I woke up the next morning groaning, i stretch my arm extending to the other side of the bed expecting to hold a strong arms but i felt nothing. I slowly force my eyes to pop open and the thick curtains were still blocking the light. I dragged myself inside the bathroom and i wonder why my body hurts too much. I looked at the mirror and my body reflected through it. I looked at it and saw love bites near my chest. And there it all came back to me what happened last night. A smile formed on my lips as it flashback in my mind what an amazing night last night.

Shaking my head, i washed my body and run a warm water over my naked body as i imagine how he touches me hours ago. It's very sensitive and careful as if im too fragile.

After showering, i pulled a jeans and a white shirt as i head down the stairs. I saw his back upon entering the mini kitchen. I leaned on the door frame watching him busily cooking and when he turned around, he was surprised to see me.

"Hey, love. I didnt know you're up already," he said as he immediately untie his apron and went to me as he lift me up swiftly on the floor making me giggle.

"Good morning," I told him and he set me on my feet but crashing his lips to mine with so much pressure and im loving it.

"Good morning! I cooked breakfast for you. Lets eat before you head to work," he said inviting me to sit down as he pulled a chair.

I started eating quietly and boy! His cooking is an A+! I almost finished all that he prepared.

"You're the best cook!" i giggled as i burped loudly, not ashamed, right i front of his face.

He laughed and kissed the crook of my neck when i stood up and put the plate on the sink.

"Will you be late to come home tonight?" He asked and i thought about it. He said it was his birthday the other day and i havent done anything grand for him.

"Umm, no. I'll be early today. I'll just have to have my best friend explain and come right back home so you wont have enough time to miss me," i shot with my brows moving up and down. Where are those words coming from? Its as if too natural for me to tell him those. Now my cheeks flushed red and he saw that.

He chuckled and said, "Thank you." I kissed his cheeks and storm out of the house but before i disappeared, i heard him scream from my back, "I love you! Come home safe!"

I did not say a word. Instead, i waved my hand back at him and went on biking to the coffee shop.

"Yeah. So we need a lot of materials for that, right? I mean look at the design," I heard Kay's voice. And im not surprised at all to see Kev's.

"Hi, love birds!" i greeted.

"Oh God, Julie! I've missed you!" Kevin walked towards me and gave me a tight brother hug.

"I miss you toooooo, Kev! How's it going?" We let go and Kay laughed at us.

"Aba parang kayo ang mag best friends ah," she chuckled and she hugged and kissed me on the cheeks.

"All is fine. You? How's everything? Found someone?" He smiled meaningfully and i shrugged. Kaylah studied my face as i slowly shook my face.

"Well. It's very complicated, you guys," i said nervously and Kay's eyes were too sharp as she stared at me now.

"Hey, baby, will you go order us some brunch? I think i need to discuss something very important with Julie," She spoke without breaking her stare at me.

Oh boy. Im dead.

She cornered me inside her office and firstly asked, "What happened now? What is that you were talking about? Complicated what?"

Come on!

"Kay, you know. Remember when you told me that there is nothing wrong about falling in love and giving...... " i started nervously playing with my fingertips as i talk when she shouted happily,

"Oh my gosh! Something happened to you and that guy and so that means you are not a vir...." and there she goes screaming and i had to stop her right there. My hand flew over her mouth to stop her from talking.

"....gin anymore," i continued in a very low voice as i eyed her and she nodded. Of course it's a big deal for my best friend. She knew that i havent gave it up to my ex fiancé which is a good thing because he dont deserve it.

Kaylah strangely looked at me in the eyes and she started melting down as, i think, she realized something.

"Kay, you are the hardest to read," sighing to give up. I wanna know what she's thinking right now but her eyes were in a different little colors and i couldnt spell what it was saying.

"Im not thinking about something. Im just.... Im just so happy to finally know that my best friend opens her heart again after too long years of heartbreaks," tears streaming down her face.

I chuckled at that thought but yeah... There was nothing wrong about opening your heart once more but i knew that im terrified and so i have to be honest to her. She's the only person in the world who i could tell everything to.

"But Kay, im terrified. You know the possibilities and conflicts and mistakes," my cheeks heated and she held my face before i tear up.

"Julie, it's another battle of the heart but i know this time, it's going to work," she smiled and without wanting it to be discussed further, i wiped my tears away and took a deep breath.

"Im gonna try again," i told her and she nodded.

"I love you," she whispered and i said it back to her.

After that, we were interrupted by a handsome guy in front of us, smiling hugely as he takes us a picture.

"Okay, that's enough. My girls has to eat now," Kev held our hands and dragged us out of the office and lead us to the table full of food.

"Kay, is it okay to go home early today? There is something i need to......"

"Juls, it's okay. You can even take a week off," she winked at me and i laughed.

"Juls, im going back to.." Kev began but his phone rings and he took the call right away.

"Hello Tita Pia? Yeah. No, i havent talked to him. Is there something wrong? Oh God. Really? Okay, dont worry. I'll try to contact him. Elmo is such an asshole. I know, Tita. That stupid kid! Yeah, i will, tita. Now relax, okay? Everything will be fine. Stay safe, alright?" we heard him talked as he busy himself typing on his mobile screen after the little convo.

"Hey babe, you okay?" Kay looked at him anxiously and Kev shoved his phone on his pocket as he focused on his food again.

"Yeah, baby. It's just that my other best friend left home since last last week and havent came back until now says his mom. I wonder what he's up to," he sighed as anxiousness was written all over his face.

Kay tilted her head and asked, "What's his name? Maybe we can help or something in little ways."

"His name is Elmo."


That's the same guy i overheard was missing by the teen customers the other day, i think.


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