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"Your believe me, right?"


"No way. I'm not watching that movie with the two of you," I refuse, shaking my head at Mel. "I said you could pick, but I get veto power."

"It's funny, I promise!" She says. "Why would-"

Someone knocks on the front door and she immediately stands to get it. Me and Zayn both laugh a little since this isn't her house so why would she get the door, but we let her do it anyway. Mel is just one of those people; she does things without being asked and she likes to help. She just finished cleaning our kitchen. Apparently she was trying to wait until one of us did, but it became too much for her.

"Push for a horror," Zayn says quietly. "I hate that movie."

I laugh and look at the door. Mel looks a little confused.

"Are you looking for someone?" she asks. Her face scrunches up a a little.

"Who is it?" I ask. She keeps staring at the person.

"She looks familiar, but I don't know her. She's walking away now, but she looks like she's crying." Mel looks at us and slides on some shoes. "I'm going to go see if she's okay."

Something pulls me to the door. Someone crying on our doorstep? A girl that Mel...

"Holy fuck," I exclaim, jumping up from my chair. The door hits the wall when I swing it open, and when I run out of the house I don't even have shoes on. The water from when it rained this morning runs through my socks and when I get to the sidewalk to see past the huge fucking hedges part of me thinks I might actually be seeing things.

Carmen. Carmen with her massive backpack on her shoulders, ripped black jeans, a flowing white top and a jean jacket over it. She wipes her hand under her eyes and Mel places her hand on her arm in a comforting way, but they seem to be smiling. Mel's eyes catch me and she smiles at me. Carmen seems to freeze up, and slowly but surely her head turns towards me. The expression on my face is probably priceless, eyes wide and mouth slightly open. Hers is overwhelming. The tears in her eyes, dark circles under them and her bottom lip between her teeth. She's beautiful.

Mel pulls her attention away from me and I take the opportunity to breathe. It's been so long since I've seen her and while it knocks the wind out of me, it's also fresh air in my lungs. Just the sight of her, of her actually looking at me and I feel like I can breathe again.

My heart starts pounding when Mel starts walking over with Carmen slightly behind her, as if she's hiding from me. Her eyes are anywhere but me and when they stop in front of me it's as if Mel doesn't even exist.

"I'll let you two talk," she says. She pats my arm as she walks away, but still Carmen is all that exists. Silence hangs in the air with all the words we aren't saying, and for who fucking knows how long we just stand there. She stares at my stomach while I try to form some kind of sentence, anything really.

She suddenly steps around me and walks towards the house. After a minute of watching I realize I should probably follow, and I get there in time to open the door for her. Zayn and Mel have cleared out, but instead of stopping in the living room Carmen walks straight up the stairs with me on her heels. She walks into my room and stands in the middle of it, arms crossed over her chest. Her eyes linger on my bed where City of Ashes, the second book in the series I started because she likes it, is sitting.

"You look amazing," I say finally, breaking the icy silence but only adding to the heavy layer of tension between us. Her eyes close briefly.

"We need to talk," she says quietly. Her voice is like music to my ears, even though those four words are never a good sign. But honestly, it doesn't matter what we need to talk about. Just talking is already making me feel more sane than I have in over three weeks.

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