Chapter 21

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I was barely aware of anything that happened after that.

I saw Weasley, who thought I was hurting Skyler, march determinedly over to me.

"Leave her alone, Malfoy!" Ron growled, not realising that Skyler was dead. He had his wand pointed at me.

"Weasley, go away," I whispered. I had no fight left in me. She was the reason I fought in the first place, to keep her safe.

"To hell with you!" Ron said, waving his wand.

"Leave, now..." I said, warningly. The battle was still taking place.

Suddenly, I sent a Stunning hex at him, and Ron fell backwards.

I furiously thought. I can't just leave Skyler here to get trampled. Dumbledore just died, which meant that most of the enchantments that he put around the school would have weakened, if not gone. I could Disapparate now.

I lifted Skyler in my arms and dissappeared.


I reappeared inside a small wooden cabin. My father used to take me down here a few times in the summer before the Dark Lord was back.

I slowly laid Skyler on the bed, careful not to look at her face, and as I stood up, the reality of what happened hit me.

The numbness was gone, and in its place, was cold, hard, soul-crushing self-hate and guilt.

I crumbled beside the bed, my eyes wet, and I sobbed until I could not anymore.

"Skyler," I whispered, as I pulled myself up to see her face, almost breaking me. She was so vulnerable looking, so peaceful, so innocent, and so dead. My head spun and my eyes were behind a sea of tears.

I kissed her lips, which were still warm with life.

"I am so sorry Skyler, I should have stayed with you to make sure you didn't leave. I should have never looked at you from the very beginning! Skyler, wake up!" I cried. I saw the gold bracelet I sent her around her right wrist. My heart broke into millions of pieces.


My eyes, finally dry, spotted a gold strand around Skyler's neck. Curiosity got the better of me and I pulled at it to find a necklace, with a small hourglass in the middle.

A time-turner.

My heart, which was beating so slowly that it felt like it stopped for the past hour, began thudding.

This was the answer.

I could go back in time and stop myself from ever meeting Skyler.

I could clean up this whole mess.

She would never even remember me, or know me, but at least she would still be alive.....

I thought it over. No, I was selfish.


I stood up with the time-turner in my hands, and I spun it.

My eye-sight went shady for a few seconds, and I found myself standing in my cabin, alone. Skyler wasn't on the bed.

I went back 5 hours in time.

Dumbledore was still alive, so I couldn't just Apparate into the school. I dissappeared quickly, and reappeared in Hogsmeade.


I ran up to the seventh floor, hiding in the classroom beside to where the Room of Requirement should be. I looked at my watch. I am supposed to be leaving it anytime now.

My plan was to keep Skyler safe, I didn't want to make any drastic changes to the past, not knowing how it would affect anyone else. I didn't want anyone else to die.

I heard a door open and I saw myself leave the Room. I didn't know how long I had to stay here for when Skyler leaves. I was a bit curious in how she escaped the little maze I had set up for her.

Half an hour passed.

An hour passed.

Two hours.

Three. Skyler must have only came up with the plan at the last second.

I suddenly heard a large crash that echoed around the entire school. The Death Eaters had just arrived.

I was still waiting for Skyler to escape.

I suddenly heard a crash, sounding like glass breaking to pieces, and I saw a broom in the distance, coming towards the classroom that I was in. I dived under one of the desks and waited.

Skyler flew in through the open window on a broom, her face and arms cut and bloody. It took all my self-control not to wipe her face clean. It was my fault that she had to fly through a window, as I guessed that was what she did to get out.

Skyler hopped off the broom and began running towards the door, and out of the classroom. I shadowed her, not wanting her to know that she was being followed, as it could change the future.


I watched her as she helped Granger and the Weasley girl.

And I followed her to the main battle scene, where she would have met her end.

Not this time, I thought furiously.

I had to be careful, as I was surrounded by many students and teachers who would have no doubt wanted to capture me.

I followed Skyler, using the battle as a hiding place. I wove through the Death Eaters and students and teachers.

Skyler's eyes suddenly light up in recognition.

This is it.

I saw Skyler run through the battle, shouting my name. Miraculously, she had somehow dodged many jinxes and hexes.

"Draco!" I heard her cry.

I saw myself try to hide, futilely,

I gripped my wand, the timing had to be perfect.

Bellatrix turned around. "Avada-" she began, screaming.

"Stufepy!!" I whispered urgently. The hex hit Skyler, the way I wanted it to, and she began to fall.

"Kedavra!!" Bellatrix finished.

And Skyler landed on the floor with a thud.

From an outsiders point of view, especially with the poor visibility, it really did look like Skyler was hit with the Killing Curse, when, in fact, it just hit the wall.

I saw my facial expression when I thought that Skyler was killed. It was a face of utter devastation, pain, guilt and self-hatred.

"SKYLER!" I heard myself scream.

I saw myself run to her. From a distance, I could see that I really believed that she was dead. The future wouldn't have changed that much, expect for the fact that I would need to revive Skyler later. My job here was done.

I Disapparated to the cabin.

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