Chapter 29

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"Muggles," a witch squeaked, "in their rightful place!"

I looked around me, I was beside a small witch and two larger wizards. We all drank the Polyjuice Potion, and each of us transformed into the witches or wizards we stole the hair from. I was a rather tall, spiny witch, while Hermione was a short, chubby one. Harry's wizard was a larger, intimidating one, while Ron's was a ferrety wizard. We all did look rather odd.

"Come on, and we need to stick together!" Hermione whispered, making her way to the elevators.

We all waited quietly until we heard a voice.

"Cattermole!" A man began to make his way to us. Harry glared. Did he know that man?

"It's still raining in my office," the wizard stated, glaring at Ron.

Ron nervously chuckled. "That would be bad, wouldn't it?"

The wizard sneered. "You do realise that I'm in my way down to interrogate your wife, Cattermole? In fact, I'm not surprised that your not down there, holding her hand. Given her up, haven't you? Good idea, be sure to marry a Pure-blood next time."

Hermione gave a little squeak of horror and my blood boiled.

"Uh- um-" Ron stuttered.

"But if MY wife was on trial for being a mudblood, not that I would ever marry such filth, and the Head of the Department if Magical Enforcement needed a job done, I would make that my priority, do you understand me, Cattermole?"

Ron nodded, looking frightened.

"So get to it, and if I come back and find my office still wet, well then, your wife's blood status shall be in graver doubt than it already is," the wizard growled and sauntered away.

I glared after him. When I was at the Burrow, I got an owl from my parents telling me that my mum quit her job from the Ministry, saying that they have enough funds to help them survive for a while. I thought she was mental, giving up her high job, but after seeing what just happened, I couldn't blame her.

We were ushered into the elevator.

"What am I going to do? If I don't do it, then my wife-I mean-" Ron stuttered.

"We'll come with you and stick together," Harry said.

"No, that's mental, I'll go deal with it, and you guys look for Umbridge, but how do I stop it raining?"

Hermione began whispering instructions to Ron as a few other wizards entered the elevator. When the elevator stopped, Hermione pushed Ron out, and Ron stumbled away, looking lost. The elevator moved again.

"I really think I should go after him, Harry, I mean-" Hermione whispered, and then gasped.

The door had opened to reveal, with no doubt, the toad-looking witch that Mundungus was talking about.

"Mafalda!" Umbridge said, looking at Hermione. "Travers sent you, didn't he?"

Hermione nodded weakly.

"We shall go straight down, Mafalda," Umbridge said, looking at her clipboard. "Tut tut, ten people today, and one the wife of a Ministry employee! Shame, right in the very heart of the Ministry."

There was a pause.

"Albert, Alex, aren't you getting out?" Umbridge asked, looking at Harry and I.

"Um, yes," Harry answered in Runcorn's deep voice and pulled me out. I glanced behind me to see Hermione's face, pleading for help.

"What brings you two hear?" asked a wizard. From his cloak, I recognised him to be the new Minister of Magic.

"We need a word with...." Harry paused. "Arthur Weasley, someone said he was on this floor."

"Why? Has he been in contact with an undesirable?"

"No, nothing like that, simply Ministry business," I said quickly.

"Sooner or later. These blood-traitors are as bad as those mudbloods," the Minister of Magic sighed and walked away. It took most of Harry's strength to keep me from going after him and hitting him.

Harry pulled out the Invisibility Cloak and threw it over us. We both had to stoop to make sure our feet were covered, we were both so tall.

After a few corridors and a lot of hallways, we emerged into a large room of witches and wizards, sitting down, waving their wands, as pages that are printed set themselves in order.

At the end of the large room was a door.

"Dolores Umbridge, Senior Undersecretary to the Minister
Head of the Muggle-born Registeration Comission."

Harry stopped down and placed a Decoy Detonator on the ground. It scuttled away, and there was a loud bang and black smoke filled the room. Harry and I rushed into Umbridge's office and shut the door behind us. Harry pulled off the Invisibility Cloak as I whispered, "Accio locket," with no result.

"There might be enchantments here preventing it to be magically sought, we need to look by hand," Harry explained, diving into Umbridge's desk while I checked her cabinets. The whole room was bright pink, with pictures of moving cats everywhere. I felt slightly sick.

I looked up at the wall I was facing. "Harry."

Harry turned around, clutching a file that said "Arthur Weasley" on top.

Harry stared at the large poster of himself, with a banner saying "Number One Undesirable." I glanced at the file that Harry was holding, and my blood boiled. They were stalking families now, and openly recording it? The Ministry has hit a new low.

Harry and I left the room after a while, covered with the Invisibility Cloak. The locket was definitely not there. The elevator was empty, and Harry pulled the Cloak off us. A few minutes later, a soaking wet Ron entered.

"Morning," he stuttered, not looking directly at us.

"Ron, it's us," I whispered.

"Blimey!" Ron exclaimed. "I had forgotten what you all look like! Why isn't Hermione with you?"

"She had to go to the courtrooms with Umbridge, and she couldn't refuse, so-" Harry stopped talking as soon as the door opened and Mr. Weasley and another witch walked in.

Mr. Weasley glared at Harry, obviously having a bad history with Albert. He then turned and spoke to Ron.

"Oh hello, Reg," Mr. Weasley began. "Isn't your wife in for questioning today? And my, why are you wet?"

"Yaxley's office was raining," Ron said, looking at his dad's shoulder, too afraid to look at his directly.

"Yes, a lot of that has happened lately. Have you tried meteolojinx recanto? It worked with Bletchley" Mr. Weasley suggested.

"No, but thanks da- I mean Arthur," Ron corrected himself after I nudged him.


Harry led us to the courtrooms, knowing the way as he was there in his fifth year of Hogwarts. We entered the courtroom, Harry dragging Ron in to make it look realistic, and I walking in slowly, my head held high.

An unnatural chill went through my spine, and I looked up.


I gulped and looked around.

Ron was standing next to his wife. Hermione was next to Umbridge, taking the notes that her witch is supposed to be doing. Harry was standing in the side, glaring at Umbridge. It was easy to see why, the locket was hanging from her neck.

"Thank you, Albert," Umbridge said, looking at Harry. "And Alex, always a pleasure to have you in these courtrooms," Umbridge said, looking at me. "Now, are you, or are you not, the wife of Cattermole?" She said, glaring at Ron's wife.

She nodded.

"And this is your wand?"

She nodded.

"And tell us, from whom did you steal that wand from?"

"I didn't steal it!" Ron's wife said. "I got it from Ollivanders, when I was eleven."

"Liar!" Umbridge shrieked, causing me to jump up in shock. "Wands only chose witches, and YOU are not a witch!"

I saw movement, and glanced at Harry. He edged close to Umbridge, and pulled out his wand.

"Whatever are you doing, Albert?" Umbridge asked.

"Your lying Dolores, and one mustn't tell lies," Harry snarled, and sent a stunning spell at Umbridge.

Umbridge slouched, and the whole courtroom went into chaos.

Hermione jumped up and grabbed the locket and threw it at Harry. Harry caught it and turned around and pushed Ron ahead of him. Harry grabbed my arm and hurried me along. Hermione ran along beside us, as all the wizards in the room began clambering and shooting spells at us. We dodged them and ran to the elevator, Ron trailing his wife after him.

I dared to look behind me, and nearly died. The Dementors were after us, close on our tracks.

"Expecto Patronum!" Harry shouted, and a silver stag erupted from his wand, and the Dementors scattered in different directions.

Harry ushered us in the elevator and shut the door quickly, as Ron's wife sobbed on his shoulder.

"Harry," I said, pointing at his scar that was beginning to appear on his forehead.

"Guys, we need to leave here quickly," Hermione whispered.

The elevator dinged and we all hurried out, except for Ron.

I glanced back and my eyes widened.

Ron was struggling, trying to get away from his wife's embrace.

Hermione glared, but as we watched, Ron slowly turned back to himself. Cattermole's wife stepped away in shock.

Hermione glanced at herself, then at me and Harry, all of us looking like ourselves.

"Oh no," she moaned, and began to walk away quickly, her head down, motioning all of us to do the same thing.

Of course, we couldn't get away with it.

"IT'S HARRY POTTER!" a voice screeched.

We immediately began running towards the exit of the Ministry, the fireplaces.

Harry grabbed my arm, and Hermione grabbed Ron's and mine, and we quickly apparated, but someone had grabbed onto my leg.


After a long, lung-choking experience, I saw the door of Grimmauld Place, but then I heard a scream and I was sucked into the black tunnel again, only to emerge later as I slammed onto the grassy ground.

I lay still, my head spinning.

Where were we? And what happened?

"Skyler?" asked a voice. Harry.

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