"Will you come with me?"


I need a bigger bed. Definitely need a bigger bed. Something is always hanging off the edge or the end and it's a really old mattress so my neck almost always hurts. Plus, if Carmen is going to be sleeping here then I'm going to need a bigger bed. Not too much bigger, though, because in this damn twin sized one she always has to be close. That's kind of nice.

But right now I'm a little too sprawled out for there to be another person here with me. When I open my eyes and reach out to the side there definitely isn't a Carmen. And I'm fucking sweating. Seriously, this is why I never sleep with clothes on.

I sit up and put my legs over the edge of the bed, rubbing my hands over my face and then through my hair. The ever so slight smell of bacon hits my senses and I smile, standing and heading downstairs. Carmen's blonde hair is piled on top of her head in a messy bun and she's standing in front of the stove. Zayn and Louis are already eating and when I get down there.

"Hey!" Louis pulls out a chair and waves at me to sit. "Come on, Carmen's making breakfast! It's amazing."

"Carmen can't cook," I say, leaning against the fridge behind her. At this she turns around, glaring at me with narrow eyes. I'm trying really hard not to smile but I don't think it's working because she smiles too.

"Can so."

"Sorry, yeah. You can make toast. Sometimes."

"Well I'm proving you wrong right now with my incredible bacon and french toast."

"Great." Apparently my mind is still sleeping because before I can register what I'm doing I'm walking up behind her and kissing the back of her head. She pauses for a minute and my whole body freezes. Slowly she looks up at me and I just shrug. Who knows why I did that. Automatic, I guess? Or maybe because I'm fucking stupid.

"I used up your eggs," she says quietly. She looks down at my lips quickly and turns back around towards the food.

"That's fine."

After a minute I turn and sit down beside Lou, him and Zayn already giving me looks. They'll be making fun of me later, that's for sure. I mouth 'fuck off' to both of them and Louis laughs. I don't even want to look at Carmen because I think this is one of those rare times where I'm actually blushing.

Have you ever been so completely confused by yourself that you don't know which way is up? That's how I feel right now. All the stuff between me and Carmen and my own fucking feelings and the decision I made to end things...I don't know what's happening anymore. No fucking idea. But she's here with me and right now that's got to be good enough.

Carmen sets a plate in front of me and I smile at her. "Thanks."

"I owe you," she says quietly. She puts her hand on my shoulder and I feel a strange jolt of electricity. Before I can try to decipher it she's gone to the stove again.

"So, who doesn't love Fridays?" Louis says, breaking the weird silence. "I say fuck going to class. Let's ditch and do something fun."

"Ivy is going to come here and personally take you to your classes," Zayn says. "Ol' ball and chain."

"Shut up."

"He's right," I chime in.

"Yeah," Carmen says. "She'll skin you if you skip again."

"Guys!" Louis shouts. "Don't bring me down!"

"You go to class while we do something fun," Zayn says. He laughs and Louis folds his arms. "Carmen, you in?"

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