"Everything okay?"


"Do you want me to wait?" Harry asks as he puts the car in park.

"No, that's fine."

"You sure?"

I nod. "Liam and I will find a way back."

"I don't mind," he insists. I smile at him and lean over the centre console to kiss him.

"I know. Don't worry about it," I assure him. He sighs and I kiss him once more, letting my lips linger a little longer this time. "I'll call you later."

"I'll be at my house."


He smiles as I step out of the car, swinging it shut and starting towards the field. Liam told me he was close to the main entrance so I walk through and look to either side, thankful that I took one of Harry's hoodies with me. It's surprisingly cool for the beginning of April. I've seen some tourists walking around in shorts and t-shirts, but for those of us from here this is like winter.

When I spot Liam he hasn't noticed me yet, leaning forward on with his elbows on his knees, his hands cupped over his nose and mouth. He doesn't look good. It's not until I'm at the steps that lead to the bleachers he's on that he even moves.

"Liam?" I call, walking towards him on the cheap-looking metal. He looks over at me and attempts a smile, but it looks like more of a grimace. He faces forward again as I sit down next to him, the cold instantly seeping through my jeans. Instead of drilling him with questions I just sit with him, waiting for him to tell me himself. We've been friends long enough for us to understand the other, and while my relationship with Harry has tested the strength of our friendship I know now that he's my best friend. Whatever he needs, that's what I'm here for.

"Remember when you came home with me for Christmas?" he asks finally.

"Last year, yeah."

"My sister had just had a baby." He smiles slightly and stares blankly at the field. "That was fun."


Liam rakes his hands through his short hair and I can tell whatever's on his mind is causing him turmoil. He doesn't get like this often; sure, things bother Liam, but he deals with them and then moves on with his life. But this is different and I can see it by the lack of colour in his cheeks and the dark circles under his eyes.

"Liam, what happened?" I slide my hand over Liam's back and he hangs his head low.

"Me and...Tal and I are-"

"You're still seeing her?" That's a surprise; he told me months ago that they were officially done with their little arrangement. "I thought-"

"We weren't," he says quietly. "Aren't. But...a while ago I was out at a bar with Niall and she was there with some friends. We..."

Oh. "You went home with her." He shakes his head. "Then what?"

"I went home with someone else."

"Well...that's not so bad," I assure him. Sleeping with someone to get over someone else isn't unheard of. I don't think it's exactly the best way to try and move on but it's not the end of the world.

"I didn't...it's happened before."

"Is she..." He nods again. At the beginning of his relationship with Talia he told me that he made a little mistake. He saw someone he's known for a while, a girl he dated in high school or something. They ended up hooking up and Liam felt horrible, but he wasn't exclusive with Talia yet so they managed to move past it. Now I guess he was with her again. "You slept with Rachel again?"

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