Meet The Paylinsons

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Meet the Paylinsons:

Liam (Dad or dada) (32): Music Producer, the disciplinarian of the family. He loves his husband and his kids and spoils them bit when his kids misbehave he lays down the law since Louis tends to be a bit of a pushover.

Louis (Papa)(33): Stay at home dad. Has a hard time saying no to the kids and rarely disciplines them. The kids have him wrapped around their little fingers.

Zayn(16): Liam's biological son, very thoughtful and extremely helpful at home but at school he tries to be someone he's not to impress people and sometimes tends to hang out with the wrong crowd. His dads have no idea about his school social life, all they know about his schooling is he gets good grades. Loves both his fathers but sometimes wonders about his mother. Adores baby Niall and always holds him and plays with him.

Harry(12): Adopted at age 5 from an abusive home. He remembers everything and still tends to have panic attacks and completely shut down when he's scared or overwhelmed. He's very shy and clingy with his fathers. He's definitely the most sensitive out of the three boys. He also openly expresses himself. He wears what he wants to wear whether it be a suit and tie or a skirt and frilly pink socks. Requires the most attention and care out of all the boys.

Niall(1&1/2): Adopted at birth from a single teen mother who wasn't ready for a baby. He's a very happy and independent baby and very smart for his age. Absolutely adores Zayn and constantly wants to be around him.

Liam and Louis have been best friends since Liam was 5 and Louis was 6. At age 12 Louis came out as gay and Liam was his only friend that stayed. At age 16 Liam got a girl pregnant at a party one night and filed for sole custody of baby Zayn because the mother was a hard core partier who was into drugs and drinking and was in no way fit to be a mother, Louis was always there to help. Although Zayn was conceived on a drunken night, Liam never considered him a mistake and did everything he could to give his son a good childhood. Liam and Louis realized their feelings for each other days before Liam's 18th birthday. They were at the park with a then one year old Zayn watching him play. They looked at each other after watching Zayn for awhile and smiled at each other but then they locked eyes and found themselves leaning in, the kiss was the best either of them had ever experienced. Zayn saw and yelled "dada!" Out of excitement. He then toddled over to Louis and said "Papa!" While putting his arms up for Louis to lift him. It was at that moment their family was born.

I'm super excited for this new story. :) It'll start as soon as I get a prompt so please comment :) I hope everyone else is excited for it too. Also thank you to my best friend @Idontownemotionirent for making the cover for this story. <3

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