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"Love, i dont want to be rude and interrupt but i gotta ask you this, are you going to work or?" I was waken up by such a soft voice that rings my ears.

It's a brand new day. It will always be a good one when he's around to welcome another day with me.

"Hi," i stretched my arms before looking at him and said, "Im not going to work today."

"Really? Are you okay? You sick or something?" He asked touching my forehead but i shook his hand away as i laughed.

"Im sure fine. Lets go hiking!" i jumped out of the bed and put on a leggings and a comfortable t-shirt for the long walk. I did not heard him reply but he walked out of the door and when i came down, he's all ready.

"You ready to go?" I ask and he nodded. We walked together outside and took our time to explore the woods and fine a familiar way to the peak of the mountain.

He had his mobile phone with him and taking some photographs around. I giggled when i saw his jaw literally fell with the beauty of nature.

"Love, look at that tree! It's too tall!" He said, amazed, looking at the tree infront, not too far away from us.

"I can see. Isnt it so pretty?" I chuckled and he nodded.

We also explored some birds hideout near the lake and he busy himself taking pictures of them. I watched him as he moved around, enjoying himself. A smile formed on my lips as he try to chase the bird.

"I just wanted a nice picture of him!" He complained and i was then laughing.

"That's not how you do it. You have to be very quiet as you move around," i gave him a tip and he looked at me and pouted.

"Alright there, its time to move!" I warned him and he simply smile and nodded.

We were walking for thirty to forty five minutes around the area and then reached the top finally fully viewing the entire scenery. It was absolutely breathtaking. The sweats and body pain were all worth it. The view was totally mesmerizing. I've seen it so many times but every time i climbed up here feels always like a first try. I looked at him and his face was too cute as he looked around, amused by the whole real life picture.

"Universe!" He started screaming and my eyes widens.

"Universe, ang ganda mo!" he screamed and i couldnt help laugh. Of all the things that he could say, that's the first one he ever let out.

He looked at me, catching his breath and laughed too.

"Thank you for bringing me here!"

"Wala yun. Ang ganda noh?" I asked and he nodded. We set a clean mat on the near end of the mountain and sat down.

"I couldn't believe my eyes!"

"This is Dad's favorite place to go to whenever he and mom fights," I sighed and his smile faded.

"This is the place where he relaxed and unwind," I went on.

"This is where he takes me during my 18th birthday and it's the best gift ever! He gave this whole place and up until now, i couldnt believe this is mine. This area, he named it as his JAPS Secret Hideout," I felt my lips formed a smile as i let a little flashback on my mind. I saw him smile too as he tapped my shoulders.

"You missed him a lot," he whispered and i nodded.

"Every single day."

We watch the blue and pink and a touch of orange plays on the horizon as the sun finally bid its final end and it sets.

"Love, yesterday, i saw another cabin not too far away from yours," He remembers as we were on the way back home.

"Oh that. It's ten minutes away from where we are right now. Do you wanna go and see it?" i asked. So he probably saw my painting cabin.

"Will it be okay to you? If you're not that tired, can we go?" He politely asked and i nodded right away.

And so we walked to that mini cabin and when we got there, i immediately switched on the lights. Also, i pressed a button for the lights that is leading to my cabin.

"Whoa!" He was once again surprised.

"So this is my painting cabin," i welcomed him and he was having a second thought to come inside.

"Babe, it's gonna be okay," I pulled him in.

"Wow. You. Really. Paint," he said in a very i-dont-believe-you tone.

I chuckled and nodded as i sit in one stool. I watched him study my every piece and i found it too amusing to see a guy like him, gazing over one simple abstract painting and looking at it, admiring it. After looking at the other one, he went to other side to study another piece.

"You are fucking good at this!" He quickly kiss my lips and then went back to taking photographs of the paintings.

"Thank you. But i stopped painting since my dad died. That was years ago, " I confessed and he slowly looked at me.

"You should try again, love," he sighed.

"Tonight?" my eyebrow cocked and he nodded.

Sighing deeply, i focus on this very moment and think that i really wanted to. I admit that im not motivated to do one piece tonight but a part of me wanted to try. Again.

I sat on the stool as i free a canvas. I still have some sprays and acrylic paints to be used for this one piece. He sat down beside me and patiently waited.

I breathe in and then out before starting to move. I looked at the materials for awhile and then began holding them, familiarizing myself. I colored the canvas in black paint and waited for awhile to dry. Once its okay, i held the brush and trying out on it as i create colors. I taped some sides of the workspace canvas before continuing it. I dont even have a outcome picture that of this but i know that its gonna be something special. Not too long before i could finish the whole thing, i felt his hands snaking around my waist and felt his chin rested on my shoulders. My eyes closed by his sudden moved and then his next movement led me to finally deciding to stop. He kissed my nape and i let out a low moan.

"I think we have plenty of time to come back here," i heard him whispered on my ears and i laughed.

"You're distracting me. Don't. Im almost done," i looked at him in the eyes and he nodded.

I held my small brush for the final retouch when i felt him kissed my shoulders again.

"Fuck, Moses. I said stop distracting me," i giggled and so did he. I let go of my brushes and turned my back to face him crashing his lips fully to mine. I felt his hands on my outer thighs pulling me closer without breaking the kiss.

He pinned me on the wooden wall as he held the end of my shirt. He kissed me hungrily and passionately while leaning his body against mine. There i felt his member hardened up. I slid down my leggings, leaving alone my undergarments and i helped him undress his. He set me on the carpet and started kissing my body as his tongues explores every corner. His hands slid on my sides and his lips were trailing kisses everywhere. I bit my lip as i felt my need of his. He kissed my stomach, down to my panty line. He looked at me and said with a passion shining through his eyes,

"I love you," i only answered a smile and i kissed his lips before he gone down to his target. He kissed the upper inches before my core and my body arched as i felt the tingling sensation and electricity running to my veins. He kissed my pearl and i screamed his name. His tongue explores the inside of me and couldnt control anymore. I was begging for this his burning touch, and his pure love. I moved and quickly rock my body as he slid down on me and we make love all throughout the night.

I heard him say i love you to me again and a single tear drops from my eyes. It wasnt painful physically at all. But emotionally, im dying inside. For this is going to be the last time that im making love to him.

The next days will be different.

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