Chapter 50

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As I sprinted, several things happened at once.

There was loud shouts behind me, and I heard many pairs of feet move. At the same time, a small (by standards) giant lumbered by shouting "HAGGER", which caused an uproar with Voldemort's giants, and they began attacking each other. Centaurs suddenly arrived, and charged and shot arrows at the Death Eaters, causing them to scatter. Neville began struggling, and he finally broke free of the Hat, and pulled something silver out.

I didn't look behind me to see what was happening, my eyes on my destination.


His face was one of pure horror as he saw me. My short legs moved faster than ever before.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Harry move.


I stopped suddenly and blinked, but he disappeared, under the Cloak.

My heart thudded. Harry was alive!!

In my split-second hesitation, I saw Voldemort raise his wand, aiming it at me.

Before I could think, or even blink, a force pushed me to the ground. Voldemort's Killing Curse flashed overhead, missing Draco and I entirely.

I heard Voldemort roar.

"Run," Draco shouted, pushing me behind him. "Go!"

I didn't listen to him. I grabbed his hand and pulled him with me, my eyes on Voldemort.

He raised his wand again, but Neville was faster. He had pulled the Sword of Gryffindor out of the Hat, and within a few seconds, the giant snake's head was on the floor.

Voldemort's mouth opened in a scream, and Draco and I took our chance and we fled.

"HARRY! WHERE'S HARRY?" I heard Hagrid shout in the distance, my heart beating loudly in my ears.

The area was chaotic. Shouts and screams echoed, people falling, Hogwarts defenders and Death Eaters alike.

Draco suddenly pulled me into a empty corner in the courtyard.

"Are you CRAZY?" He shouted, his voice quivering. "You could have died-you could have-"

"Sh," I silenced him with a quick kiss. "This is a war, people die, Draco, you have to accept it."

At the same time, I half-glanced at the chaos in front of us, and I screamed.

A Death Eater was duelling my mother. Even though I knew that she was good, the Death Eater was using Dark Magic. With cry, he sent a green hex at my mother's chest, and she collapsed, her body lifeless.

I felt like my throat was ripped to shreds as I ran past Draco, planning on killing the Death Eater with my bare hands, even though my wand was in my pocket.

My father suddenly appeared by my mother's side, and with a grunt, he duelled the Death Eater. My father, being an Auror, was much more experienced with Dark Magic.

Before I could take another few steps, a pair of arms encased me.

"NO!" I screamed, struggling against Draco's grip as I looked desperately at the corpse of my mother. "MUM!"

My dad's eyes landed on my for a moment, over the Death Eater's shoulder. "Skyler, GO!" He roared, looking from his daughter to Draco holding her back.

Draco took my father's orders seriously, he threw me over his shoulders, as easily as I was a sack of flour, and he ran in the opposite direction.

"MUM!" I screamed, struggling but for no use. "Put me down Draco!" I roared, though my voice came out hoarse compared to the crashes that surrounded us.

Draco ignored me completely, just hoisting me up higher and held onto me tighter as he ran through the chaos, his destination clear, the castle.

I heard heavy thuds, and people began to scream. I guessed that it was the giants' feet. A few seconds later, there was a horde of people joining Draco's journey to the castle, and we were pushed through with the crowd.

For a few minutes I could only see people's feet, as I was upside down over Draco's shoulder. Blood was rushing to my head, but before I felt dizzy, he put me down. A few seconds later, my eyes refocused on the scene in front on me.

Voldemort was battling McGonagall, Slughorn and Kingsley all at once, whereas Bellatrix was duelling Luna, Hermione and Ginny.

I automatically began making my way to my friends, pulling out my wand.

"Oh no you don't," Draco said, holding me back.

"Let me go," I snarled.

Draco's face softened. "I know what you're going through, but throwing yourself in danger is not the answer Skyler. Think of what would happen to your father if you also died?"

Tears immediately began to pool up in my eyes but I brushed them away. "I need to help my friends, Draco."

"And I need you to stay alive," he whispered back, his hand still wrapped around my arm. "You are the bravest person I've ever met, you know that? Everything you've been through, even getting tortured by a Death Eater, and there's still some fight, some hope, left in you. The universe wouldn't want you to die in an act of vengeance." Draco stroked my cheeks, wiping away the tears gently.

I shuddered, silent sobs racking through me, but I nodded, my eyes on Hermione, Ginny and Luna.

I gasped loudly as Bellatrix's green curse missed Ginny by an inch. I automatically took a step forwards, but Draco pulled me back, making sure I was hidden behind people, not wanting for me to be seen my Voldemort.

My eyes scanned the Great Hall. Where was my dad? Where was Harry?

My eyes fell of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy. They weren't even bothering to fight, they were running around the loud chaos, shouting out their son's name.

I could feel Draco tension up.

"NOT MY DAUGHTER YOU BITCH!" I heard Mrs Wealsey roar. My attention was directed back to Bellatrix as Molly pushed the three girls away, waving her wand expertly.

All the defenders stood by the edges of the Hall, watching Voldemort battle his three opponents, and Bellatrix and Mrs Wealsey.

"Draco," I heard a cold voice behind us.

Draco's muscles tightened around my arm as he spun around.

Lucius was glaring at us.

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