.." Jc trailed off. "I'll go with her." Matty said, continuing to rub my back. I weakly smiled at Jc before we started walking up the stairs.
I couldn't get enough courage so I went back into my room with Matty. He chuckled at all of the 1975 shit I have. "I heard this is a pretty shitty album. Waste of money." Matty said, holding up my 1975 record. "Shut up that's my favorite one I own." I laughed. "Who the fuck is this guy? He looks like a drug addict."
"That's you bitch." I said before pressing my lips against his.
I lead him over to my bed where we continued to kiss. "Emma, what are we?" he asked after pulling away. "What do you want us to be?" I said playing with his fingers. "Well, I don't know. I like you, a lot. But, I'm gonna be touring for awhile and I'd never see you. Also you seem to be having some issues right now and I just don't want to get in your way. Do you understand?" I nodded at his words. "Matt, I don't want to tie you down while you tour the country. I know you need someone to be with often, and if I'm not with you, then you'll just go be with someone else. Or you'll lose your mind not being able to fuck someone else. I get it Matt. I'll be with you when I can. We'll go out for coffee or a drink and we'll come back here after. I don't care. I just want you to be happy. Plus you need to focus on your music and fans. I'm not gonna be another famous guys bitch that everyone hates." I laughed. Matty chuckled back then laid down in my lap.

"Emma, we need to talk." Kian said, busting into my room. "What the hell Kian? We could have been fucking or something! Learn how to fucking knock!" I yelled. "Emma, I'm serious I need to talk to you," he said, pacing around the room. "I'm not leaving her with you, mate." Matty said, grabbing my hand. "Look, Matt, I know you hate me and all that fun shit, but this is serious. I need to talk to Emma, alone. If she even raises her voice, you can beat the shit out of me. I promise, I just need to talk."
Kian seems genuinely concerned so I told Matty to leave. "What could be so damn important that you needed to kick my.. my.. Matty out? I'm not gonna see him again for a really long time after he leaves in two days, and I'm trying to spend as much time with him as possible. You know what Kian? I didn't have to fucking come back. I could have been fucking Matt in a hotel or some shit! But I decided to come back to the house in which my rapist lives. How does that sound? What the fuck is wrong with me?" I partly yelled. "You know what, I need a drink. I'm sure there's a shit ton downstairs because of your drinking problem, right?" I said, getting off of my bed and walking towards the door. "Emma, stop." Kian said, grabbing my wrist. It hurt like hell but I tried my best to keep quiet. "Let go of me." I spat. "Emma.." Kian trailed off. "If you don't let go of me right now, I'm gonna call the fucking police! I'm tired of all of this shit Kian! You think I'm fu-"
"I told you not to fuck with my girlfriend!" Matty yelled after kicking open my door. He punched Kian, but that just resulted in Kian pulling me with him, basically crushing very bone in my wrist. Matty punched Kian over and over again until he finally let go of me. "Matt! Stop!" I yelled, terrified at the sight. "You fucking cunt! Stop fucking around with Emma! You ruined her fucking life!" Matty screamed. I've never seen him so mad. It's scaring me. "Matt, please, stop." I sobbed, sliding down the wall. My throat's swelling up and I feel like I can barely breathe.
After a few minutes of having one of the worst anxiety attacks of my life, I felt a hand on me. "Come on, Emma, I don't want you to see this." Jc said, holding his hand out. I kept my eyes shut and tried my hardest to stand. I'm completely unstable so Jc picked me up bridal style and carried me down stairs to his room.


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