Chapter 13

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I woke up, feeling like my head had exploded into thousands of pieces.

"Oh Skyler! You're alright!" cried Hermione as I got off the common room couch, which was weird, as I remembered being in my dorm.

"Gave us a right fright there, Skyler," Ron said.

"What time is it?" I asked hoarsely.

"Nearly midnight, you've been out for quite a while," Hermione explained.

"How did I end up down here?" I asked.

"Hermione came running down to us telling us that you've hit your head. Ron and I waited by the dorm door while Hermione carried you out, and then we all carried you down here. By the way, you're heavier than you look!" Harry laughed, as he rubbed his wrists.

I laughed, looking at Hermione. She hasn't told them what happened, and she wasn't going to, by the looks that she was giving me.


A week later, nearing the end of our Potions class, Hermione whispered to me, "Are you ready?

I nodded.

"Do you know what you need to say?"

I nodded again.

The class was dismissed soon after.

"Good luck Skyler, I'll tell McGonagall that you need to discuss something with Slughorn, and that you'll be a bit late." Hermione whispered as we packed our bags.

The whole class left quickly, oblivious, Ron and Harry included. Hermione looked at me and nodded before leaving.

I looked at Professor Slughorn, who had his back to me, thinking everyone was gone, and was cleaning his desk.

I dropped my bag loudly to announce my "arrival".

"Goodness me, Ms. Taylor!" Professor Slughorn exclaimed as he spun around. "What are you doing back here?"

"I'm sorry, Professor," I began, panting slightly, trying to sound like I just ran in. "But I had an important question to ask you, and I only just remembered."

"Well, hurry on dear, you surely don't want to be late for your next class," Slughorn urged.

"Sir, I was wondering what you knew about a potion called Poten-.... Poten-..." I repeated, trying to sound that I have forgotten the end of the name, when really, I didn't know it to begin with.

Slughorn's eyebrows furrowed in confusion and then smoothed. "You mean Potentarium?"

"Yes, sir, that's it! What do you know about it?" I asked, bending down to get a quill, some ink and some parchment from my bag, as if wanting to take notes.

"Why would you want to know about such a complex potion?" Slughorn asked, surprised at my enthusiasm.

"Well sir, it is for an essay for Professor Snape. We are supposed to write an essay on Ancient Dark Magic, and I came across the Obliviate Complexo charm. The library book doesn't go into great detail about the charm itself, or even the cure. I sent an owl a few days ago asking my father about it, I mean he IS an Auror, so he would have known, but he didn't. He suggested that I should ask you, sir, saying that you are one of the best Potions Masters that this school have ever seen."

I lied about the whole thing. I hoped that Slughorn wouldn't ask Snape about such an essay. And that he would interpret my blushing as embarrassment for admitting such things. But it was part of Hermione's plan. Flatter Slughorn, and there wasn't anything he wouldn't give you.

It worked. Slughorn's eyes widened.

"Well, I'm sure I could help out the only daughter of the acclaimed Frank Taylor!" He said as he rummaged through a tall stack of books.

"Here," he handed me a large book, "In chapter 12, there's a highly detailed analysis of the charm, as well as step by step instructions to make the Potentarium. Be careful with the book Skyler, this is very Ancient Dark Magic you're reading. I expect to get the book back within a week."

"Thanks sir, my father would be very pleased at your generosity," I said, tucking the book away in my bag.


"There's no need to explain your lateness, Ms. Taylor, Ms. Granger has already told me, take your seat quickly," Professor McGonagall called as I entered the classroom.

I took the empty seat beside Hermione.

She shot me a questioning look.

I nodded.


I paced our dorm as Hermione read the book.

"It is the most complicated potion I have ever laid my eyes upon," Hermione muttered, studying the pages.

I continued pacing.

"It doesn't look very pleasant to drink either, Skyler, and we would need to steal a few ingredients from Professor Slughorn......"

I continued pacing.

"Takes about two weeks......"

"What?" I suddenly stopped.

Two weeks?

I had the long awaited answer in my hands, and now I needed to wait another two weeks, and that's after we get the ingredients.

Hermione looked at me apologetically. "I know, Skyler, but I can't rush it, if I get it wrong, the results would be disastrous. And we have no other plan."

I sighed.

This was going to be a long wait.


In about a week, Hermione and I managed to collect all the ingredients.

Hermione sent an owl to her muggle parents, who didn't know a lot about magic, to get her most of the ingredients, so they wouldn't get suspicious.

I did the same with mine, but I kept the list short and strange-ingredient free, as my parents would definitely understand.

The rest we stole from Professor Slughorn, which was easy enough.

Hermione set the cauldron and the fire in an out-of-order girls bathroom, where Moaning Myrtle lives, just like, she told me, in her second year, when she brewed Polyjuice Potion to allow Harry, Ron and herself to spy on Malfoy.

Hermione granger was successfully brew Polyjuice Potion in her SECOND YEAR? After that piece of information, I relaxed.

I was in good hands.

And the two week wait began.

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