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"If  your dad came out right now would he kill me?"


"Isn't Carmen usually here?"

Liam shrugs and I look around the library for the zillionth time. "Yeah, if she has time to kill she comes here usually. Why?"

"Just wondering."

I'm freaking the fuck out, that's why. I haven't spoken to her since last night when we kissed and now I feel like my head could explode from all the stress. I'm not one to overthink things; I'm pretty relaxed, I'd like to think. Whatever happens, happens. That's how I usually approach life, but with Carmen I worry all the time. I wonder what she's doing, if she's okay, if she's thinking about me, if she even thinks about me at all, what she thinks about the last time we spoke, what to say the next time I see her, and most of all I worry about how she's going to act the next time I see her. Because if she's anything, it's unpredictable. You would think I'd get used to it by now, but it only stresses me out more every time.

This is the most I've ever worried about a girl's opinion of me. For the first time it's impossible to tell how she feels. After last night I'd like to say we feel the same, but I can never be certain with Carmen.

"Her practice is in a half hour, so she probably isn't coming," Liam says after a moment. "Now would you stop clicking your pen like a crazy person."

I stop and he raises his eyebrows. "Sorry."

"What's wrong with you? You're more nervous about her than you usually are."

"I'm not nervous." Lie.

He rolls his eyes. "Right."

"I need to go talk to a prof," I announce, closing my books I never took one glance at. "I'll see you at home."

He nods and goes back to his studying and with my bag on my shoulder I start heading towards the gym. I know that's where she is, and if I wait outside maybe I can see her. Maybe she has some time and we can just talk or something. Or something.

Last night was a whirlwind, to be honest. After we all played football she seemed in a playful mood, so I thought maybe it would be a good time to go a little too far with the flirting, but then her dad showed up. I was not expecting that at all, nor was I expecting him to be in the army. Of all things! And then she asked me to come with them for dinner....that was shocking to say the least. I still don't know what to make of that. But hey, I'm not complaining about last night at all.

The only thing that I"m worried about is how she's going to react today. She initiated the kiss as much as I did, but I can see her freaking out and saying it was a mistake even if she doesn't believe it. Or maybe she still only sees me as a hook-up, just a continuation from the night we met. That would be really unfortunate, but it's still a possibility. Really anything is possible with Carmen.

When I get to the gym where they usually practice I realized they won't be starting for at least another forty minutes. I look inside the gym anyway, not all that surprised to find Carmen already in there working on her serve. Of course she is.

There's a half-empty ball cart next to her and she doesn't even take time to watch her serve before she's taking the next ball to try again. After the second one she goes through the motions of her approach first, then tries again. Every one has more power behind it and with every serve I can see her getting more worked up instead of more tired like a normal person. This is where she thrives, I can tell. Volleyball is her coping mechanism. I just hope she doesn't need to cope with me specifically.

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