Chapter 40

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"Dobby.....Dobby...." Harry kept whispering, though Dobby was gone.

"Harry," I said, but I couldn't continue. What could I say? I'm sorry for your loss?

Bill, Fluer, Luna and Dean walked towards us.

"Hermione, where is she?" Harry asked suddenly. I perked up, anxious to hear the news.

"Ron's taking her inside," Bill answered. "She'll be alright."

The group started talking about different things, things that were irrelevant to me. My mind was not where I was, it was in a dark corridor, with someone's arms around me, their lips on mine, in the Malfoy Manor.


My heart literally broke into pieces. I missed him so much, and the few short minutes we had hadn't compensated the months we spent apart, not knowing whether the other was alive or not.

"I want to do it properly," Harry said suddenly. "Without magic. Have you got a spade?" It wasn't hard to guess what Harry was talking about, and indeed, a few minutes later, Harry and I were by ourselves, Harry digging Dobby's grave. Both of us were silent, each suffering from a different type of heart ache.

I wasn't mean, I was terribly upset that Dobby died, but to be honest, I am sure that where ever he was now was much better than what's happening down here in the land of the living. Dobby's death, though was painful, was quick enough. I wasn't being sadistic, just logical. Dobby wouldn't be in any torture now. I couldn't say the same for Draco, Harry, Ron, Hermione, or even myself. Dobby had a hero's death, which I thank him for.

Harry kept digging, almost like he was in a trance, the minutes ticking away, the sky getting darker and darker.

Ron and Dean arrived with more spades, to help Harry.

"How's Hermione?" I asked.

"Better," Ron replied. "Fluer's looking after her."

Harry nodded and began digging again. Ron and Dean rushed to help. With the three of them, the hole was big enough much faster than if Harry did it by himself.

Harry wrapped his jacket around Dobby securely. Ron stripped his shoes and his socks and slid Dobby's feet into them. Dean pulled out a hat, which Harry placed on Dobby's hat. I pulled off my heavy jumper, exposing me in just my spaghetti string top, and bundled it up to make a pillow for Dobby, which Harry slid carefully under Dobby's head.

"We should close his eyes," Luna said. I hadn't heard them come up, but soon, everyone, including Hermione, was gathered around the grave as Luna placed her fingers on Dobby's eyelids and slowly pulled them down. "There, now he could be sleeping."

There was a silence.

"I think we ought to say something," Luna said again. "I'll go first, shall I?"

I nodded, though everyone was looking at her as she looked down at Dobby and began talking earnestly. "Thank you so much, Dobby, for rescuing me from that cellar. It's so unfair that you had to die, when you were so good and brave. I will always remember what you did for us. I hope you are happy now." Luna looked at Ron.

"Yeah, thanks Dobby," he stuttered.

"Thanks," Dean muttered.

"You're one of the bravest creatures I've ever met, thank you, Dobby," I said, my voice breaking at the last few words.

"Goodbye, Dobby," Harry said softly.

Bill raised his wand, and a pile of dirt was lifted into the air and was placed on the grave, the ground evening out neatly.

"Do you mind if I stay here for a moment?" Harry asked. Everyone began muttering and patting Harry's back, and they began walking away quietly. I didn't though, I stayed behind.

Harry, oblivious to my presence, waved a wand at the rock's flat surface. After a few seconds, Harry stood back, and I was able to see what he had done.

"Here lies Dobby, a free Elf."

"It's beautiful, Harry," I whispered.

Harry started and jerked around. "Skyler, since when were you standing there?" Harry quickly ran his hands through his face, wiping away the tears he shed.

"I never left," I replied, though I should have. The evening was cold, and my top was too scarce to keep in my heat. I shivered slightly, but Harry noticed. He placed his arm around my shoulder.

Guilt shot through me. Guilt for leading Harry on, then cheating on Draco with Harry, and then kissing Draco even though Harry thinks I like him.

I am a horrible human being.

I quickly detached myself from Harry, hoping that he didn't think much of it.

Harry smiled, but held my hand.

I also pulled away, a little bit too quickly.

Harry frowned. "What's wrong, Skyler?"

I sighed. I had to tell him eventfully, but today wasn't the best day to do it. But Harry HAD asked, so I'll be truthful.

"Harry, look, I'm sorry, but I'm seeing someone, and-" I began.

"What?" Harry asked, bewildered. "How come you never told me? How come you kissed me bac-"

"You never asked," I said, answering his first question only. The truth is, I had no idea why I kissed him back, or maybe I just didn't want to admit it to myself.

There was an awkward pause.

"Harry, I've been thinking, and I think I know where a Horcrux is," I began again, trying to diffuse the tension.

"You've been paying attention, haven't you?"

"Yes, but how are we going to do it?"

"We will have to ask Griphook for help."

"The goblin?"

"Yeah. Come on, I also need to talk to Ollivander."


"And you'll be using her actual wand," Harry said, nodding at Bellatrix's wand. "So you shall be quite convincing."

"I hate this thing," Hermione replied. "I really do. It doesn't work properly for me, it feels like it got a part of......her."

"It will probably help you get in character though!" Ron comforted Hermione. "Just think about all the things it's done!"

"That's precisely the point!" Hermione cried. "This is the wand that tortured Neville's parents, and who knows how many others? This is the wand that killed Sirius!"

"I miss my wand," Hermione continued. "I wish Mr Ollivander made me another wand."

"Speaking of wands, how come you have yours, Skyler? Didn't they take yours as well?" Ron asked me.

A wave of guilt coursed through me and I blushed. I couldn't tell them that it was Draco who had given it to me, as it would lead to awkward questions to as why he would do such a thing. I would have told Hermione, who knew about Draco and I, but she seems so miserable, and I didn't want her to feel worse.

"One of the Death Eaters must have dropped it in the drawing room, because I found it on the floor," I managed to say, though my face was blushing fiercely, giving me away.

Hermione, as always, saw straight through me, and nodded, her eyes knowing. I knew she understood, somehow. The boys were, as always, oblivious.


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