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"I don't have to tell you everything Harry."


"I'm bored," Carmen says, tugging my earbuds out of my ears. "Aren't you bored?"

"I'm watching Thor."

"I know. He's hot, but I'm still bored."

"He's what?" I raise my eyebrows and she taps the screen.

"Chris Hemsworth. He's gorgeous." She pushes the cover of her window up and down a few times and I laugh a little, reaching over to bring her hand away from it. "Let's do something."

"We're on an airplane," I remind her. "There's not a lot to do."

"Okay....we could get really drunk!"

"It's an American Airline, we aren't old enough."

"Damn," she mutters. She leans back against the seat and sighs, my fond smile not fading any time soon. The rest of break after Christmas was amazing. We both got really drunk at the New Year's party and ended up having sex on the floor in my Mum's friend's guest bedroom. That was a fun night. The last week we spent going around to different places in town, shopping, she spent a bunch of time with my Mum and sister and we had an amazing time. It couldn't have been more perfect and now going home seems really sad.
"I can think of something." I lean towards her more and she perks up, turning her head towards mine. She gasps a little right before I kiss her, but her hand pushes against my chest almost instantly.

"Harry, everyone can see us."

"They wouldn't be able to see us in the bathroom," I whisper. She laughs a little and shakes her head. "Come on, I've never done it on an airplane before."

"We can't."

"We could."

"No," she laughs. "We really can't."

"Come on, it's not that weird."

"That's not why."

"Then what?"

She sighs and rolls her eyes. "Take a hint, Harry. I have my...you know."

"Oh," I laugh, sitting back again. She sighs and I pat her leg. "I grew up with girls, you can say period. I don't mind."

"We're not talking about this."

"You can tell me. Cramps? Any cravings? I can see if they have chocolate."

"Harry," she laughs, hitting my arm when I turn to look for a flight attendant. "Cut it out."

"It's so weird being here," Carmen says when we finally get to her place after the cab ride back from the airport. "It's so boring and normal-looking."

"You'd rather be in England?"

She shrugs. "I get bored of being in one place for too long."

Interesting to know. Carmen yawns and leans her head against my shoulder; I don't think I could get any happier. Honestly, it's the strangest feeling, something I didn't even know was possible. I didn't know people could be this happy. I feel like there's a smile on my face all the time and it's creepy as fuck but not something I can help at this point. Carmen just makes me that happy.

"You're sleeping here, right?" She tucks her legs up on the couch, her knees falling onto my lap as her body relaxes.

"I can if you want."

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