Background (edited)

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This isn’t a pretty story, then again, being taken from your home when your fifteen never is.  My name is Mason Faye and I am a female werewolf. In a world were men are dominant species. Right now I am being transported to the Victorn Girl’s Academy, where I’ll be auctioned off to my mate within six weeks. We are told that we will be happy and that we are to always OBEY our mates. It’s funny how they never really mention love. This has been our way for more than thirty years before I was born. Tradition just doesn’t change easily, no matter how much you try.

I am my parents’ only child and I may never see them again. My mother is the only woman I can honestly say who loved her mate. I should say that it’s a good thing—having a mate—but it’s not. Don’t let the stories fool you, were not predestined to be with anyone. We're sold to men who think we’re less than common wild animals. Many of them are twice our age if not more. Most of them are abusive mentally, physically…SEXUALLY. If you're lucky, you’d find one that didn’t hit you and fed you regularly. The last thing I want is a mate. Giving the opportunity, I will escape or die trying.

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