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"Quit it." Harry squeezes my hips and kisses down the side of my neck while I try to put dishes away. "Harry, come on."


"We're supposed to be unpacking," I remind him. "And I'm out of plates."

"So they're already in the cupboard."

"No, half of them are still in the package." He nips at my neck and I giggle, turning around to face him. He keeps me pinned against the granite. "So keep working."

"We need a break," he suggests.

"We just had one."

"Baby." He slides his hands down my hips and over my backside. "I need another one."

"Harry, we are not having sex until we finish unpacking."

"What!" he shouts. He stands in front of me with his hands on his hips. "Why?"

"Because!" I have to try not to laugh at how upset he is about that statement. "We've been here three days and there's still boxes everywhere. Plus, I refuse to eat anymore takeout. I've gained thirty pounds in the last three days."

"That is not true. But okay, how about we make a deal?"

I narrow my eyes at him. "What kind of deal?"

"We finish the kitchen, then we take a break. Maybe a shower," he says lowly, pressing his body against mine. I roll my eyes and he dips down to kiss my neck again. He's persistent, this one. I'm used to it by now but it's still hard to say no to those sultry green eyes and sexy half-smile. "Aren't we supposed to compromise?"

"Okay stop." I shove him away again and he laughs. "Plates. Now."

"Yes ma'am."

Harry saluts me and goes to unpack the next box. I didn't realize moving would be such a big deal; I guess I never realized how much stuff you need. After Harry and I graduated from USC we stayed in Columbia for a year. We both had jobs there and we could try and build our resumes a little more while we saved up. Staying in Columbia was never my plan and it wasn't Harry's, either. We didn't really have a plan, but it's worked for us and now we're going from right now. And right now means moving into a tiny apartment in London. A tiny apartment that I love and not just because I get to live here with Harry.

"Did we pick these out?" Harry asks, holding up some small dessert dishes.

"No, your Mum got those for us."

"I thought she got us furniture?"

"She did. But she also got us a few other things on our registry."

"These are hideous," he says simply. "There's no way this was on our registry."

"Yeah, I think it was an accident," I laugh. They are pretty ugly. "But they were a gift, so we're keeping them."

"You're bossy today."

"Bossy?" I repeat, hand on my hip while I glare at him. He smiles and reaches above me to put the dishes on a shelf.

"Assertive," he corrects.

"Much better."

"Okay, can we take that break now?" He leans his palms on either side of me and I laugh at how desperate he is. "Baby, it's not funny. I'm in pain over here."

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