Full House Extra 1

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Liam and Louis had come down with a nasty cold but they knew they couldn't rest because they had no one to watch the kids. Liam's parents were working and Louis' mum lived too far plus she had all of her own kids to watch. Leigh Anne and Jade were on holiday in the states with Perrie.

Liam and Louis were cuddled up on the couch coughing, sneezing, and sniffling while Harry and Niall played with toy cars on the carpet. Zayn was at school but he should be home any minute. As if on cue, the door opened and Zayn walked in.

"Hi dad, hi papa."

"Hi lov-" Louis started before coughing violently. It was only then that Zayn realized how sick his fathers looked.

"Woah you guys look horrible."

"Thanks Zee." Liam joked before coughing and sneezing.

"Go up to bed, I'll watch Harry and Niall."

"Zayn no, that's too much."

"Nope, go up to bed, you need rest. I've got it handled." Liam and Louis looked at each other before hesitantly getting up and going upstairs to their room. Zayn put his bag down and sat on the floor with the boys.

"What do you guys wanna do?"

"Play Doh!" Niall squealed and Harry just stared at Zayn. Harry had been going through this new phase where he wouldn't speak to anyone and it was really frustrating when he'd cry because it was like having a newborn, they didn't know what was wrong.

"Harry do you want to play Play Doh?" Harry just slightly nodded so Zayn picked him up and placed him on his hip and grabbed Niall's hand, walking towards the kitchen. He put Harry in his high chair and fastened him in before doing the same with Niall. He went over to the cabinet and grabbed all their Play Doh sets, setting them on the table and opening them up. As soon as Zayn started dumping everything out Harry and Niall squealed and started grabbing at everything. Zayn laughed at their enthusiasm and began playing with them.

"What are you making bug?"

"Giwaffe." Niall giggled as he held up a messy lump of orange,purple,and green Play Doh.

"Oh, how pretty." Zayn told him and Niall smiled, proud of himself.

"What about you Hazza?" Harry just looked at Zayn and continued poking holes in the pink Play Doh with his finger. When Zayn tried to offer him another colour figuring he was bored with the pink Harry just whimpered so Zayn let Harry continue on with whatever he was doing. Zayn played with Play Doh for about an hour before he got up and washed his hands so he could start dinner. He let Niall and Harry keep playing so they could be occupied while he was busy. He heated up the oven and pulled out all the ingredients he needed to make a pizza. Once he prepared it and put it in the oven he got out two bowls and made some soup. He picked up the bowls and grabbed some medicine.

"I'll be right back okay?" Harry and Niall nodded, not even looking up at Zayn. Zayn entered his dads' room and saw them cuddled up sleeping. He gently shook them until they both slowly woke up.

"I brought you guys some soup and medicine."

"Thanks Zee, do you want me to go get the boys now?" Liam asked but Zayn just shook his head.

"I've got it, they're playing with Play Doh right now. Eat your dinner and go back to sleep. I'll come get the bowls later." They both nodded and thanked Zayn as he left the room. He went back downstairs and put the Play Doh away and cleaning the boys' hands before serving them pizza. They ate quickly, making a huge mess.

"Baff?" Niall asked cutely and Zayn couldn't say no.

"Sure bug, you both need one anyway." He wiped the sauce from their mouths and carried them into the loo and starting a bubble bath. He undressed them both and wiped Harry down seeing as he had a dirty nappy before placing them in the bath. Zayn put toys in their for them and watched them play as he washed them. He let them stay in until the water got cold before getting them out and putting a nappy on both of them before dressing Harry in his Mickey Mouse onesie and Niall in a Finding Nemo one. They went to the family room and played blocks for awhile and watched Toy Story when Zayn saw it was time for bed.

"Come on bug." He motioned for Niall to follow him as he picked up Harry who already looked half asleep. He took them upstairs to Harry's room first and laid Harry in his crib before picking out a book and placing Niall in his lap. He read The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Goodnight Moon before kissing Harry on the forehead and standing up to take Niall to his nursery.

"Love...Zee." Harry spoke quietly and Zayn beamed because this is the first time he's heard Harry speak in two weeks. He went back over to crib and kissed Harry's forehead and cheek again.

"I love you too Hazza, so much." he kissed him one more time before giving him his stuffed bear and turning off the light, walking out. He carried Niall next door to his nursery and changed Niall's nappy quickly before giving him his stuffed rabbit and placing him in his crib.

"Night bug, I love you." He said, kissing Niall's tiny hands and feet as the toddler giggled.

"Lub oo Zee." He leaned up and gave Zayn a sloppy kiss on the cheek before laying back down. Zayn smiled and left the room going to check on his dads. He opened the door and saw them once again cuddled up asleep. There were tissues scattered everywhere so Zayn picked them up and threw them away before grabbing their empty soup bowls and carrying them down to the kitchen. He did the dishes quickly then took a shower and went to bed. The next day Liam and Louis felt much better and they praised Zayn for taking care of the kids and somehow getting Harry to talk again.

So that was the first prompt of the extra five. Thank you to  for the prompt of sibling bonding.

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