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"I'm scared everything's going to change."


"But it's so much easier to see you if you're living over there," I explain, snacking on the cheese Carmen shredded to put on the garlic toast.

"Stop that," she says, slapping my hand away. "And I told you, Paige and I don't get along when we're not playing and I can't handle it. I just don't want to live there anymore."

"But it's so close to my house."

"You're basically living here anyway so why does it matter?"

"It just does." I reach for more cheese and she hits me again. "Why are you doing that!"

"Stop eating the cheese and stop trying to argue with me," she says, pointing at me with a spoon. "You're being annoying on purpose."

"No," I argue, trying not to smile as I lean on the counter next to her. She shakes her head and sighs. Maybe I knew bringing this up would bug her, but I can't help it. She's so cute when she gets all irritated with me.

"Can you grate some more cheese for me?" she asks. "Since you ate it all."

This feels weird, what's happening right now. Not arguing with Carmen because let's be honest, that happens all the time. We're having Louis and Ivy over tonight to have dinner with us and we're cooking, like a married couple that actually lives together. It doesn't seem like something people our age do, but Ivy and Carmen planned it all out so we're going along with it.

"Can I ask you something?" Carmen says after a few minutes. I nod and she sets the lid over the pot of noodles. "School is almost over."

"That's not really a question."

"You didn't let me finish! Damn, you're annoying today."

"You're so easy to annoy," I laugh, setting my hands on her hips. She folds her arms and raises her eyebrows at me. "Ask away, my dear."

"I was just thinking...when school is done in a few weeks, what's going to happen?"

"Probably summer."

"I don't know why you think I won't stab you in your sleep, because I'll do it." I laugh and she shakes her head, smiling a little bit at least. "I mean with us."

"Oh." That. I was trying not to think about it, to be honest, because I have no idea. I have a job here with Louis' family so I could stay, but my mother would be devastated if I didn't go home for at least a few weeks. "I hadn't thought about it. But...why does something have to happen?"

"You'll be gone for almost four months, Harry."

"And then I'll be back." She sighs and turns away from me, stirring the sauce she's made. "What? Why does anything have to change?"

"You seriously haven't thought about it at all?" she asks quietly.

"It just seemed like it was further away than it is. And plus, I don't get why me going home makes a difference for us."

"You'll be on another continent."

"But I'm coming back next semester," I remind her. Why is she getting so worked up about this? "What are you worried about?"

"I'm not worried, it's just that-" She stops and wipes her hands on a cloth. "Nevermind. Forget I said anything."


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