"I just think that when it comes to Harry you're a little naive."


"It has to be big."

"My house is going to be destroyed," Liam groans. He's helping me to plan a party for Harry. His birthday was a few weeks ago, but with all the drama lately it kind of got lost and we didn't do a whole lot. We all got him gifts and we got Chinese food and he didn't seem to mind at the time. I still feel bad that because of all of our drama- mostly my drama- it wasn't that special. And a person doesn't turn twenty-one every day.

"You guys used to have parties all the time," I remind him. "It'll be fine."

"What are you doing?"

"Trying to find a good theme that won't make us all look like losers."

He laughs. "Themes are lame. Good luck."

"What about a beach thing? We could get some tiki lights and those flower necklaces. Maybe have like a blow up pool for drinks?"

"That's alright," he says. "Low key enough."

"Is there a party store around here?"

"Carmen, he's not going to care. He'll be too drunk to remember what you're doing for him anyway."

"What?" I ask, letting out a weird choking kind of laugh. "What does that mean?"


"Okay, are you two fighting or something?"


"Liam, every time I mention Harry you say something snippy like that. What's going on?" I ask, turning in my seat. He shrugs on my bed and picks at his nails. "Liam."

"It's nothing."

"It's something."

"I don't want you to yell at me," he admits.

"Only if you deserve it," I joke, smiling as sweetly as possible. He laughs and pulls himself up to sit on the edge of my bed.

"I still don't get you two."

"Me either, I have no idea what we are right now."

"No," he says. "I mean I don't get why you're even still spending time with him. How are you not over it yet?"


"You guys are so different, Carmen. You're too good for him. He forces you into shit you don't want to do and look how well it's worked out! You guys just don't work. He practically forced you to be his girlfriend and you guys crashed and burned faster than even I thought you would," he says frustratedly.

"What are you talking about?" I spit. "Liam, Harry is so good to me. Plus, we're not even together. We're just friends."

"Yeah. Now. I don't get why you're still spending so much time with him. You could be going out and meeting people and going-"

"Why the hell would I want to do that? I didn't do that before Harry, why would I want to do it now?"

"Because you're not dating him, Carmen. And you shouldn't be either, so why not?"

"Why not?" I shut my laptop and stand from my chair. "Because I don't want to. Harry is so good to me, Liam. He's nice and supportive and yeah, maybe he pushes me a bit. But the way I see it that's good for me. I feel more like myself since I met him than I ever have and if you have a problem with that-"

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