"I know your type Harry."


"I don't get it."

"Oh my gosh, Harry. She has cancer. How do you not know what lukemia is?"

I shrug and smile at how offended she is that I don't get this movie. "I got the sick part, but now I understand. Terminal cancer. I can see how you'd think that is sad."

"I don't think it's sad. It is sad," she says, looking over at me.

"Is it, though? I mean, it's about her getting to love someone before she dies. That's sort of happy."

"But she dies," she says like I'm an idiot. "That's sad. He's left all alone."

"She dies?" I ask loudly, pretending to be surprised and annoyed. "Wow, Carmen. Thanks for spoiling the ending."

She narrows her eyes at me and I can tell she's trying not to smile. "Just watch the damn movie."

I do as I'm told, but when another sad part happens I'm watching Carmen instead. Her eyes are glossy and she keeps taking deep breaths. She probably doesn't want to cry in front of me, but this is adorable all the same.

I'm honestly surprised she let me in the house. I was really annoyed with the guys so I started walking, and when I got to her house I figured, why not? She's already shot me down once, I could have handled it the second time, too. But she didn't. Now I'm here in her room watching a movie on her bed. That, to me, is major progress.

Something is bothering me, though. When we slept together we were at an apartment, but she clearly lives here and not there. Where did she take me and why didn't she just take me literally across the hall to her room. Why take the trip across town? I get wanting privacy, but if that apartment is hers then why does she live here? I want to ask her, but Carmen is closed off enough as it is and I don't want her pushing me away again. At this rate I figure we're almost friends. To me we are friends, but I know to her we probably aren't. This probably gets me closer, though.

I catch her wiping under her eyes a few times, but she doesn't make any other obvious moves to tell me that she's actually crying. The movie actually is good, but it's fun to tease her about it. After the girl dies and the movie is done she sits up and switches the lights on.

"So that's a Nicholas Sparks movie."

"I think I'm going to have to see a few more," I say, tapping my chin. "I don't think I can decide if I like him on just that one."

She laughs. "Alright. Next time you don't want to hear your roommate have sex you can always escape here."


She looks up at me with wide eyes, like she just realized what she said. I should have just gone with it, why do I have to question every nice thing she says to me? I probably sound like such an asshole, assuming she's always mean and stuff.

"I can't safely assume that you won't hear the same thing from one of the girls, but watching a movie can usually drown it out," she says, smiling small at me.

"I'm not going to lie, the girls on your team don't seem to be the most pleasant people," I whisper. She laughs.

"Yeah, they're a little rough around the edges," she agrees. "But they're like family to me now."

"Is your family far from here?"

She stiffens slightly and immediately I know I shouldn't have asked that. She sits up and hangs her legs off the edge of the bed.

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