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"Don't get ahead of yourself, you've only known her a few weeks."


Some things in life are predictable. Like what your mother will say when she catches you sneaking in past curfew or what colour the sky will be when you wake up tomorrow. I don't mind much either way, but these few predictable aspects of life give some people a greater sense of control and as a result, a happier go at life. Yes, there are something things that are definitely predictable. In this case, Carmen is one of those things.

Most of the time she keeps me guessing and most of the time I find myself reacting to her emotions instead of anticipating them like I normally can with girls. This morning, though, was a different story. Waking up alone in her bed was exactly what I figured would happen.

I know that I pushed my luck last night- or this morning, rather. As soon as night turned to morning I figured if I stayed I would eventually either fall asleep in her bed, or she'd cave and let me stay. Either way, there was a good chance that I'd be sleeping in the same bed as her and as simple as that is, it's something I've wondered about since the time we did a little more than sleep in the same bed. My physical attraction to Carmen is undeniable, but I wanted to see if I really wanted her in more ways than one. I was right about that, too. It's an odd thing, feeling so completely attracted to someone but at the same time wanting to simply hold them instead of doing anything else.

So, waking up in an empty bed without Carmen next to me didn't surprise me at all. She had texted me early to tell me she'd gone for a workout with Kayla, so at least she's not avoiding me completely. Texting is something.

I know she's probably feeling a little weird about letting me stay, questioning everything and wondering if she should bother with me at all. And I know that I could talk to her and reassure her like I've done multiple times already, but I don't want to. I want her to realize on her own that she wants me and that she doesn't have to be so afraid all the time. I need her to see that, because I can't spend who knows how long convincing someone to be with me.

When I get back to my house Liam is eating breakfast. He takes one cursory glance at the clothes I was wearing yesterday and his whole face falls.

"Where were you last night?" He asks like he already knows the answer, and he does.

"I stayed at Carmen's." I sit down at the table across from him and the expression on his face looks like he just swallowed a bug. "Nothing happened, Liam."

He rolls his eyes. "You expect me to believe that?"

"Believe whatever you want."

"This is you we're talking about, Harry."

"Thanks, Liam. I really appreciate hearing your opinion of me." I stand up and get some juice for myself.

"Don't act so wounded. You did sleep with her without knowing her name, remember?" he says, turning in his chair to eyeball me.

"I did know her name, I just didn't remember it." He raises his eyebrows. I realize that was a weak argument. "Forget it. Look, don't worry about me and Carmen."

"Don't worry," he repeats. He scoffs. "Right."

"I'm too fuckin' tired for this. I'm going upstairs."

I'm not in the mood for Liam's judgment and temperamental big brother attitude. Just the other day is was teasing me with the other boys, laughing along and even throwing in a few crude comments. I thought we were past the protective thing where I'm the bad guy. Not that I don't mind Liam caring so much for her, obviously that's a good thing. It's just that I don't get why he's so convinced that I'm going to her her. If anything, she's the one that's going to be hurting me.

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