Chapter 34

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"Skyler, I think he's waking up!" Hermione called, jerking me awake from my doze on the couch.

Harry was in no shape to do anything when we arrived here. He was shaking, and sweating, and shouting and screaming. It was a bit scary. Hermione set me the task of trying to wake him up, or calm him down, or do anything, as she protected the area and set up the tent. We had to carry Harry, who is actually quite heavy, must be his bones, and place him on the lower bunk. We then took turns in watching him, every few hours, we would switch to get something to eat, to go to the bathroom, or to sleep.

I groggily stood up and walked over to Hermione, who was sponging Harry's face.

Harry opened his eyes slowly.

"Harry, are you alright?" Hermione asked. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. The guy had been lying on his bed, screaming for hours, of course he wasn't alright!

"Yes," Harry lied. "We got away."

"Yes, and just in time too, you've been..." Hermione trailed off, looking at me.

Harry's eyes rested on me quizzically.

"You've been ill," I finished for Hermione. "Quite ill."

"How long ago did we leave?" Harry asked.

"Hours ago, its early morning now," Hermione replied.

"And how long have I been,... Unconscious?" Harry enquired.

"Not exactly," Hermione began, uncomfortable.

Harry's eyes rested on me again, it's like they expected me to tell the worst news.

"You've been shouting and moaning and ....... things," I said in a guarded tone. I didn't want to tell Harry everything he screamed. Once, when I was tending him, he started crying and yelling "DON'T HURT HER! DONT HURT MY MUM!". No doubt he was shouting at Voldemort. The pity I felt for Harry filled me up that I had to escape to the shower to wash my tears away.

"I couldn't get the Horcrux off you, so I had to use a severing charm, but you've got a mark, sorry about that. The snake bit you as well, but I cleaned the wound and applied some Dittany on in," Hermione said quickly, trying to change the subject.

"Where have you put the Horcrux?" Harry asked.

"In my bag, we should keep it off for now," Hermione said sternly.

Harry looked away. "I'm sorry. Going to Godric's Hollow was my idea. It's my fault, it's all my fault, and I'm sorry Skyler, Hermione," Harry whispered.

"It's not your fault, I wanted to go too, I really thought that Dumbledore had left the sword there for you," Hermione said.

"Well, we got that wrong, haven't we?" Harry replied.

There was a pause.

"Harry, what happened? What happened when she took you upstairs? Was the snake hiding somewhere? Did it come out, kill her and attack you?" I asked, curious at how the snake seemed to arrive.

"No, Skyler, she was the snake, the snake was inside her," Harry stuttered then stopped completely, closing his eyes.

"W-What?" Hermione asked bewildered.

"Bathilda must have been dead for a while, the snake was...... was inside her. You-Know-Who must have put her in Godric's Hollow to wait. You were right. He knew I'd go back," Harry explained.

"The snake was INSIDE her?" Hermione asked, looking disgusted.

Harry looked down at his wound. "It wasn't supposed to kill me, just hold me there until You-Know-Who gets there."

Harry suddenly jumped out of his bed.

"Harry, what in earth are you doing? You need to rest!" I said.

"I've rested enough, it's you guys that need sleep. I'll keep watch for now. Where's my wand?" Harry asked.

My breath caught in my throat, and I can feel Hermione's doing the same.

We didn't answer, and Harry looked back and forth between us.

"Where's my wand?" Harry repeated.

Hermione reached down under the bed and held out Harry's severed wand, nearly broken in half if not for a strand of pheonix feather.

"Mend it, please," Harry stated.

"I don't think I can-" Hermione began.

"Please, Hermione, just try!" Harry said.

"Reparo," Hermione whispered.

The wand delicately put itself back together. Harry held it out in front of him.

"Lumos," he said, and the wand tip ignited, but then flickered off.

"Expilliarmus," Harry tried again, aiming at me. My wand moved in my hand, but didn't soar anywhere near Harry, like it should have.

Even at that attempted of feeble magic, the wand broke in near two again.

"Harry, it's all my fault, the snake was attacking you and -" Hermione began.

"It was an accident," Harry said mechanically. "We will find a way to mend it."

"Harry, I don't think we can," Hermione said, her face wet with tears. "Remember Ron, when he broke his wand crashing the car? He had to get an entirely new one."

"Well then, I'll just have to borrow from you so. While I keep watch."

I handed my wand silently to Harry, which he accepted, giving me a small smile.


"Look at what he asked me to do, Hermione!" Harry shouted from just outside the tent.

I looked up. I was inside the tent, writing a letter to Draco that I know that I can't send, it's too dangerous, and the owls are interceded often. I always end up ripping the letters I write into millions of pieces, just like my heart.

"Risk your life, Harry! And again! And again! And don't expect me to explain everything to you, just blindly trust me, trust that I know what I'm doing, even though I don't trust you! Never the whole truth! Never!" Harry continued, his voice climbing higher and higher in volume.

I folded up the letter and slipped it into the back pocket of my jeans as I made my way slowly to the entrance. It was January, and the weather was icy cold.

"He loved you," I managed to hear Hermione's whisper. "I know that he loved you."

"I don't know who he loved, Hermione, but it wasn't me. This isn't love, the mess he left me in. He shared a damn sight more of what he was thinking with that Gellert Grindelwald than he ever shared with me," Harry snapped.

I stood where I was, hidden in the entrance, concealed from their view.

"Thanks for the tea, I'll finish the watch, you get back in the warm," Harry said dismissively.

Hermione walked back into the tent. She started slightly at the sight of me, practically spying on them, but she forced a smile on her face and continued.

I sighed and walked out and sat beside Harry.

"You shouldn't be here, it's too cold for you," Harry said, beginning to take off his jacket to give to me. We seemed to have gotten over the little bump in our friendship, but Harry still tries.

Not that I want him to stop.

Oh my God.

Did I just think that?

Skyler, you did not just think that.

Skyler Rebbeca Taylor, you are in love with Draco Malfoy, not with Harry Potter.

"Harry, it's not like I'm that fragile!" I said too quickly, placing my hands over his, to stop them from continuing to take off his jacket. Harry smiled slightly at my hands' proximity, and I pulled them away quickly.

"You heard?" Harry asked, placing his arm around my shoulder.

I wanted to pull away, but I didn't upset him further, with what he just shouted. Besides he was really warm, and Harry was kind of right, it was freezing out here. And this is what normal friends do, right?

"I don't think anyone within a mile couldn't have heard," I joked.

"I just don't get it," Harry sighed.

"Get what, Harry?" I asked, even though I knew what he was talking about, but I got the sense that he needed to say the words himself. He needed to talk it out.

"Hermione says that Dumbledore loved me, but how is that possible? He kept so much from me, never trusted me, and in the end, he expects so much in return," Harry vented, but not angrily. His voice had an edge of defeat to it.

"Harry," I began. His brilliant green eyes flickered to my bright blue ones, capturing me. "Maybe the person who loves you made mistakes, but you know they mean well. And they will always love you, either here, or in the next world."

Harry took a deep breath and exhaled loudly, his warm breath washing over my cold face. "I'm going to regret this," Harry muttered to himself as he bent down and kissed me.

This kiss was different. Our first was hesitant, but built up slowly.

This one was a volcano erupting. I didn't hesitant at all, didn't even think of it. All I knew that Harry was kissing me, Harry's lips are on mine, his arms around me, enveloping me in his warmth, and he was kissing me.

I was in a blissful dream. An earthquake could have hit us, the epicentre right below us, and I wouldn't have noticed.

Harry shifted slightly, and I found myself standing, pressed against the tree, as Harry pressed against me, his lips still busy on mine.

My back was pressed against the cold tree, as my front was basting in Harry's warmth.

Harry's lips began travelling down my neck, and I found myself groaning inwardly, wishing his lips were on mine.

Harry chuckled as he glanced at my face, and complied to my wishes. My hands intertwined in his hair as his gripped my now-damp hair.

After seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades, and maybe even centuries, we broke apart. I could feel Harry's heart thudding against mine, with us pressed so close, his eyes on mine. We were panting slightly, our breaths coming out in little white clouds.

Harry's emerald eyes looked deeply into my sapphire ones.

"Skyler," Harry began, looking worried. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have." Harry began moving away.

My brain seemed to have disconnected from my body. "No, Harry, it's alright," I said pulling him closer to me. All I knew was that I couldn't bear to have Harry away from me. Besides, I reasoned with myself, it was cold, and Harry's warmth kept me from freezing to death.

"No locket?" Harry asked.

"No locket," I confirmed.

Harry smiled widely and stooped to kiss my nose, which I was sure was red from the cold. Harry righted himself and looked at me again.

"You must be freezing, Skyler, get inside and get warm," Harry said, guiding me to the entrance of the tent.

"Thanks Harry," I sighed, giving him a quick kiss on the lips, and hurried inside. I sat down on the couch, happy in my own world.

I heard a crinkling sound.

I stood up quickly and checked my pockets.

I took out a parchment.

It was my letter to Draco, the one I wrote minutes ago, telling him how much I loved and missed him, and that I couldn't wait to see him again.

I barely managed to reach my bed as soul-crushing guilt devoured me, and my eyes poured out waterfalls.

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