Chapter 12

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We stood, silently staring into each others eyes, inches way from the other.

Malfoy spoke, breaking me out of my reverie. "I could ask you the same question, Ms. Taylor," he began, looking at the dark circles under my eyes. "What has been stressing you out?"

I froze, not sure if I should tell him about my mission in the library.

Malfoy waited, his liquid-warm grey eyes on me.

My heart stuttered.

"I've been spending a lot of time in the library lately," I answered, not wanting to give him too much details.

"You behind on homework? Hard to believe, since you've got Granger as a friend," Malfoy urged, his eyes wide with concern. He led me to the shore of the Lake.

Hoping to distract him, I shivered.

He noticed, and quickly got his shirt and handed it to me. I looked absolutely ridiculous in it, the end nearly reached my knees. He chuckled at my appearance. I glanced at his shirtless chest. There wasn't an extra ounce of fat anywhere, his chest smooth and hard. I glanced up at his neck, at his necklace. The half-heart was still there, looking as if it could fit perfectly with the one on my wrist. I wasn't one hundred percent sure, and I wasn't going to ask, in case if I was completely wrong. I blushed at the thought.

I sat down, and played with the grass, hoping that he wouldn't pursue the conversation.

"You haven't answered me Taylor," Draco said, playing with my wet hair. Sometimes his fingers would touch my neck, sending shivers through me, shivers that have nothing to do with the cold. "You know you can tell me anything, right?" Malfoy continued, fixing my gaze on his.

My heart melted.

"I've been researching some spells and stuff, you know, for Defence Against The Dark Arts. Something that makes people forget what happens......" I lowered my voice to barely audible near the end of the sentence. It sounded to bizarre to admit it to Malfoy, especially when there is no proof that such magic actually exists.

There was no doubt about it, Draco froze behind me. I turned around, just in time to see his alarmed facial expression, just before he controlled it and set it into a neutral one. "Why would you be looking for such a thing?" He asked, his voice and eyes guarded, looking at me sternly.

"Just curious," I said, as lightly as I could. "I want to be an Auror when I leave, and that takes years of learning and training, so I thought that I could begin." I made up wildly, my cheeks giving me away.

Malfoy hesitated before chuckling. "You're so cute when you lie," he commented, before kissing me again, lightly.





I watched her and she left to go back to the common room, stilling wearing my shirt. She was mostly dry now.

I felt a slight breeze across my bare back and I shivered.

Skyler was a lot smarter than I can give her credit for.....

Which meant that I need to go somewhere, and fast.

As soon as she disappeared down the corridor, I ran in the opposite direction from my common room.





I skipped back to the common room, incredibly happy. I skipped passed Ron and Harry in the common room, who were discussing Quidditch strategies. Both looked at me as I skipped passed them, probably questioning my sanity. I skipped up the stairs. I skipped past Hermione in our dorm, slipped off my shoes and hopped into bed, still wearing my nearly-dry clothes and Draco's shirt.

Hermione raised her eyebrows at the sight of me. I knew that I probably was going to get questioned in the morning, but I didn't care. I slipped into a blissful sleep, dreaming about Draco Malfoy.

My Draco Malfoy.


I woke up next morning, wondering why I was in such a good mood. Then I remembered the events of last night.

I hopped out of bed and quickly got changed. I walked into the Great Hall, with a large, goofy grin on my face.

I looked around for Malfoy. I saw him, talking to Crabbe and Goyle. I waved at him, but he simply stared at me and turned the other direction, as if I was waving at someone behind him, even though I knew that he knew that I was waving at him.

Rejection suddenly washed over me as I lowered my hand, blushing, and I walked over to Ron, Harry and Hermione, my head low.

"Where were you last night? You told me that you were going to the toilet, but you came back three hours later," exclaimed Hermione, as soon as she saw me. "I was all alone in the library!"

"Not a big deal for you Hermione, you hardly leave it anyways," joked Harry. "More importantly, why were you waving at someone from the Slytherin table?"

Ron was too busy eating to bombarde me with more questions.

I took a deep breath. "Sorry Hermione, but I got an important letter from my dad that I needed to reply to straight away. And Harry, I was waving to Luna at the Ravenclaw table, why would I wave to a Slytherin?" I lied, my cheeks burning.

Harry shrugged, Ron continued eating, but Hermione narrowed her eyes suspiciously.

She was going to be keeping an eye on me from now on, that's for sure.


"SKYLER!!" Hermione cried as she ran into our dorm one evening, around a week later. "SKYLER!!!!"

"What's wrong Hermione?" I asked, alarmed. I jumped out of my bed, which I was sitting on to finish a particularly hard essay away from the usual noise of the common room.

"I found.....the thing.......that you....were looking .....for!" Hermione gasped, trying to catch her breath.

I froze, my blood thickening.

I saw an old, dusty book in her hand. "Ancient Dark Magic" was the title.

The person who messed with my head used Dark Magic? But that's impossible! The only people who could have done anything to me were students or teachers. I doubted that any of the teachers would have had a large enough grudge on me to do such a thing, and most students don't know a lot about Dark Magic, yet alone the Ancient kind. That reasoning was the reason why I skipped the entire Dark Magic section in the library during my search.

"Well don't just stand there Hermione," I said, as I dragged her to her bed. "Tell me what it says."

Hermione sat and flicked quickly through the book, landing on the desired page. She cleared her throat and began to read.

"The Obliviate Complexo Charm is as obvious as the name implies. It is a more complex form of the standard Obliviate Charm. The incantation is precisely the same, but the wand movements are completely different, much more complex. The standard Obliviate Charm is usually used to make someone forget a simple and short period of time. The Obliviate Complexo Charm, however, is an Ancient Dark Magic Charm, used to make someone forget even the most traumatic and mind-piercing enormities. It was branded as Dark Magic in 1622 A.D., when it was used on the Muggle King of England as a joke. The Charm, even though it was useful, has a few defects. The Standard Obliviate Charm doesn't give the victim a feeling that they have lost their memory, although the charm itself can only be used in small incidents. The Obliviate Complexo Charm, on the other hand, gives the feeling of some memory loss, often described as a "wall shutting out your memories." Also, some strong emotions can seep through the wall."

It all fit, it all made sense. I paced the dorm as Hermione read. I felt the "wall". I felt my sudden anger at Malfoy when I woke up in the Slytherin common room, then later my sudden longing for his lap, and then my unexplained liking to him.

"The Obliviate Complexo Charm was also used as a temporary memory remover, as the caster of the charm can chose to give the victim back their memories at any given time, while the Standard Obliviate Charm is seen as a more permanent loss. Unfortunately, if the caster does not wish to give their victim their memory back, there are very limited complex ways for the victim to regain their memory. The only way that has been discovered to work every time is drinking a complex potion, which ingredients and method are on the next page. This potion, called the Poten-."

Hermione stopped reading suddenly, flicking to the next page, and the next, and the next.

I glanced at her, her eyes were wide.

"Go on," I urged, bracing myself for the horrible concoctions I, no doubt, would have to drink.

"Skyler, the next few pages aren't there," Hermione said quietly.

I got up and took the book from her hands. It was true, the pages weren't there, but their roots were still visible in the spine of the book.

They had been ripped out.

I felt my knees weaken as I handed the book back to Hermione. I was so close to the answer, and yet, I don't have it. I suddenly felt dizzy.

"Hermione," I began, whispering.

Hermione looked at my face, her eyes full of concern at my expression. "Skyler?" She asked.

"I need your help in finding out and getting the ingredients for that potion," I continued.

"Why, Skyler?" Hermione asked, alarmed.

"Because someone used that spell on me," I managed to whisper, before the room went black.

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