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"Julie, you have a better life out of this little cabin! You havent touched your bank account for like.. Three years," Atty. Peñaflorida came in again trying to convince me to get away from this place.

I looked at her quietly as i wait for her next words that i've heard several times before.

"Cmon Juls, you have a hundreds of million to spend! Plus you are a talented person. Pintor ka. Manunulat ka. Doctor ka." She reminded me again.

I smiled and sighed as i open my mouth, "Atty., gusto ko lang mamuhay ng normal."

"There isnt normal in the way you live, Julie," her eyes were too sharp as if she wanted to kill me.

"Im working in my best friend's coffee shop. I go shopping and go to a girl's night out to party every friday night, what isnt so normal in there?" flipping my hair and rolling my eyes, i shifted on the sofa.

"That's not what your dad wants you to do in your life," she whispered and there she goes with her drama again. But i know. I know that. Dad wanted me to serve other people. Help other people. They dont really know that i still do a free medical mission once a month and visiting and donating to charities and churches.

"And Julie. Im just so worried thinking that youre alone in here," i saw a tear run down her face.

I give up.

I held her hands and trying to reassure her that im fine in here.

"Tita, im safe here. Dont worry. I just wanna get away from the city," i gave her a small smile.

And then followed by..

"Away from fake people."

I sighed. Lame as it may sound but i lost every important people in my life and that made me realized that maybe i was meant to be alone. Away from people. Away from everything. And everyone.

I watched her leave my cabin and im too thankful because she didnt push too much again unlike some days she'd visit me. The last time i open up with my Attorney slash Tita Mila was when i had my heart broken 5 years ago. That was the most terrifying moment of my life. I dont even know what to do; how to fix my life. He was my world but when he left, everything shattered. But i got over it a year after that and now im trying to live normal. Normal as i can be.

I sighed and lay down the couch. I focused on my breathing and the dead silence started to wrap me. Then after a long minute, i heard a knock on my door. I shut my eyes. Not again. Tita wont even let everything go.

"Hello?" came a voice that made my forehead creased. I suddenly sat down.

"Anybody home?" He asked again.

Holy crap! My heart was beating so fast. It's a guy!

"Hello?" he called again and i stood up. Holding my pocket knife, i held the door knob and carefully turn it to open.

I saw a guy with a huge back pack with him and he's wearing a white v-neck shirt with ripped jeans and a white sneaks.

"Who are you?" Holding up my pocket knife right infront of his face, i tried to scare him.

"Whoaaaa!" he back off, hands shielding his face, and looking at me.

"Miss, easy. I dont have the intention to hurt you. I just.... I just need you," he told me.

Need me?

My brows arched and he nodded and say,

"Yeah. I need you. I'm just. I'm just running away. From the people," he heaved a deep and long sigh.

Wait. A good looking guy like him is trying to get away from people?

I let out a laugh and his face was suddenly sad and i felt like im being so rude.

Without thinking twice i open my door widely and say, "Come in."

He run inside my cabin and stood near my door.

"Amm, you can sit down, you know," i rolled my eyes and he set his big black back pack right beside him.

"Thank you, i can pay you a hundred thousand for this. Just let me stay here for a week," he begged.

"Hold up! I dont need money. You said you needed help. I can give you a hand. But you gotta tell me first why you are running away," i said as our faces met and our eyes locked. There was a sadness in his eyes and fear and anger.

"I just wanted to take a break in my life. I just wanna live quietly. I wanna experience that. I just wanna lay around the wet grass and look at the vast starry horizon and drink a cup of milk. I just wanted to live normal. Kahit saglit lang," he smiled a small one and i nodded.

No second thoughts, no judging, i nodded. Because somehow, i get his. I understand and know how he feels. Being alone isnt so bad. In fact, it will help you realized things in life better than what others think of it. And with him, i just wanna help.

"You can stay here as long as you want. But there is one thing i wanna ask you," my eyes was burning and i was too freaking serious and i want him to remember every word that drops out from my mouth.

He waited patiently. And nervously.

"Don't. Ever. Touch. Me."

He nodded like an idiot and answered,

"I wont."

"Okay. There's a little room right behind the kitchen. You can stay there for awhile and.... "

"Thank you! Thank youuuu!" he said excitedly and stood up. My eyes widens when he walked towards my direction and gave me a hug.

I pushed him with all my energy and looked at him.

"I made it clear that you cant touch me, right?" my voice was on its high pitch as i yelled at him.

"Oh God. Im sorry. That wont happen again. Im really sorry. Im just too happy you let me stay here. I'll... I'll walk near the pond and be back when youre alseep. Thank you!!!" he stormed out of the cabin and i sighed, letting my shoulders fall and my body collapsed on the sofa.

"Hey!" he called.

"What the fuck do you want?" My blood is surely boiling now. This guy is starting to annoy me.

"Amm. Sorry again. Pero kasi.... Ano ngang pangalan mo?" he held two fingers up to make a peace sign.

I shut my eyes and calm myself for five seconds and then took a deep breath and answered,

"Im Julie."

He nodded.

"Nice name. Im E...." he was hesitant and i cocked one brow. Does he even know his name?

"I'm Moses! Thanks Juls! See you tomorrow!" and just like that, he disappeared from my sight.

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