Chapter 35

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I woke up, shuddering, not from the cold, but from a dream. Voldemort was torturing Draco for failing a mission, and in the end, Voldemort killed him, and forced me to watch.

I slipped out of my bed, and looked down. I must have slept fully clothed, as I was still wearing my jeans, my heavy jumper and my socks. I stifled a yawn, peeked at Hermione, who was still asleep in the bunk over me, and tip toed to the kitchen, hoping to get a glass of water to wet my dry throat.

As I made my way to the kitchen, I heard a lot of shuffling. I looked around, Harry was no where to be seen, which meant that he was out doing guard duty.

"No!" I heard him call out quietly. "Come back!"

Was Harry dreaming about something?

Curiosity got the better of me and I walked out to the entrance of the tent.

I saw Harry maybe half a kilometre away, walking steadily through the forest that we had apparated to.

It wasn't hard to see what he was following, a silver doe, a Patronus.

I quickly rushed in, got my shoes and my scarf, and quietly followed Harry.

The doe eventually led Harry to a small lake, and vanished. I hurried to catch up with Harry, but it was difficult, as the dark ground kept me tripping every few steps.

By the time I reached Harry, he was facing away, staring at the lake, while taking off his jumper, revealing his shirt.

"Harry, what on earth are you doing?" I asked, bewildered at why he would start taking off his clothes here.

Harry started and turned around to face me. "Blimey, Skyler, you scared me," he said as he whipped off his jumper. "See that?"

Harry pointed at the lake, which I could now see that there was a thin layer of ice over it.

"It's a lake, Harry," I stated, not knowing why he would need to strip when he arrives at a lake, specifically a frozen one.

"Look closer," Harry urged, whipping off all the shirts and layers he had on.

I looked closer, and saw a sword glinting.

"Is that the..?" I muttered.

"Sword of Gryffindor? Yes, yes it is," Harry replied, finally bare-chested. I blushed and looked away, hoping that Harry wouldn't notice my uncomfortableness. "Don't ask me how it got there, because I honestly don't know."

When I didn't reply, Harry glanced at me and chuckled. "Are you blushing?" Harry asked, planting a kiss on my red nose as he fiddled with the button of his pants. Harry noticed my expression, and hastily turned away, chuckling to himself.

"Harry, are you just going to jump in? It's a frozen lake for Merlin's sake!" I said, ignoring his chuckles.

"Nothing else I can do, the Summoning Charm didn't work," Harry replied, his back still turned to me, his pants off, showcasing his boxers to the world.

I had to look away, my dignity didn't allow me to be able to witness Harry in his underwear. To avoid my eyes peeking, I took out my wand and cast a spell to create a little hole in the ice for Harry to jump in from.

The water sparkled in the moonlit that shone through the overhead tree branches.

Harry patted my back as he walked towards then hole I made, near the centre of the lake, right above the sword. His arms wrapped around himself as he tried to keep warm. I kept my eyes trained on his feet as he walked, not daring to look anywhere else.

I couldn't help looking as Harry dropped himself in.

He has a nice back.

I mentally slapped myself.

DRACO MALFOY DOESN'T DESERVE ME ANYMORE! I mentally shouted at myself.

I couldn't see Harry through the ice.

A few seconds passed.

Harry still hasn't surfaced.

Another few seconds, and I was already taking off my own clothes.

My jumper was on the ground nearby, leaving on a vest and my bra, things that would definitely stay on me while I dived, and I quickly contemplated keeping my jeans on or not.

This is Harry, I thought. It's only Harry.

I began fumbling with the buttons of my jeans, afraid that the seconds where ticking for Harry, every millisecond that past was a chance that he mightn't come back.

Before I could unbutton the jeans, a figure rushed passed me, threw a bag on the floor and jumped into the water.

I was frozen in terror.

Who was that? An enemy, or a friend?

It became clear though, as the figure rose out of the water, with bright red hair, carrying the sword in one hand and an unconscious Harry in another.

I rushed over the ice and helped Ron bring Harry over to the solid ground, and revived him. The cold was beginning to freeze me to my bones, so I couldn't imagine how cold Ron and Harry felt.

Ron and I placed Harry on the snow, and Harry began spluttering. I breathed out a sigh of relief.

"Are - you - mental?" Ron's voice exclaimed.

Harry, shocked by the fact that Ron's voice rung out, twisted around on the ground and saw Ron. Harry started putting all his clothes back on, still staring at Ron, trying to decide if he was real, or just a hallucination.

Ron was real alright, because if he weren't, Harry would have probably been dead by now, I thought, slipping my own heavy jumper over my head, and I wrapped my scarf around my neck.

"Why the HELL," Ron continued. "Didn't you take this thing off before you dived?" Ron was swinging the locket in his hand.

Harry looked at Ron for the longest time. "It was you?"

"Well, yeah," Ron answered doubtfully.

"You cast the doe?" Harry explained.

"No, I thought it was you doing it!"

"My Patronus is a stag."

"Right, I was wondering why it looked a bit different. No antlers."

Harry was finally fully dressed. He walked over to me, and placed his arm around my shoulders, effectively trying to warm me up. I snuggled into him, enjoying Harry's warmth. Ron's eyebrows raised a little bit at this.

"How come you're here?" Harry accused coldly.

"Well, you know- I've come back..... If you still want me-" Ron stuttered, glancing down and handed Harry the sword that he was holding.

"I got it out, that's why you dived, didn't you?" Ron continued hopefully.

"Yes," Harry said. "But how did you get here? How did you find us?"

"I've been looking for you guys for hours, and I was about to give up and sleep for the night, but then I saw the silver doe, with you and Skyler following it," Ron explained.

"I thought I saw something move over there," Ron continued, pointing at a few trees, "but I wasn't really sure, because I was running, as you went in and didn't come back, and Skyler looked like she was going to dive in after you."

Harry's arm wrapped tighter around my shoulders. We all glanced to the trees, but it looked silent.

"How did the sword get into the pool?" Ron asked.

"Whoever cast the Patronus must have done it," Harry replied.

There was a small silence as we all studied the sword in Harry's hand.

"You reckon it's the real one?" Ron asked.

"Only one way to find out," Harry replied.

Harry placed the Horcrux on a flat stone nearby, and gave Ron the sword.

"Wait, why me? Ron asked, shocked.

"Because you got the sword out of the pool, it's supposed to be you," Harry said. "I'm going to open it, and when I do, I want you to stab it. Straight away, ok? Because whatever is in there shall put up a fight. The bit of Riddle in the diary tried to kill me," Harry explained.

"How are you going to open it, Harry?" I asked thoughtfully. We had all already tried to open it before, but with no result.

"I'm going to ask it to open, with Parseltongue," Harry replied.

"No," Ron's voice was loud. "I'm serious Harry, don't open it!"

"Why not?" Harry replied. "Get rid of the damn thing, it's been months..."

"Not me, you can do it!"

"But why?"

"That thing was bad for me! It affected me the worse out of you, Hermione and Skyler. It made me think things, things that I have already been thinking, but it made them worse! I was so glad to take it off and regain my thoughts for a while, only to have that thing effing on my again! I can't do it Harry!"

"You can do it," Harry replied calmly. "You got the sword from the pool, so you can do it. Please just get rid of it, Ron!"

Ron swallowed loudly. "Tell me when," he croaked.

"On three," Harry replied, and glanced back at me. "Skyler, can you go behind there?" Harry pointed at the nearest tree.

I rolled my eyes. "Harry, I'm not going to go and hide,"

"Skyler, these things are dangerous, and I don't want you to get hurt!" Harry cried.

"I'll be fine, Harry!" I cried back.

"Skyler, please?" Harry tried yet again. I rolled my eyes and stomped away, but I didn't hide behind the tree, just stood next to it.

Harry chuckled and muttered, "Stubborn," before looking back at Ron, who was watching the entire scene rather knowingly.

"One.... Two..... Three....." Harry counted, and a hissing noise came out of his mouth.

The locket burst open. I was too far away to see what was inside it.

"Stab it," Harry ordered Ron, his hands on either side of the locket.

Ron neared the locket and raised up the sword.

A loud voice suddenly echoed.


"Don't listen to it," Harry shouted over the voice. "Stab it!"


"Stab it!" Harry roared over the voice, his also echoing around the trees.


I watched all this in horror, glued to the spot.

"Stab it, RON!" Harry bellowed.

Ron neared the locket, but his eyes were on the locket, staring at it.

Suddenly, large, distorted images of Harry and Hermione emerged from the open locket. Ron shouted and leaped back.

"Ron!" Shouted the real Harry, who suddenly let go of the locket.

"WHY RETURN? WE WERE BETTER WITHOUT YOU, HAPPIER WITHOUT YOU...." Locket-Harry's voice was echoing. Ron froze, transfixed.



"WHAT WOMAN WOULD LOOK AT YOU, INSTEAD OF THE BOY WHO LOVED, YOU ARE NOTHING..... NOTHING........" Locket-Hermione leered. Locket-Harry and Hermione began kissing passionately. I hated to say it, but my heart exploded with jealousy.

"Ron, do it! Stab it!" Harry bellowed.

Ron looked at Harry, with a dangerous look in his eye, and for a moment, I thought that Ron was going to stab Harry instead.

Ron raised the sword and began running at Harry. I stifled a scream and rushed forward, not sure how to stop Ron, but I knew that I couldn't just stand by.

There was a sudden loud bang, metal on metal, and a scream that wasn't mine echoed around.

I ran straight into Harry's arms. "Oh my God," I said shakily, stifling a sob.

Harry hugged me tightly. "Sh, it's alright, it's destroyed now."

After a few moments, I pulled away tentatively and look around. Ron was kneeling down, his face in his hands, shaking.

Harry and I shared a look, and then walked over to him.

"When you left," Harry began, placing a hand on Ron's shoulder. "She cried for a week, maybe even more,-"

"Even in her sleep," I added.

"I love her like a sister, nothing more," Harry continued. "And I reckon it goes the same way for her too. I thought you knew that."

Ron didn't look at us, but looked away, wiping his nose on his sleeve noisily. "I'm sorry I left, I know I'm such a...."

"You made up for it tonight," I comforted Ron.

"Yeah, getting the sword, destroying the Horcrux, saving my life," Harry added.

"That makes me sound cooler than what I am," Ron stated, standing up.

"Stuff like that always sound cooler than what it was. I've been trying to tell you that for years," Harry joked, and the boys rushed forward to give each other a hug. After they detached, I gave Ron a tight hug, an unspoken thank you for saving Harry's life.

"Now," Harry said cheerfully. "We just need to find the tent again!"

We began walking. Harry's arm was around my waist, and he kiss me a quick kiss on the lips. After we broke apart, I saw that Ron was looking at us, his eyebrows near his hairline. Harry smiled brightly at him and nodded slightly, not wanting me to notice.

Of course I noticed. I resisted an urge to roll my eyes.



I rushed into the tent, Harry and Ron lagging behind me.

"Hermione!" I called, shaking her sleeping frame. She was curled up in her blankets on her top bunk. "Hermione!"

Hermione jerked awake. "Skyler? Are you and Harry alright? What's wrong?"

I beamed at her. "Someone's here."

"Someone? Who on earth could have-" Hermione began, but then she saw Ron, standing alone, dripping wet.

I saw Harry sitting on the couch in the corner, hoping to give Hermione and Ron some privacy.

Hermione slowly got down from the bunk.

I walked away and sat down next to Harry, whose arms automatically went around me.

Ron smiled slightly at Hermione, and half-raised his arms, waiting for a hug.

Hermione rushed forwards, and instead of hugging him back, like I thought she would, she began punching every single part of Ron that she could reach.

"Ow! - Hermione what...gerroff--OW!"

"YOU - COMPLETE - ARSE - RONALD - WEASLEY!" Hermione screamed, with every word, a punch landed in Ron.

"YOU-CRAWL-BACK-HERE-AFTER-WEEKS- oh, where's my wand?"

Harry stood up quickly, blocking me from Hermione's view. He stuck his hand behind his back and dropped Hermione's wand on my lap. His intention was clear enough, and I hid the wand under a cushion, hoping that no one would sit on it.

"Hermione," Harry began. "Calm-"

"I WILL NOT CALM DOWN! MY WAND! GIVE IT BACK TO ME!" Hermione screamed shrillingly. She looked demented.

"Hermione, will you please-" Harry began again.

"Don't you dare tell me what to do, Harry Potter!" Hermione's shrieked. "Don't you dare. Where is my wand? And YOU!" Hermione twisted and pointed at Ron in dire accusation. Ron took a few steps back.

I watched all this, frozen. From one side, this was the funniest thing I have witnessed in weeks, but maybe it was the loneliness of this place that made anything seem funny to me these days. On the other hand, I had never seen Hermione lose control like that. It was a bit frightening.

"I came running after you! I called your name! I begged you to come back!"

"I know- and I'm sorry-" Ron stuttered.

"Oh you're SORRY!" Hermione laughed loudly, without humour. The sound sent chills up my spine. "You come back after weeks - WEEKS - and you think it would be alright if you just say SORRY?"

"Well what else am I supposed to say?" Ron shouted angrily.

"Oh I don't know!" Hermione shouted back. "Rack your brains, it should only take you a few seconds-"

"Hermione," Harry began walking towards her slowly. "He did just save-"

"I DONT CARE WHAT HE DID!" Hermione shouted. "He was gone for weeks, we could have been dead for all he knows!"

"I knew you weren't dead, Harry's all over the Daily Prophet, and I don't think that they are going to ignore it if they caught you!" Ron bellowed back. "I wanted to come back as soon as I left, but I couldn't, I didn't know where you guys were, and you don't know what's it was like for me-"

"What's it been like for YOU?"

"I walked into a gang of Snatchers, Hermione, and I couldn't go anywhere!" Ron shouted.

"What?" I asked. My dad once told me about them, a long time ago. Hermione huffed and sat heavily on a seat, her crashed crossed tightly.

"Snatchers," Ron explained. "Gang of wizards trying to earn gold by capturing muggle-borns and blood traitors. There's a reward from the Ministry for every one captured."


"Such a riveting story," Hermione said sarcastically. "We went to Godric's Hollow, got attacked by that snake of You-Know-Who's, and we escaped a second before he himself arrived!"

"What?" Ron said, his face going white.

"Imagine losing fingernails, guys. Puts all suffering into perspective, don't you think?" Hermione said coldly.

"Hermione," Harry said calmly. "Ron just saved my life."

Hermione ignored him.

"What I really want to know is how you found us tonight. That's important, so we can stop it before we are visited by anyone else we don't want to see," Hermione continued coldly.

Ron glared at her, before taking out a small metal object.

"This," Ron said.

I recognised the Deluminator that Dumbledore left Ron in his will.

"The Deluminator?" Hermione asked, forgetting to be cold and fierce.

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