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"You could show me that oh-so exciting field you were talking about."


Is it bad that it still surprises me a little to wake up next to Carmen? The spiderman sheets do make it a little surreal but...I'm not sure it's something I'll get used to. Carmen, I mean, not the sheets. She looks much younger when she's asleep, much more peaceful. There's no worry in her eyes or frown set in her lips. She's always beautiful, but I wish she could just be a little more care-free about her life. She thinks too much.

She's finally sleeping soundly and I don't want to ruin that, so I carefully get out of bed without waking her. It's so fucking pathetic that I don't even want to leave her here when I'l be just downstairs. So it's fine. So before I can convince myself to stay I kiss her forehead and shut the door behind me on my way downstairs. When I get down there my mother is already making some breakfast. She shakes her head when she sees me.

"I'll never understand why you can't wear just a little more clothes," she says, referring to my boxers while flipping some bacon.

"I'm a free soul, mother. Plus, you should be happy that I feel so comfortable with my family."

"We would all be okay with you being a little less comfortable." She smirks at me. "I guess Carmen ended up in your room?"

I laugh. "Looks like it. Neither of us could sleep."

"Why's that?"

"Jet lag?" I shrug. She smiles. "What?"

"Whatever you say, darling. Looked like you were sleeping to me."

"Okay, fine! I like sleeping in the same bed as her. There, I said it. Stop drilling me with questions. We didn't do anything."

"Harry, I'm just teasing, I don't need the details," she says quickly, holding her hand up. "I said I'm okay with it, I didn't say I wanted the play by play."

"The play by play would have meant some-"

"May I remind you," she says loudly, interrupting me, "That you're still my baby and I don't want to know."

"You brought it up." I stand and get a mug for myself, pouring some coffee. "Wasn't Gemma supposed to come yesterday?"

"Yeah, but she got called into work so she's coming today sometime. Is Carmen still asleep?"

"Yeah, I think she's pretty tired." She nods and I shift awkwardly. "Mum I...can I ask you something?"

"Of course," she says, stepping over to the fridge. When I don't say anything she sets down the eggs in her hand and stands in front of me. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just...I was wondering what you thought."

"About what?"

"Carmen," I laugh. "This whole...thing."

"You'll have to explain what's actually going on, then. You never really told me." She takes the bacon out of the pan and goes to the table, sitting in her usual spot and waiting for me to join her. When I sit down I'm not sure how to begin. How do I explain this to her?

"We're not together, exactly," I start, running my fingers through my hair. "We're not seeing other people, but we're not officially a couple or anything."

"But you want to be," she concludes. Without having to think about it I'm nodding my head in agreement.

"But Carmen is..." I sigh, smiling small. "She's stubborn and she doesn't trust people."

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