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I woke up feeling dizzy the next morning. I went to look at Mielle's crib and she was no longer there.

"Anak, let's go shopping today?"

"I think we really need to go out and breathe fresh air today."

I overheard Tita Terry and Kaylah baby talking to my baby.

I cleared my throat when my feet landed on the end of the stairs.

"Nak, you're up. I made soup for you," Tita Terry smiled and i thanked her. She's been doing so good and all to make me feel better. I am trying to adjust myself for being a mom. Tita Terry was a great help and saying thank you isnt enough. She was all focused on how i breastfeed Mielle and were doing great. Kaylah is staying with me for six months and dont ask why. Even her without telling me, i knew that she's making up for our lost time since last year was her busy year preparing for her big day which is also happening next year. That time, Mielle would be almost a year and we can go all travel together.

"Good morning," Kaylah kissed my cheek as she hand me over our little love whose sleeping so peacefully.

"Im so sorry to tell you this but i think she all got her features to her Dad," she winked and i laughed softly holding and shaking Mielle on my arms so she wont wake up.

I was getting okay and less sad about Moe. Having talked to my best friend about him nights ago made me feel way better. Now, there's no secrets.

"Her lips are so cute and her hands are very tiny. I hope she got my nails though," she said touching Mielle's hand and i chuckled. She's really excited and too inlove with my daughter.

"Kev asked to have a photo taken with Mielle earlier and when i sent him a snap, he suddenly want me to go back to Paris and said so we can make one too. Baliw!" and then we roared in laughter.

• • •

Our days and months were all good and Mielle was getting bigger and her eyes starting to brighten up. Her tiny hands, arms and thighs are all in a chubby shape which Kay and I and Tita made all gigil every single time.

Kaylah moved into my room and we shared the same bed since she said she wanna take care of her anak during night time as well. I was actually on duty during night time but she always gets jealous when im holding Mielle in the middle of the night dancing with her. Kay told me she wanna experienced it too and i couldnt say no and so i let her in. Thankfully, i have her with me as Mielle starting to grow. For her first eleven months, we celebrate her birthdate per month and it was so fun. We documented well Mielle's firsts and keeping all videos and photographs in different disks and flash drives, laptops and phones as back ups.

Kaylah also bring her to shopping spree every month and if you're asking me if our baby love is spoiled to her Tita Mom, the answer is a yes. One. Big. Yes.

I often asked where does the time go? It's happening way too fast and im not ready to watched Mielle grow yet. I still want her to be a baby.

"Mom. A." she once whispered during her sleep and Kaylah, Tita Terry and I started crying for that was her first ever word to say after ten long months. She was trying to say momma in her sleep and i couldn't.. Well we... We couldn't help but get too emo.

"Oh my gosh, Anak!" Kaylah kissed Mielle softly on the cheeks, i on the lips and Tita Terry on the forehead. I felt like everything is so surreal.

"I love you, Mielle. We all do," I whispered as she sleep and made a little sound of snores. It always brought a smile whenever we hear her sleeps like that.

• • •

"Hi love," there he came to me and hugged me from the back as i cook our breakfast. His voice. His voice always calms me.

"Hi. You had a nice sleep?" I asked.

"I did. I know this is so weird to say but i miss you. Really, " he chuckled and kissed my neck.

"Moe, sorry for not spending time with you that much this week. Mielle is sick and i had to see her full attention and...."

Without letting me finish my sentence, he broke in and kissed my lips. It felt too nice to have feel him now after a long time. Our lips reconnected and our body started to heat up.

"It's okay. But can i be your baby too for today? Tita can take care of my Mielle. What about i demand some time with you now?" he asked smiling so beautifully and how could you even resist this guy? I felt his hands touches my cheeks and then brushed my lips on him aggressively as we share this make up time with each other.

He smiled and he said those three words multiple times before kissing me again and then.....

"Julie. Julie wake up!!" Kaylah was rubbing my arms as she wakes me up.

"Huh?" My eyes are half closed when i turned my head on hers.

"Zach was downstairs. He said he wanna see you. Come down now. It's not polite to have him waiting there for you for a long time," she tapped my head then walked away from the room.

So.. It was just a dream.

It was just a dream.

I rested my head on the board and closed my eyes and held my forehead and then my lips.

"I miss you too." Was all i whispered to myself before getting myself dressed and went downstairs after changing my pajamas.

There was Zach playing with Mielle and i could hear how crunchy her laugh was.

"Hi,"I gave him a small smile and kissed his cheeks.

"Good morning, beautiful," he greeted.

"Hi. What made you stopped by here?" i asked all smile. He's one busy guy and i know he has no time for such visit but he still came.

"I dont really know. But i think i just.... I just miss you," he said and i almost fell on my seat. It's so weird and felt too awkward but i have to act cool infront of him.

I pretend to chuckle and managed to answer, "You know what, you should come visit us often here."

He smiled and say, "Yeah i think so."

And then we had a chit chat for a bit before he receives a call from the hospital that they need him there then. He said bye again and i finally breathe in and then out.

"Uy!" Kaylah poked my shoulder because i started spacing out.

"Ha?" i answered unconsciously and Kaylah gave me a sharp look which made me back to reality.

"Ano yun?" i asked again.

"Ano nangyayari sayo?" She asked.

"I dont know." i answered and then suddenly i mumbled something that made my bestfriend smile from ear to ear.

"Kay... I think it's high time... I think it's time.....

..to go. Home."

• • •

Hallooooos. Im so sorry it took me so long to update. I was too busy. Also, sorry again for not going over the details for some parts because imma lazy bum. >~< I kidd. Its not it. I just wanna move on to happy parts. I have nothing more to write about the sad parts. So i wanna hurry it up. I hope you understand.

These few chaps are too hard and heavy to write. I just wanna get back to happy ones which is gonna be on next update. Finally! ^_^

Forgive me if these are lame. Ill make it up to you next update. Thank You. I love you :* Have a good day, and enjoy Julie's kansert. :)

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