" He totally lives in your house."


"Keep it."

Could he be any more of a flirt? I mean seriously, you already got what you wanted. Why make the effort, I really don't get it. He's cute and everything, but the night is over and it's time to move on.

It was weird when I found him in my bed this morning. When he fell asleep right after I moved to the couch because I didn't want him trying to cuddle with me or something. I figured he'd wake up during the night and let himself out, but no such luck. Then he tries to be all charming in the morning and act like....I don't even know. But it was annoying as fuck and I don't do mornings or getting to know him or whatever. I don't even remember his name and it doesn't matter either.

This coffee shop was my getaway from college life. No one comes here since it's so small and most students go for Starbucks anyway. As if I'm going to pay five dollars for one cup of coffee. No thank you. I never expect to see anyone from school here and I like it like that. All of my time is spent with kids at school, so this is my escape.

USC isn't in a huge city like a lot of other universities, but I like it that way. I'm not sure if I'd be able to handle a city of millions. The only problem is, it's a little harder to avoid people. And I like to avoid people.

The reason I chose to come here was mainly because of volleyball. I got a scholarship that covered my entire tuition, so all I have to pay for is living expenses. My Dad is in the military and he sends me a little money every month, but the rest is on me. Volleyball takes up a lot of time but I take less classes so my work load isn't as heavy. It's crazy, but I manage.

After my shift at the coffee shop is over I head back to the house I share with some other girls on the team. Seven of us live together right near campus, but I like to go stay at the apartment my Dad has here sometimes. He got a small place for the two of us to stay at when he's visiting and sometimes I decide to take my...activities back there. I don't know why, it just happens. Plus, the house was really crowded at the party last night and I didn't want everyone to hear me having sex with that British kid.

I didn't even really want to. Sure, he's hot and everything, but when the girls and I saw him they thought for sure he'd never sleep with me. I was drunk and maybe a little high and for some reason it felt like a good idea to take them up on that bet. A little flirting, some drinking games and making out in the bathroom is all it took to get him to leave with me. By the time we got to my apartment I was basically sober and he was cute and I just went with it. No harm done.

"Look who decided to come home," Alicia says when I walk through the door. She pulls her hair up into a messy bun and sits at the kitchen table. "Took him to the apartment, did you?"

"Yep," I reply simply, heading to the fridge to get some water. We have four filters in there at a time...we all drink like give litres a day. Sports thing.

"Well?" she prompts as I pour myself a glass. "How was it?"

I shrug. I don't like giving details or talking about that kind of stuff. That it happened, sure, but not the play by play. That's personal and no one needs to hear it.

"Come on, Carmen! He was so hot and his curly hair and the voice...I'm so jealous. Plus, didn't you love his accent? Every girl on campus is all over that boy, he's a serial dater."

"Is he? I've never seen him before last night."

"Now you've seen more than most," she jokes. I roll my eyes and laugh a little as I walk to my room. Unfortunate for me I got the bedroom on the main floor. It has a lock, thank goodness, so no one ever goes in there, but the girls love to throw parties and it makes sleeping impossible. The good thing is, I basically have my own bathroom so it's not nearly as dirty as the one upstairs always is. All the girls are always so busy so we rarely clean this place. Once a month we do a top to bottom and for the rest we just clean up our own shit.

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