"Do you think she'd ever go for me?"


When I get back to the house after dropping Carmen off Liam is waiting for me in the living room. I toss my keys on the counter and he stands from the couch, following me up the stairs.

"What was that?" Liam asks. I shrug. "Some warning would have been nice, mate. She's not stupid."

"I never said she was."

"So you had to lie and say that I asked you to bring her here," he says, following me into my room. He makes it sound so pathetic. "Why didn't you just ask her to hang out?"

"I did." Shit. I didn't mean to say that. When I turn around he's smiling at me, leaning against the doorframe. "What?"

"She turned you down, didn't she."


He laughs. "Even after the way she acted last night, you still asked her out?"

"Not on a date." Sort of on a date. "Just to hang out. But she said no."

"Try not to sound so wounded," he teases. I roll my eyes. "Why do you want to hang out with her so bad? You already slept with her, so what do you want from her now?"

"I don't know." I honestly don't. She seems like a really cool girl, but I meet girls all the time. I don't know why she's sticking in my head so much when I've only know her for two days. Liam sighs while I think about his question. What do I even want from her? I don't even know why I asked her out. I just wanted to spend time with her, I guess. Get to know her or something.

He sighs and stands up straight. "Well, you can come to the movies with us tonight if you want."

"Really?" He nods and I sit on my bed, thinking about it. "She wouldn't like that, though."

"Probably not. I don't see that stopping you for some reason."

"Do you think she'd ever go for me?" What the hell is wrong with me? I sound so pathetic right now. Liam looks as surprised as I feel; I've never had to or been willing to work this hard for a girl. It's strange.

"She doesn't go for anyone, Harry. I told you that. You can hang out with us tonight and I don't care if you try, but if this is just for shits or for the chase or something then you need to back off," he says, suddenly serious. "Carmen's a nice girl and she doesn't trust people easily, so she doesn't need you trying to get into her life only to peace the fuck out two months later. And don't act like I'm being ridiculous, because everyone knows that's what you do."

Fuck. Damn Liam, always right with his logic and shit. Yes, I date a lot. Maybe usually I do drop girls after a few weeks, but it's not like I'm planning to do that with Carmen. Plus if I have to work this hard to even spend time with her I'm not going to send her away so quickly. I don't even really see myself wanting to send her away. She's different. I don't know what it is about her or what's going on with me right now but it's definitely different than anything I've felt before.

"I want to come tonight," I say finally. "You can stop playing protective big brother, Liam. I have no intention of hurting her."

"This stuff never means much to you, though. That's what I mean. I don't think you're an asshole, Harry and I don't think you're doing this with the goal of hurting Carmen. I just want to make sure that she doesn't become another one of your-"

"I get it, Liam," I snap, cutting him off. "You care about her and shit, I get it. Don't worry about it."

He sighs and finally walks out of the room. What the fuck is the big deal? It's just hanging out and even if we did date, it's not like she'd fall in love with me in two seconds. It's not as easy to break someone's heart as he's making it seem. He just needs to chill the fuck out.

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