Chapter 42

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"The Thief's Downfall," Griphook said. "It washes away all enchantments, all magical concealment. They knew there were impostors, they have set defences against us!"

I looked horrified at Ron and Hermione, both of who me looked like themselves. I also knew that I must have looked at myself, from the looks that they were giving me.

"We need him!" Griphook said, pointing at Bogrod, who was shaking his head. "We cannot enter the vault without a Gringotts goblin!"

"Imperius!" Harry said, and Bogrod's face relaxed once more. Ron bent and picked up the old bag of tools.

"I can hear people coming!" Hermione cried.

"Lead the way, Griphook," Harry said.

"How are we going to get out?" Ron asked.

"We will worry about that when we come to it," Harry answered. "How long, Griphook?"

"No far, Harry Potter, not far."

We walked around the corner and were face to face with a dragon.

I stifled a gasp and took an automatic step backwards.

"It's partially blind, but even more savage because of it, but we do have a way of controlling it. It has learnt what to expect when the Clankers come. Give me the bag." Griphook said. Ron handed the bag to Griphook, and he handed out the metal equipment.

"You know what to do. It will expect pain when it hears the noise, and it will retreat, and Bogrod must place his hand on the door." Griphook continued.

We walked around the corner again and began to shake the Clankers with all our might. The sound echoed loudly from the walls, causing me to feel dizzy. The dragon gave out a weak roar and retreated immediately.

"Make him out his hand up to the door!" Griphook ordered. Harry waved his wand and Bogrod obeyed. The door melted away. We all hurried inside the vault.

"Search fast!" Harry said.

I looked around for a second, taking in my surroundings, before I heard a clink. I looked behind me in horror. The door had materialised again, throwing us in complete darkness.

"No matter, Bogrod will be able to release us. Light your wands, will you? And hurry, we haven't got much time!" Griphook said.

"Lumos," I whispered, and the tip of my wand erupted with bright light. I looked around again, and spotted a cup.

"Harry, could this be-? Argh!" I shouted, dropping the cup. On the way to the ground, the cup multiplied, so at least twenty of them clattered to the floor. "It burnt me!"

"They've added the Gemino and Flagrante Curses! Everything you touch with burn and multiply, and if you continue to handle the treasure, you'll be crushed to death by the weight of the expanding gold!" Griphook called.

"That would have been good to know," I muttered darkly.

"Ok, so don't touch anything!" Harry called, but as he did so, Ron bumped into a goblet, which also rapidly multiplied.

"Stand still, don't move!" Hermione said, clutching at Ron.

"Just look around! The cup is small and hold. It's got a badger on it, two handles, and if you see anything with the Ravenclaw symbol, the eagle, too," Harry said.

I walked around the enormous vault, examining every crook and cranny with my wandlight.

"It's here, it's here!" I heard Harry call.

I rushed to where Harry, Ron and Hermione were looking. The cup was sitting on top of a large pile of gold and silver, which no doubt would all multiply if we touch them.

"How are we going to get up there?" Ron asked.

"Accio cup!" Hermione tried futilely.

"No use, no use!" Griphook snarled.

"What can we do.....wait- Hermione, give me the sword!" Harry exclaimed.

Hermione rummaged in her beady bag until she pulled out the Sword of Gryffindor, and she handed it to Harry, who very delicately poked the nearest gold object with the sword, and it didn't multiply.

"If only I could just poke the sword through the handle, but how am I going to get up there?" Harry muttered.

We all froze. We could hear commotion, shouts and clanking from the outside of the vault. I glanced at Harry, Ron and Hermione, all of whom had terror written all over their faces.

Determination struck me. "Harry, I'll levitate you," I said, waving my wand.

Immediately Harry began floating in the air, but without direction. My Levitation spell honestly wasn't the best.

"Hermione?" I asked. "A little help, please?"

Hermione also waved her wand, and soon, Harry was sailing through the air towards the Horcrux.

Until he hit a gold armour.

Replicas of the armour rained on top of us. I screamed and ran in the other direction, blindly, hitting all the treasure that stumbled in my path. I could hear Harry, Ron, Hermione and Griphook also yelping from the burns, but I couldn't see them around the piles of treasure.

The treasure began rising until it began burning my chest.

"THIEVES!" I heard Griphook shout suddenly. "THIEVES! HURRY!"

Anger exploded through me. That back-stabbing git!

My anger didn't last long though, as the treasure began rising even higher and higher. I didn't dare call out for help, the noise outside the vault getting louder and closer.

I tried a spell to cool the burning metal down enough so I can wriggle out, but to no avail.

I quickly considered my options, but I had none what so ever. It was either be burned and crushed to death, or get caught and killed by Bellatrix.

My heart began to slow as if it realised my eminent death. I was about to become the very first person ever to drown in a heap of burning metal.

In the months in this journey, I have come to expect my death one way or the other, but this was just strange. I wasn't worried about me anymore. I was worried about my parents. How would they react to finding out about my death?

IF they find out.

No, I had a feeling that Lucius would personally go visit my parents, if he knew where they were, to tell them about my death. He might as well have cheerleaders behind him for the occasion.

I was more worried about Draco. He would definitely find out. What would he do? Knowing Draco, he'll probably blame himself. Would he rebel against Voldemort, possibly ending up getting himself killed in the process? Or will he continue working as Voldemort's mindless slave?

Would Harry, Ron and Hermione be able to destroy all the Horcruxes? Would be finally defeat Voldemort? All sorts of questions ran through my mind.

The image of my first home, in Australia, flashed through my mind. If my dad never got the Auror job in England, we would have never moved here.

Would I have ever befriended Harry, Ron and Hermione? Nope.

Would I have met Draco? Nope.

Would I have been thrown into this war of good and evil? Nope.

But I definitely knew that I preferred my life in England than in Australia any day.

I didn't get a chance to think of it longer, as arms reached for my hand and Harry pulled me out of the treasure. He pulled me out and began running to where Ron and Hermione were, stunning the crowd of goblins by the vault entrance.

"Relashio!" Harry shouted, pointing at the cuffs at the dragon's neck, which opened.

"Harry, what are you doing?" Hermione asked.

"Go, just go, and climb!" Harry said, pulling me into step after him.

Hermione climbed up the dragon first, but I, being short, couldn't use the footholds that Hermione had used. Hermione reached down for me at the same time as Ron and Harry hoisted me upwards. Harry scrambled up, pulling Ron up after him.

The dragon suddenly roared and reared, and we being soaring in the sky.

"We'll never get out, it's too big!" Hermione shouted.

I closed my eyes and buried my face in my arm. I didn't want to see anything when the inevitable moment arrives when we fall off. I could hear indistinct shouts and crashes around me.

Suddenly, sunlight bathed my cheek and I smelled fresh air. I slowly lifted my head and opened my eyes.

Diagon Alley was beneath us.

We were out.

We were free.


"I say we jump when it's close enough!" Harry shouted. "Straight into the water before it notices that we are here!"

We all nodded.

"NOW!" Harry shouted suddenly.

I took a deep breath and let go of the dragon, sliding down its side and plunging into the icy cold water. I had no time to even think about screaming. My feet went into overdrive as I kicked furiously to the surface of the water, spluttering.

After we made sure that everyone resurfaced, we began swimming to the nearest shore. Harry began muttering the protective spells as collapsed on the ground, feeling dizzy. Hermione pulled out some Dittany, four bottles of pumpkin juice, and dry clothes for all of us.

After a few minutes, our injuries treated, our skins dry, we sipped the juice, feeling slightly better.

"On the upside, we've got the Horcrux," Ron began.

"On the downside, we've got no sword," Harry finished for him. Harry pulled the cup out of his pocket and placed it on the grass, examining it.

"At least we can't wear this one around our necks, it would look weird," Ron said.

Hermione glanced to where the dragon had flew of. "Do you think it's going to be alright?"

"Ok, now you're beginning to sound like Hagrid. It's a dragon, it can take care of itself. I'd be more worried about us!" Ron exclaimed.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I don't know how to break this to you, but they MIGHT have noticed that we broke into Gringotts."

I began chuckling, and soon, we all broke out in uncontrollable laughter.

"Ok, what are we going to do now?" Hermione said finally. "He'll now, won't he? You-Know-Who will know that were after the Horcruxes?"

"Maybe they won't tell him, maybe they're too scared too. They might cover it up," Ron suggested.

"He knows," Harry said blandly. "He knows, and he's going to check where the others are, and the last one, it's in Hogwarts! I knew it, I KNEW it!" Harry stood up suddenly.

"What?" Ron gaped.

"How did you know, Harry? What did you see?" I asked concernedly.

"I saw him find out about his cup. I was in his head, he's-he's seriously angry. He doesn't understand how we knew. He's going to check all of the other ones now. He thinks the one in Hogwarts in the safest, because Snape is there, so he'll check that one last."

"Did you see where in Hogwarts it is?" Ron also stood up.

"Wait! WAIT!" Hermione shouted. "We can't just barge in, we need to plan, we need to-"

"We need to get going," Harry said firmly. "Can you imagine what he'll do when he realises that the locket and the ring are gone? What if he moves the one in Hogwarts, thinking its not safe there anymore?"

"But how are we going to get there, Harry?" I asked. I knew that Hogwarts security was near impenetrable.

"We'll go to Hogsmeade," Harry replied. "We'll work something out when we check out the protection around the school. Hermione, Skyler, get under the Cloak, I want us all to stick together."

"What we won't fit-" Hermione began.

"It's dark, no one will notice our feet."

Hermione and I squished between Harry and Ron, everyone tightly gripping the person next to them. We twisted on the spot, entering the dark tunnel, only to emerge in Hogsmeade, to the sound of loud sirens.


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