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"You don't have to explain."


"Nothing happened? Like...literally nothing?"

I roll my eyes at Liam and walk into our psychology lecture. "No, Liam. He walked me home and that was it."



"Because...I don't know. You've both been depressed since you broke up, so I though at least one of you would take advantage of the alone time."

"Liam, I was wasted off my ass," I remind him. "Harry was sober. He wouldn't do that."

"Do you not remember how you met him?"

"We were both drunk. Different situation."

He just laughs as the prof comes in to start the class. More than one of my friends have been confused about what happened with me and Harry over the weekend. I miss him like crazy, but he was right to end things. Before we can actually be together without all the extra bull shit I need to figure my own stuff out. Like my issues with my parents and how to let Harry into my life completely. Because at this point, it's impossible for me to be all in. And I want to be with him. I just don't know how.

When I saw him talking to Nicole it was...it was like being punched in the stomach, really. They weren't even doing anything, but the way he smiled at her was just too familiar. It wasn't a polite smile, he was genuinely happy to be talking to her. I've met her a bunch of times because of Ivy; she's a little rebellious, but she's definitely not a bad person. I would love to be able to warn Harry about her, tell him she's bad news and to stay away. Unfortunately I would be a really bad person and a liar.

I'm over reacting, obviously. They had like a five minute conversation before Harry came to 'rescue' me from dancing on that table. I don't want to fucking look into the reasons behind that mistake, but let's just say that I'm glad Harry came inside and carried me out of there. Literally. I kind of thought I'd get a little more time to figure things out before he moved on. I don't even know if he's moving on, but who wouldn't if Nicole was the option? She's gorgeous and easy-going. Completely Harry's type.


I look up at Liam, standing beside me while the rest of the class files out of the room. Apparently class is over, and when I look at the empty piece of paper in front of me it's clear that I have a problem here.

"Sorry," I mutter. "Let's go."

After class Liam tells me about the latest drama with Talia; they've fallen into an annoying cycle of being friends, sleeping together, having a fight, ignoring each other, making up, and doing it all over again. It's getting tiring; I have a lot of stress from my own relationship and Liam's is adding to it. Their problem has a simple solution; if it doesn't work and you're not happy, don't do it. If it does and you are, then be together. In between the two sucks. I would know.

When we get to the little cafe near where most of my classes are to get coffee, a familiar beanie-covered head catches my eye in the corner. For once there's books in front of him instead of his phone or something not school related. Across from him, though, is someone not school related.

"Shit. Liam, don't look over by the wall, okay?"

"Why?" He turns and I smack his arm.

"I said don't look!" I whisper-shout. "Okay just...just be quick about this."

"I can't make them take my order any faster, Carmen."

"Liam," I groan.

"Okay I don't have to look to know it's Harry, but why aren't we letting him know that we're here?" he asks, finally at the front of the line.

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