Chapter 22

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I reappeared a small distance away from the cabin and I began walking.

I sat down under the window and I waited.

Any time now.

A few minutes later, I heard a crack from inside the cabin, and I could imagine myself reappearing inside it, carrying what I thought was a dead body.

My heart broke as I realised that it really was the case a few hours ago.

I peeped inside the window.

I saw Skyler was lying on the bed, the way I had placed her, and I saw myself kneeling at the edge of the bed, sobbing.

I looked away quickly, I never wanted to see my face like that again.

My heart thudded as I remembered my emotions during that time. The only thing that kept my eyes dry was the fact that I knew that Skyler was most likely not dead. I wasn't sure that you could stop people from dying with only a time-turner.


I waited, hoping that I would find the time-turner quicker.

Eventually, I heard another crack.

I peeped in again.

I was gone, but Skyler was still on the bed.

Thank the Wizard God, I wouldn't have been able to stand watching my life anymore.

I quickly got up and ran into the cabin.

I whispered the spell to revive her, hoping with all my heart that it would work

And I waited.


Her eyes fluttered.

My heart all but exploded.





I felt like a dark blanket had been lifted of me and I blinked in the sudden light.

"Skyler," Draco whispered.

"Draco? What am I doing here? Hogwarts......" I asked, confused.

"You're alright," he said, as he pulled me into a lung-crushing hug.

"Did you do it?" I asked, not pulling away, my thudding heart echoing his.

"Snape," he said

Snape killed Dumbledore? But how? He was a teacher! A Professor! I knew of the few rumours that said that Snape was a Death Eater, but I didn't believe it.

I guess all rumours as true.

I pulled away. "Draco, why did you lock me up?"

Draco sighed. "I didn't want to lose you," he whispered, his voice breaking, his eyes watering.

My heart melted. Did he care that much about me? My anger towards his evaporated immediately.

I hugged him again. "Well can you love me a little less?" I joked, trying to cheer him up.

He replied with a forced smile. "No, Skyler, I don't think I can."

"What IS this place? And how did I get up here anyways?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

Draco froze. I could see that he was trying to do some fast thinking.

"This is my father's cabin. When I was younger, during the summer, he would sometimes take me up here to do some fishing." Draco explained. I smiled. Fishing was a muggle sport. So the Malfoy's weren't as anti-muggle as everyone thought.

"And how did I get up here?" I urged, knowing that Draco was avoiding my question.

"You were hurt in the battle, so I brought you here. Don't worry though, I healed you..." Draco mumbled, not looking at me. I knew that he was lying, but I left him. Whatever happened in the battle must have really hurt him, so he would tell me when he was ready.

The room was quiet, and I looked around.

The cabin was woody, with a woodland smell to it, with a hint of fish. I was in the bedroom, and I could see the door. There was a door to the simple bathroom, a door to the kitchen, and a small living room, with a small pile of books. It was cosy, warm, and totally not what you would have expected the Malfoy family to own.

"What do we do now?" I asked myself.

"I don't know Skyler. I think my family and the Death Eaters know about us. It's not safe for you anymore. You can't go back home or to Hogwarts, as they would know that would be the first place you would go. We will stay here for a few days, but then you need to go to find Potter, Weasley and Granger. I know that they are making a plan to stop the Dark Lord, and you can help them, and they would keep you safe. I have to go back home and pretend nothing has happened. I can't stay here with you, as the Dark Lord can immediately Dissapparate to the whereabouts of any Death Eater," Draco explained quickly.

I knew it. He would have some brave plan to save me and practically kill himself. I knew how much he hated to admit it, but he was right, I could help Harry, Ron and Hermione to finish Voldemort, thus freeing Draco in the end. This was a battle that had to be fought.

"But Draco, what if we don't win?" I whispered, the possibility in my mind, my eyes wide.

Draco put his hands on either side of my face and pulled me closer, his grey eyes on mine.

"Don't worry Skyler, love ALWAYS wins," he whispered.

He began kissing me with so much passion that the cabin would have gone up in flames if it wasn't magical.

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