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"You've got a problem, I think."


Another day of classes. Another shift at the restaurant. Another stupid fucking party with my friends and other random people that I don't care about at all. Going through the motions and playing my part is getting old, and it's not getting any easier. It won't take much longer before I snap or break down or something.

I don't know where everything went wrong. Whatever I did and whenever I didi it, I still have no idea. It's been twenty-three days. Feels like a lot longer, but apparently that number is right. The boys have pointed out my moping, so I'm trying not to do that anymore, but it's just a matter of not making it obvious. I'm disappointed, frustrated, and honestly just sad. I don't know what went wrong.


"Can't we just stay home?" I ask, swinging mine and Carmen's hands between us. She laughs.

"No, we never do anything," she says. "We have to be fun college students."

"I can think of a great way to do that."

"And what would that be?"

"Staying home and watching The Last Song. We haven't seen that one yet," I remind her. She laughs again and shakes her head.

"Suck it up Harry. It's just a few hours, then we can go watch all the sad movies you want."

When we get to the house with the group of us I feel something drop in the pit of my stomach. It just seems like a bad idea to be here. Even though Carmen isn't drinking and I don't plan to either, I have a terrible feeling about tonight. When do frat parties ever end well? They don't. Not in my experience, at least. My last girlfriend fucked another guy at the last frat party I went to. After that I pretty much avoided them.

"Last chance," I tease, though I'm not really joking. Walking up to the front door makes my feet feel like lead.

"We'll have fun," she promises, pulling me through the door.

End of Flashback

Fun. Let's just say, we didn't really have that much fun.

The amount of times I've replayed that night in my head...I can't even keep track. If there was something I could pinpoint...something I did or something she saw that would have made her so upset with me. But I can't. There's nothing I can recall that would have made her act that way.

Or to explain why I haven't seen her since.

Twenty-four days.

School sucks now. I've never hated school that much, though I really don't like the extra work. Class? Fine. Homework? No thank you. But now it's like I'm constantly looking for her, trying to see if I can spot her and just make eye contact. I feel like then maybe I'll be able to see if I really have no chances left. She's not the kind to give many, so it doesn't look good for me.

Three classes. Seven hours on campus, all of my spare time spent in the library to see if she'll come at some point. But she doesn't. Liam said she's not avoiding it because of me, but that's probably a lie. Plus, that topic has officially been banned for him and I. He doesn't want to feel put in the middle. So the better solution is to allow me to lose my mind. Apparently. Wouldn't want Liam to feel uncomfortable.

There's an obvious solution, right? Guess where I'm going right now.

Tuesdays mean six o'clock. Not that I know her whole schedule or anything...I mean, some things I guess but it's stuff anyone would know. Their schedule is online. Not that I checked.

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