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"Oh sorry, is this not allowed?"


"Where's Zayn?" I ask, walking up to the boys that are already kicking a ball around in the park.

"He's not coming," Niall says. "He's hanging out with what's-her-name."

"Mel," Liam says, rolling his eyes. "You have to learn our girlfreinds' names sometime, Niall."

He shrugs. "Maybe I will, maybe I won't."

"At least you remember Carmen's name," I add in, smiling. Everyone looks at me weird.

"Yeah, but I actually like Carmen, she's cool," Niall says. Liam punches his arm. "Easy! Come on, Carmen plays sports and video games and she's so chill. She's not all girly and shit like the other two."

"Who says I'm not girly and shit?"

I turn around and can't help the goody smile that spreads on my face while Carmen walks up to us. She stops beside me and crosses her arms. She's got her hair in the low ponytail she usually wears for volleyball with a headband to keep it out of her eyes. She's also wearing really short jogging shorts and a t-shirt with USC volleyball written across it.

"Wrong sport," I point out, nodding to her shirt. She looks down and eyes me suspiciously.

"Quit staring at my boobs, Harry," she says. She smiles at me and walks past to where the others are and I just laugh and shake my head. After the other night I got endless teasing from the boys, and I'm sure today isn't going to help that. Frankly, I really don't care. I'm going to take the time I get to try and show her that we'd be good together.

When she showed up at the house on Thursday I was shocked, to say the least. I know we had talked about me helping her out with her stats class, but I didn't think she'd actually come over to do it with me. And then she stayed and watched the movie and I feel like a fucking teenage girl saying this, but she actually let me hold her hand. It's so minimal, but so fucking exciting for me. She's not acting like I annoy her or repulse her anymore, she's actually letting me try. And I love it.

"We have an odd number," Niall says, "So, Carmen, you can have three on your team. I'll be nice."

She scoffs. "Don't do me any favours, Horan."

He raises his eyebrows and we all laugh a little. "Alright, then. Carmen and Louis against me, Harry and Liam."

"No chance," Louis says, high-fiving Carmen. "You guys are never going to win."

"That's really impressive smack-talk," Niall calls back.

"Shut up and give us the ball," Louis says. Niall kicks the ball over to them and Louis talks quietly to Carmen, strategizing I guess. Apparently we're taking this seriously.

"Okay, so....let's not let them win, okay?" Niall says to us. "So Harry, try not to keep the ball for too long."

"Hey! I'm not that bad," I defend. They both roll their eyes. "Guys!"

"Ready?" Carmen calls to us.

"She's fucking good," Niall says quietly to me. "Don't tell her I said that, though."

"Carmen! Niall says-" He covers my mouth with his hand and Carmen just laughs whle her and Louis take a drink. I don't even know how long we've been playing, but it's been really fun. And Niall is right, Carmen is really good at football. I didn't think she'd be bad since she's obviously athletic, but I didn't expect this.

"Okay, next goal wins," Liam decides. "I have to head home after this."

"Alright," Carmen says. She runs for the ball and passes immediately to Louis, who gets around Liam and then passes forward to Carmen. She goes up against Niall with some pretty fancy footwork and ends up getting around him. I take my chance to get the ball from her and when I get in front of her she smiles at me.

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