Chapter 5: Fake it 'til You Make It (edited)

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We knew he was coming. Jillian was deathly still as Keegan came for her Thursday night. We both stayed up and I made sure to have something blunt in my hand. This time I won't just leave a red mark, I'll leave a lump and hopefully some blood.  It was three in the morning, but there was no way I was going to sleep through this.

The door turned and he walked in, turned the lights on and closed the door behind. I glared at him, daring him to try something, but he didn't;t seem to notice me. He glided over to Jillian and held her down. I was astounded by his arrogance. I sprung into action and knocked him over the head with a wrench that we had stolen from a staff member yesterday. Keegan collapsed on the floor with blood trickling down his face. Jillian got up and repeatedly kicked him in the crotch, hard. That was going to hurt when he wakes up.

We both took a and and dragged him out of the room and down the corridor. We didn't;t need someone seeing him all bloody outside our door. He left him in the hall, slouched against the wall then we went to sleep. 

The next morning Jillian was up and…very cheerful. She was actually humming to some unknown song. She was not very good, but it was nice not seeing her cowering in fear for a change. “Oh, good morning Mason,” she turned to me as she brushed her hair. “Did you sleep well?”

Surprisingly I did have a goodnight sleep. “Uh yeah,” I said. I threw the covers off of me and check the clock on the wall. It was 6:07a.m. It was time for me to get up. A flash of what happened with Keegan pierced my mind. Then I rubbed my neck as if he had choked me again. “Are…you…okay?”

“I am wonderful. Finally that asshole got what he deserved,” she sat on the bed and started putting her brown flats on. “That was so awesome, Mason,” she smiled. “After all these weeks, I finally win. Do you know how tired and angry I was of him," she squeezed the brush in her hand until it snapped in half and clanked against the floor. "I feel so disgusting when he touches me…” she trialed off going into a slight trance.

“Well I’m happy I could help. It wasn’t just for you, that bastard hurt me too. We just gave him a little of his own medicine,” I grinned.

“Speaking of medicine, I think he’s going to need some with all those crotch shots I gave him,” Jillian chuckled. We both looked at each other, paused, and then laughed. “You think he’ll be able to have children?”

“Gosh, I hope not. The world doesn’t need another Keegan. Sadly, I don’t think you’re the only girl he’s been abusing. For all we know he could be the father of a lot of those pregnant girls,” I frowned. “Hey what can you tell me about them?” I asked curiously.

Jillian looked at me then sighed. "From what I heard, they were given back to the academy if their mate decides that they don’t want to take care of them anymore,"she plopled on her bed. "Since they return, the Academy has to give the mates a refund. They do not like giving all. If the girl comes back pregnant and the mate wants the baby, the Academy sends the baby to them and try to resell the girls, use them for housework, or they, uh, kill them.”

“So the girls never get to see their babies?” I asked curiously. 

“No. Not even if their mates don’t want the baby. After birth they would give them to an adoption agency.”

“Why can’t they just let the girls and the babies go back to her family?” I furrowed my brows. "I don't understand what they are accomplishing by keeping them here when they are not going anywhere. They should at least have the option of having their life back."

“Mason,” Jillian gave me a sorrowful look. “Once you come here, you have no parents. It’s here, brothels, or death. They don’t give you any other choice. They don’t like losing money here. They will try to make as much off you as they can.”

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